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Everything posted by missbrittanyy

  1. Getting married is just a "title" if you will. you're already common law. and by being together for this long, you've pretty much silently announced your vows to one another.. you're together.. you're both happy. why the need to push it?
  2. classic way to tell a girl you like her. i think if somebody did that to me, i wouldnt much consider them worth my time. she however, went on a date with you, and held your hand and what not, and you had no positive reaction to it. my guess is she probably said screw it. if you really like her, just keep hanging out with her, and perhaps you'll grow on her, and she'll let you try again. perhaps this time you shouldnt be such a pussh
  3. sorry he was into coke before we met, not very long tho, he was into coke, severely for nine months. before hand he had the "ideal life" most people would want, he has a good job actually, and makes good money, he's doing his last year of apprentacship, for im not exactly sure what he's called, he does steele studd framing and what not, and is building the hospital here where i live. he could support, me, him and his baby just fne, with the money he makes. but again, that's not what im asking. i dont need to be "supported" im an independent person and relying on some one, no matter who they are, seemms useless to me
  4. we've both been together to get tested. it was something he offereed me to do. so that's not anything i worry about. of course i get deffensive. because i didnt ask "so is my boyfriend a piece of * * * *, and should i just move on" .. i see something else in him.. i know him personally. i know how much better he is now, sense he's been off the junk, and i know what he was like before he was on it. he used to be a religiouse person. he didnt lose his verginity until he was 20, he never wanted to marry somebody out of his religon, he pretty much applied his hole life around it.. and i know it's what he eventually, wants to do. you can only get your lfie on track so fast. and i dont see why i shouldnt be with him, i know how good of a person he is
  5. I liked a bestfriend once. he was hoplessly in love with a girl who ALWAYS was cheating on him, and it made me feel like * * * *, because she was still better than me, and i thought i could give him the world in a nut shell, but as his bestfriend, it was still my job to be there for him the countless times she cheated or he found a new girl, or whatever else. honestly if you value your friendship, the best you can do is suck it up, and be her BESTFRIEND. like you were before. she's not leading you on, and she's made it clear her feelings for you are not mutual. don't make her pay for your jealousy problems if she means as much to you as you say she does
  6. by the sounds of it he's using you for easy sex. (im not calling you easy, it's just somethin he doesnt have to try for, he knows it's always there, and he can do as he pleases, and come back for more when he so choses to) i think the best thin you could do for your self is find somebody else.. and do things to occupy your self. so you're not always readily available, and maybe when he asks you to "hang out" .. you say something like "oh sorry im going on a dinner date with so and so, maybe another time" .. regardless of if it's true or not, and you won't seem like an easy mark, that gets his * * * * wet, and he won't treat you that way. if you really love/like him. maybe let him know, that youd liek to go to a deeper level, rather that just a sexual one.
  7. you're very correct. i don't know her side of the story. and i completely understand her not wanting her son around somebody who had a problem with drugs. however he doesnt any more. even though it's very possible he could slip back into his old life style at any time. i think he deserves a chance to experiance fatherhood. and it's not my job to support her. she's not even his ex, she's some girl who put out for him one night. and they're both jehova whitness' and so she expected him to just "man up" if you will, marry her, and take care of her and his baby. i know all of this for a fact. perhaps getting involved with somebody who had a coke addiction wasn't the smartest of choices.. but it happened, and i love him, and i just want it to work out.
  8. thanks. i've never been a big believer in "things being meant to be" .. nothing happens with out a little work, and a lot of effort as far as im concerned.. so i've just had a really hard time, leaving it in faits hands. i just really hope that, he realizes we can make it work, =( .. and i guess sense this is my first semi long - term relationship, i haven't really mastered the concepts of how to make them work.
  9. hey; i made one of these forum account thingers, because i've been having a really hard time with things, and pretty much felt like i have had no where to go.. not a very great feeling, and im sure all of you know. I have been with my boyfrined, for seven months. He's 9 years older than me.. but it really hasn't been an issue.. until lately, im starting to notice how we are both dealing with different things.. and where it could cause problems.. When i met him he was severely into coke.. i've always been the type of person who's wanted to help people.. i dedicated pretty well my whole first semester of school to - waking up in the morning.. gettin dropped off at school.. detouring to his house.. put him to bed.. (after a long night of junking) .. i'd wake him up mid after noon, make him eat, then put him back to sleep... i thought this was a start.. i was pretty much wrong.. and i was just curing him, for another week of junking and drinking whatever he could.. the best lesson i've learned from this is.. you can't change somebody who doesnt want to be changed.. (you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink).. after a little while, my boyfriend told me he had a baby on the way, with a nother girl; he decided he owed it to his baby on the way, himself, and to me, to change.. so he left for about two weeks, and pretty much quit coke cold turkey.. he came home, and things were really good, he moved out of the coke dealers house he was living in, and moved in with his parents for a while.. then he slowly has been getting his life together.. on march 9th i do believe, his baby was born. and the lady he had him with, didnt even have the respect to call my boyfriend and let him know.. (and my boyfriends tried so hard through out the pregnancy.. askin her if she needed money, or anything, and she pretty much treated him like he was nothing but the sperm doner).. eventually after three week of the baby being born, she let him know that "he could see his son, but it was a supervised visit that HE payed for, and he could only see him for 30 minutes" .. my boyfriend was some upset, but he just swallowed all his pride, and went with it.. the baby is almost a month month and a half old. and he's only seen his baby twice.. an hour in total.. i thought that him having this baby, would be something i could deal with. and it's not that big of a deal, because i love him and i want to take him as he is. but some times i get a little hurt that, regardless of how much him the the mother don't get along. my boyfriend shares a life with somebody else. and i've been acting a little selfish lately.... it didnt even cross my mind really how bad my boyfriend was hurtiing, because he wanted to be apart of his son;s life, and she wasnt letting him be, all i could think about were other problems, the one that were coming into our relationship and i was expecting him to deal with, right at the moment.. or he'd go to the bar with a couple of his friends.. and i couldnt help but always think the worst.. (him cheating on me.. ) i wasn't really aware of any of my actions, really until we got in a huge fight on thursday, both of us yelling, crying, screaming. then friday we had a sleep over, and things were getting a little better.. then last night he told me he needed some space, and all i did was guilt trip him, and push him away more.. i feel like a complete idiot. im not good at expressing my feelings. or letting him know im upset, with out being childish, and because of our age diffence, this isnt really acceptable.. i want to give him his space, but im scared he's not going to come back, or he will find somebody else. i've noticed, now that it might be too late. how immature i've been acting, and i just need to know what i can do, i just want things to work out between us.. how can i control my unacceptable behavior.. how can i stop always just thinking the worst when he goes out with friends .. sorry for the length of this. i just really need help -brittany
  10. That's good, im glad he forgave you.. i gues for some people love is enough
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