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  1. Going to do in what respect, you mean if i am pregnant or him?
  2. It wasn't a fecked relationship when this was planned other wise by no means would i have gone through with it!
  3. I fully understand if you didn't care you wouldn't waste your time on me, and i also know where your coming from about STI's ect ect. My miscarriage was due to not knowing about my diabetis and my sugars were too high as i wasn't on insulin then. This won't be an unwanted pregnancy. Same as my other wasn't an unwanted pregnancy. You may say im too young to cope, and people shouldn't have babies at such a young age. My mum had my brother at the age of 18 and went on to have me and another baby and she is a good mum. And i'm sure many other people would agree. I wouldn't have un protected sex if i didn't want a baby. Im quite away of the concequences! Things were fine when we started trying for a baby. Its only in the past few weeks things have gone down hill. I will take it into consideration what you have said though. Thanks
  4. Not been awful but can we leave my sex life out of this. I came on here for some advice on my relationship. Not on wether i'm using contraception or not. I get enough roastings from my diabetis nurse.
  5. Thanks for your replys. I know im very young and don't take this the wrong way but i know all about STI's and condoms and everything. I know what your all saying is right and deep down i know in my self something needs to be said. I deserve better than to be cheeted on or taken for a mug! Like i've said to other people on this forum, its easier said than done. Im not scared of what his reply will be even if he says he is cheeting, Im just scared of wrongly accusing him incase he is all incent and its just me beign paranoid. I think im going to speak to him today or write him a letter maybe. Thanks once again for the reply guys! Jen x
  6. I know what your saying but im scared of asking incase he flips goes off on one and he's telling the truth and then leaves me because of it. I really don't know what to do. Im in bits becasue of it!
  7. Where are you from? Do you not have a family planinng? You don't need a perscription to get a M.A.P from there!
  8. Hi, either way, if you move or he does its a long way for it to go títs up. Not saying it will. If he feel's so strongly can he not move in with you? That way you not left in the lurch if things were to go pear shaped? Hope things work out for you! If you feel he is pressuring you then you must say so!
  9. You need to ask your self if you trust her! If you do you need to move on and forget what she told you. If you don't then there's no point been together. I know its easier said than done! Hope things get sorted. x
  10. I know how hard it is to say goodbye to the one you love. I can't bring my self to do it!
  11. I don't really know your situation but that poem is really touching. Hope things work out for you. x
  12. Hi, I know this is easier said than done but you need to talk to him, either meet up or right him a letter and tell him how you feel other wise things won't change. If he is dumping you then he is a coward hun. But seriously you need to chat or things will stay the same! Good luck. Hope you sort it. x
  13. Hi guys, am new to this site, my first post. Just wondered if anyone can give me any advice. I've been with my boyfriend now for 7months next week and i absolutly love him to bits but im finding it real hard to trust him at the moment! I'll give you an idea of whats going of between us. 4 1/2 months ago i found out i was pregnant and my boyfriend and i were over the moon, but 2weeks after finding out i had a miscarriage and it brought us even closer. It's still hurts so bad because of it but i've stayed strong and trying to move on but not forget as i never will. Not long ago i read his e-mails and found out he had been e-mailing a gay guy! These e-mails said lets meet up have some fun ect ect. As you can probably guess it was a massive shock. But i left it thinking it was a joke. And as far as im aware nothing has ever become of it. Then whilst the world cup was on we went to the pub for every match, but then one week when they were playing we was short on money so he said would he mind if he went alone and i stayed at home. So i said yeah thats fine. Saves money we don't have. Hecame home pissed up and i decided to have an early night, i woke up at midnight to find him on the net talking to a friend of mine and she was on cam. As soon as i walked in he switched to some other thing he was doing. I asked who he was on cam to and he oh its just Lauren. So i thought fair do's. I know she wouldn't do anything dirty as she's my mate. He came to bed at about 12.30 and he just fell asleep straight away. I had suspicions some was not right so i went through his phone. And my friend Laurens number was in the call list and it had 2 calls to it. I took the number as i didn't have it anyway. I spoke to her the next day on msn and she told me he was bored and he asked for her number, She said he told her he didn't love me anymore. I'm not sure who to believe. So anyway, he has just started a new job and it seems to be going really well, he starts at 7am and can finish as late as 8 or maybe 6 if he's lucky, he always helps a mate out at a pizza shop delivering for them. He's a lazy guy, only has a shower if he can be bothered. But recently he has had a lot of showers. And tonight has come home and said his mate needs him to work tonight for the last hour an half as soeone has to go early. He didn't smell when he came in yet he had a shower, put some after shave n ect ect. He went out of the door and said bye gave me a kiss and that, then text me saying whats up with you misery guts. I just text him saying im not well. I'm just upset the fact i never see him anymore, he never wants to spend time with me. He used to take me to work all the time and never does anymore. Or hasn't for the last 4 weeks. Say that i would be too hot sat in the car all night what with having the nice weather. Just want some advice from people who have been in this situation or a simular one as im going out of my mind wondering where he is and if he is lieing to me. I also think i might be pregnant again and don't feel as though i could go through it all alone! Sorry to rant just need to get my feeling out! Thanks for reading guys! xx
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