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Everything posted by Invective

  1. Mmmm, I know this. If you're talking about blue balls I'm fairly sure that is actually a recognised medical condition (not a life-threatening serious one Agreed though, as nice as it is to spend time sleeping with someone and getting closer to them (I love it as well) the lack of release does make me sore on the drive home the next morning, and often for some hours after that.
  2. Hmmmmm. I was walking with my gf back to her apartment so she could get some socks- she didn't have any on and we were going bowling. She was very silent and seemed depressed, and had been talking about the country of her birth and the future and a bunch of deep and meaningful things... She said she had something bad to tell me, but wouldn't tell me until the end of our date. So what did I think? Of course I was freaking out, she went in to her apartment to grab some socks and I told her I'd wait in the car, only I couldn't sit down, I was pacing back and forth even though it was cold outside, with my mind racing. When she came back outside she saw how stressed I was and told me what she had to say, which ended up being some (to me) totally insignificant thing to which she thought I'd react badly. Then we hugged, and she re-assured me that she wasn't going anywhere, and through experiencing that fear of losing her I realised that I loved her Can we extend this topic to when we first realised our SO were in love with us? Because that was a little earlier for me, we were lying in a park cuddling and making out. She was nibbling on my earlobe a bit, then she stuck her finger in my ear to clean out some wax, flicked it away and continued kissing me. I was blown away by that. She didn't say anything, and did it in such a nonchalant manner that I just thought 'Wow, this girl is really in love with me.' She'd said the words earlier than that, but I guess it hadn't really sunk in...
  3. Haha... I've been chased before, but it's only been a few times, and always by a girl who I have no interest in, the kind who has difficulty comprehending words with more than two syllables, and whose favourite conversational topics include how R&B music of today is terrible compared to R&B music of two years ago, and how much she digs Paris Hilton. Of course I've done my fair share of chasing girls who were not ever interested in me, so it's not like I blame them or would suggest to they give up on it... Like it or not, 9/10 times that's how things have to start, one party is interested and shows it!
  4. This sounds familiar. I was constantly single up until very recently (I'm 22), and I was so tired of hearing from all my coupled-up friends about being able to be happy within yourself. And when they'd break out of their 2-year relationships, they tell me how awesome being single is for a whole two weeks before they couple up with someone else ](*,) . *ahem* I have to be straight up mean here. Don't tell yourself this. It's foolish and untrue. I think the only thing people on this board can type that'll possibly make you feel better is that, well... You're not the only one. Don't think that you are. 21 is still young to be finding actual romance, believe us.
  5. Yeah, honestly, I have experienced very tough times with this, and as a guy, I have no suggestions as to how to feel better. I went for so long with no relationship, I began to barely even give a * * * * about sex, I just wanted someone to be close to me, someone to be *comfortable* being close to me and not pull away... Being a guy, no-one expects, and we're I suppose trained to not actually want another person being physically close to us. It's really hard, and yes, nights I felt my skin crawling just craving for someone to touch me
  6. Perhaps he's worried about something in your relationship changing. Perhaps he believed he was ready for sex, but now that he feels the full gravity of another person being involved he is unsure. To me it certainly sounds like he's worried that once you have sex, that may either become a new focal point of your relationship OR that perhaps it will somehow fundamentally change the way you both behave together, in that he feels you both may have a harder time with the innocent fun you used to have once 'sexual fulfilment' appears on the agenda. As for solutions? Search me Give it time and re-assure him with respect to the strength of your relationship.
  7. I was introduced to this game by a friend of a friend, who was a nice bloke and we were getting to know each other better at a party (as friends, not romantically). Simply, one person names an object, or even a concept, and the other person has to tell a story that contains that object that has happened to them in real life. After the story roles are reversed, and repeat as often as desired. Note that even if you can't think of anything really interesting, even the most mundane occurrences still may help you to get to know the other person better. Also note that telling a story about a book you've read or movie you've seen that contained the object/concept is allowed, because you can extend the story to what you thought of that particular film or book etc. Examples, his first object was 'traffic light', so I told him a story about the only traffic infringement I've ever got; running a red light. Then I said 'garden hose'. He told me that where he's living at the moment they don't have a garden hose, so their lawn is dead and it hurts to walk on it with bare feet. I tried this with my girlfriend when I was getting to know her, and I asked her to tell me a story about a river. And I discovered that about two years ago she went on a boat on a river which sank, and she nearly drowned (she doesn't swim).
  8. I am a sucker for girls who can appear (whether they're just playing at it or not, haha...) innocent. Girls who are young at heart and think the best of everyone are a great foil for my cynicism Also, I like girls who are comfortable with silences, but can talk a lot. I don't talk heaps, but I really do listen to people, so if a girl can talk at length about things I feel way less stressed because I don't need to constantly come up with fascinating conversation topics And if we're not talking, a girl that can be comfortable with silences while I take my time thinking up something to say is fantastic. Physically, I'm fond of petite ladies. I don't tend to chase after the tall buxom blondes, but prefer women of smaller stature who I can wrap in my arms and of whom I can feel protective
  9. Y'know, it's been said that of all the things alcohol might make you do, dishonesty is not one of them. That could be bad advice... But most people lose their inhibitions when inebriated. So he could just be letting down his guard when he's drunk, and that means he's being truthful when he says he loves you I always dislike the debates over saying 'I love you', I mean it's all relative to the person saying it, words mean diff things to diff people.
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