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Everything posted by monsieur

  1. well, it seems to me a psychological 'mindset' is a factor in relationships, if two people end up together, things change..... example, a couple that never could see each other together share an intimate moment for who knows what reason, and from then on they both see each other in a different light, ... and vice versa, a situation where a women might really like a guy, but he does something somehow that she doesn't see attractive one day, and that changes her mindset for him forever and his chances are extremely reduced So if a person can just get over that initial stage to where intimacy is possible in both of their mindsets, it wouldn't then matter as much where the rest of the month went for her moods.... but if a guy picked the wrong time to try and woo a girl's heart, and she felt adverse to it at the time, that impression would stay with both of them and may doom any possible relationship forever.
  2. thanks for the reply, when you say 'around' do you mean just before AND just after? ... and as far as sex drive goes, it seems to me (correct me if Im wrong), but if a girl can't possibly imagine having sex with a guy (even if it is a concept for the far ahead future), then his chances of getting her to love him are slim, but if she feels a 'drive' toward him, her feelings toward him may be that much more open to the potential of love..... so a guy trying to emotionally connect with a girl for the first time might have a better chance at these times? am I at all possibly right? This is such an important thing for me because I may only have one chance, so every possible thing must be perfect for the situation, if I blow this move it will change everything in my life forever.
  3. I hope this doesn't offend anyone, but it is a serious question that has been on my mind. Is there a point in the monthly cycle, or a range of time, when women feel more receptive to falling in love or becoming infatuated with a guy? Conversely, is there a part of the month where meet ups for the hope of love are much less likely to be successful? Do women long for love more the week before menstruation, or the week after? two weeks after? I need to make a potentially life changing move in a relationship I have, and I woulld hate to doom my chances by picking the wrong time for mood and chemistry reasons. thanks so much for any thoughts
  4. you realize that makes you very NOT nice, is that the karma you want honesty is nice, making excuses that are just a veiled lie is not nice
  5. It's really hard when you are extremely attracted to a girl. It is hard not to fall more and more in love with them over time. It may ruin your will to even think or bother with other girls. It is a risky path to take, as she may or may not change her mind and love you back. Some of us have no choice but to follow our hearts though. Good luck!!
  6. the heartless sarcastic answer I would expect back
  7. I agree. I must wait for the right time, though. and I know, the longer I wait the more chance I am wasting my time and heart, but I honestly feel it is worth taking that chance. Thanks again, Dogg, even if I seem hard to get through to, I am taking all of your advice in and really appreciate your thoughts.
  8. thank you for your advice and thoughts, diggity I'm so deep in this with my heart already, I am going to have to ride it out, for better or for worse.... I still have hope, there is still a chance, you are right it is possible I could end up alone and unhappy, but to give up hope now would make me extremely unhappy now. I am going to follow my heart, and do everything I can to charm her. And I am extremely attracted to her, you are right, but sex is only a small part of the equation. I want to love her, I want her to love me.
  9. How did this thread get so off? It seems to me it is mostly the bad boys that do the getting the girl drunk thing. I'm a nice guy and I sure don't do that kind of stuff, I don't even hardly drink myself.
  10. it is sad... rejection hurts bad, it hurts deeply inside, it is painful, it hurts your self esteem, your self confidence, if it happens a couple of times it can really get to you... many of us would just much rather avoid the pain.... some people seem oblivious to the pain, they have stone cold emotions when it comes to how others rate and value them, it doesn't phase them..... some of us on the other hand are very sensitive inside, rejection hits us to the root of our hearts... the pain is real and for many of us it is not easily forgotten.
  11. although the rejection might hurt him deep inside so badly that he won't even try for "the next girl"
  12. Yep, emotionally, I couldn't be in any deeper. I am still hoping that life will turn out good, I know for many people it never does.
  13. I totally feel for you bro. I am in exactly the same situation. Gorgeous girl, we are both single. I am absolutely head over heels crazy for her. We go out all the time, Saturday we went to the gym together, yesterday we went out for dinner, we are making plans to go shopping on Wednesday. I have extreme feelings for her and they are growing more and more, yet she is totally happy to stay in friends mode. It is driving me crazy. I can't even look at any other girls, a supermodel could walk up to me and it would do nothing for me... this girl has me in every way imaginable, she looks absolutely stunning, her personality is perfect, I care for her deep in my heart so much. She has touched my soul more than any girl ever has before, and I have had 4 long term relationships in the past, this girl has touched me deep inside more than any of those ever did, and yet we haven't even connected completely yet. I wish so much that she could feel the same way for me that I feel for her, I am still hoping with all my heart every single day.
