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Everything posted by desertnomad

  1. I honestly think I must be unlovable...at least long term. Nothing has ever worked out for me or the cat 8/ Its never enough not nearly.
  2. Yeah feeling some serious depression myself these days. My ex well she doesnt look bad but I see the evil in her eyes now. scary..not a very nice person thats for sure. I am like you LS I think about her and miss her sometimes but then I also think about all the horrible things she did to me this year and blamed me for her bad behavior.
  3. Hey we might have to turn this into an AA group..j/k 8)
  4. Yeah I survived but still sick and took the day off of work. This sucks. 8( The cat doesnt usually wear anything its a nudist.
  5. Somebody said and I forget who that success isnt really measured in how much wealth you have but by how many obstacles you have had to overcome in your life. So maybe despite all the crap you and I and alot of others on here are going through one day if you can get to 80 or a 100 and overcome it all one step at a time you will be able to look back and see that your life was a success because you didnt let it break you...almost but not quite. Those are the unsung heroes in my opinion. You never gave up though you may have every reason to. I think about wanting to die some days myself. But its not a valid choice. Choices leave you options but suicide leaves you no options. Who is to say that that is the end anyways? Life is a marathon. Dont quit halfway through because you are tired. We all are. Hang in there. I know its not easy.
  6. Sorry to hear you had a bad night Sandy 8(...yeah sometimes people make fools of themselves and its embarrassing to others.. sometimes temporary insanity takes over when our feelings are hurt
  7. Uhoh I just read that ecoli is coming from taco bell and I am sick and I eat taco bell all the time including the green onions they say its coming from. What are the symptoms of ecoli? If you never hear from me or the cat again you know what happened.....8(
  8. Hi grant , welcome to ENA. It is tough and alot of people here know what you are going through. Not exactly because I think every situation is different but the stuff like not eating and being on emotional roller coaster is all to familiar to me. That is very good advice. Your right. In a way it is you against the world now. Finding a hobby has certainly helped me along with staying in touch with people on here. Even the cat has helped. Stay in touch and keep posting here.
  9. The cat will have to deal..although I am hiding all the knives tonite.. yeah the only way to get ripped apart is by trusting someone but maybe the only way to keep from staying ripped apart is...by trusting someone.. sounds like a catch 22
  10. you know that sappy song 'only love can break a heart only love can mend it"? well yeah its sappy but it may be true... when someone steps all over -lies, cheats, deceives you... the only way to heal is for someone else to come along...
  11. wow that song makes me want to get a sex change..and the cat to
  12. Well I think back on my life and I was in the same position six years ago! Alone at xmas. And its not just xmas thats just one day... Yeah I have more acquaintances now and a better job but essentially I am in the same place as I was. All that hard work and effort for nothing. Trying with my ex to get to a better place and we did. I know she wasnt all she tried to appear to be but I accepted her. She didnt accept me good and bad. Is that just a pipe dream. Because I have never found it.
  13. I think dyt was up late lone yeah but the solitude is killing me and depression is getting stronger. I have found people when I wasnt looking but it never turned out to good for me.
  14. Good morning everyone...I was thinking on the bright side, no after holiday let down for us huh? We will be glad that xmas is over. As for me I just put on blinders and refuse to notice anything xmas. I actually saw some decorations in the mall yesterday for the first time for a second and then looked away. I havent been doing so well myself lately..or the cat (it has a large hairball) I dont think I will ever find anyone ever again that will 'fit' right with me. My ex and I did get along very well most of the time at least on the surface.. *the cat gives beebee a hug*
  15. the cat said it doesnt know where the beer is *the cat lets out a loud belch*
  16. Well good morning everyone, just catching up on the thread dont have much to add here yet. You guys are the best. Hey only one we are missing here these days is TBD that right LS? That move on thread was pretty good too. Fortunately the weather here will be almost 80 today so that will help my mood a little.
  17. I agree Z dogs are the best...I might get one also if I buy a house next year
  18. very good idea there LS, beebee has been checking the main page, the cat has a tracker
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