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Everything posted by desertnomad

  1. haha thanks for your one cent prettyview..I agree with your post i just dont know if I am looking for anyone in particular. I just see whats out there and it looks pretty scary. Even the cat is afraid.
  2. I think all the nice ladies are already taken. I have some friends but the ones I am talking about I cant even be friends with them.
  3. Ok well I just have to post here because I amfeeling dam depressed. I hang out with a bunch of people and they are alot of women mostly. They are cute and all but honestly most of them are real b..... I mean I look at them and think I couldnt trust them to meet me at a club if they said they would no less anything that really matters. All of them. I know I have trust issues (who doesnt) but these women all seem like they want you to kiss the ground they walk on. They can do and say anything they want but dont you step out of line or your on the sh*t list. Im tired of that. Just find me someone real whos fun to be with and can carry on a good conversation. Is that to much to ask?? So though I have people to hang out with being around most of the women I have met really gets me down. And the next day I just feel awful. Feel that same old confused feeling I had when my ex was around.
  4. I try not to ..I just took a little nap actually
  5. Oh sandy we could never forget you whats a 'nice' girl? inquiring cats want to know
  6. Im here Sandy!! but...you arent anymore, did you go to the moon too? 8(
  7. Oh yeah it was very fast paced..dont even remember it 8)
  8. Well the cat and I went out for a poetry event last night at a coffee house. The cat insisted..it wasnt my idea. The cat ended up drinking 7 shots of espresso..cuz it found out poetry was really borrring. We did go out and look at the stars for a few minutes as it was still bitterly cold here. I think what was really on my mind though was finding out two days ago that my ex had a whole nother online life going on for the last two years we were together. Posting poetry and having best online guy friends and sharing her heart with them but not me. It definetly was emotional cheating. Not the posting poems part just the deep emotional connection she had with other guys and not me and leaving it all a secret. Felt like my whole life the past 4 years was a total lie. Sorry to hear about your situation Lone. It does give it a real sense of finality doesnt it? I think I meant someone last night for the first time that I might really be interested in and who knows maybe visa versa.But if not no big deal theres alot of people out there certainly who arent as deceptive as my ex. And if I can meet someone anybody can heh. Your definetly on to better days my friend. Hey Camber..I have a friend at work who is going through the same thing. He is still living with his wife of 7 years though his divorce is final in two weeks. They plan to live together til after xmas. I dont understand that at all but I can see what hes going through. Its pretty awful. Hang in there. Vynde, good idea I would like to get out there again also.
  9. Hey it was 28 this morning brrr actually thought about turning on the heat. 8)
  10. haha so I am a senior. Now people might start taking my advice 8P j/k On a side note the cat says the voices are now getting stronger and that it never complained about me to anyone 8)
  11. I was a bit buzzed last night and bumped my head so I already saw stars but I will go look tonite anytime even though its also nipple popping cold here in the desert. brrr
  12. Woohoo! But what will everyone else drink. Thanks! Fairy dust makes the cat sneeze
  13. Haha yeah or that you saw a shooting star and wished for them back
  14. The first Xmas I was without my ex-wife in 2000 I pretty much put the holidays out of my mind. I tried not to focus on anything festive like decorations or lights or xmas music. I pretty much just put blinders on and tried to take it as another day. I will admit it was still tough. This year will be my second xmas alone. I have more friends now but it will still be tough thinking about my current ex and the times we had the last four years together. I am just going to do as much as I can with friends and I will be working on Xmas day as they pay almost 3x my regular salary. I think volunteering is something I will be doing also to get my mind off of things.
  15. Hi everyone, Sorry I drank all the rum last night. 8)
  16. God I still get seriously depressed some moments. I cant remember a time in the last 5 months when I was really happy. I remember being happy with the ex. We had alot of good times. I have done alot since she left but it doesnt replace her smile or that feeling I had when we were together...despite the fact that there was the stress of the relationship sometimes. I dont think I will ever find that again.
  17. A party tonite is just what I need. Oh yeah Jamaican Rum. Definetly some of the best.
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