  14. seems to me the system is not working very well for a lot of women too, lots of women have bad stories to tell of their love lives
  15. orgasmistofu: height in women is great, never be self conscious about it I'm 6'3 and if I spot a girl that is 5'9 or 5'10 or 5'11 I always take another look or two, really attractive.
  16. don't get me wrong, I accept that women like a nice guy I think it is just an unusual militant heartless type of woman that fills up the website with their hatred like the heartless btches website. My last point was more on the lines of why do some women hate guys that have pushover tendencies? Why hate that? I would think a thoughtful caring guy that wanted to get along and thought the world of a girl would be a perfect partner. Pushover should be far preferable to bully.
  17. Why are guys that have a bit of a 'pushover' tendency so hated by so many women? Us easygoing passive non-confrontational guys are pretty good hearted you know, it's a shame you hate us so much. And it is not about claiming to be a nice guy. I can be super nice but a bit of a pushover and it seems to be drawing hatred from many women.
  18. the analyzing and stuff is ok, but you must stop the 'treating him like crap' part of it or you will never be able to keep a guy that you like even if you mistreat a guy and then try to make it up to him, if you do that enough times he will eventually dump you every morning when you wake up, say to yourself, 'I will not act that way', you need to keep reminding yourself, and if you do slip up you have to realize it as soon as possible and work against the tendency, with a real effort you should be able to
  19. wow!! that was a great post, I think you have said it really well and it makes so much sense. reading on that heartless btches site was so depressing, it is back to the old caveat that you shouldn't ask women for advice on women. I am not going to wholesale change the way I am, I will stay being nice, I may be a bit boring but it would be wrong for me to change. I may put a girl I like on a bit of a pedestal, but I still believe a deserving girl will deserve that and be able to enjoy that. There is still hope for us, and we shouldn't change because of the heartlessness in this world.
  20. another thing, the author writes and generalizes about the 'spine' thing, but in reality I think very few guys have the 'spine' thing as a deal-breaker with women, but these heartless girls use it as a justification for why they don't like nice guys. If a girl is spineless she might not be the best match for my passive personality, but if she likes me alot and I like her alot the spine part is not an issue at all. I actually love a woman with a spine, I am very passive myself and am a great match for someone that is more dominant and I am completely happy to let her make decisions like where we eat and even let her order for me at times. That is my personality, and it meshes well with a more dominant woman.
  21. no, Im not trolling, the article left me sick to my stomach, I had an image in my mind of the woman writing it in all her self righteousness. I found a definition on the site that I did like though, it is as follows, and the unhappy women out there should read it and take note maybe: Nice guy: Someone who wants to date you, then marry you. Would never cheat on you. Optional: thinks you're just the greatest thing that ever lived.
  22. I read your link and it is very depressing to me that some women think the way the author of that article does. It is fitting that it is on a site titled 'heartless * * * * *es' reading more of the comments on that site it is very depressing, they completely ignore the facts of what men have to face as being the rejected and women being the rejectors, and come from a premise that women have no responsibility whatsoever for how the man feels inside. The women that wrote that are just out to justify the fact that they want to be submissive to an 'akkhole' type guy and put down the nice guys that tend to be easy going and full of heart. It is a depressing read that really confirms the evil that is out there in this world and if my heart wasn't filled with such longing staying single would be the only logical choice.
  23. I guess you have a point, but if I am getting love along with it my tolerance quotient goes up majorly.
  24. I often might, I just don't feel the urge to fight and it really doesn't bother me enough. I get over things really quickly and don't hold grudges, so I am pretty easy going that way and can put up with alot without it really phasing me.
  25. I know how you feel, funny how opposites seem to end up together and make it so both are not as happy. I would love to find a girl that is just as attentive and obsessed as I am, that would make a perfect match and a great reassuring relationship.
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