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Everything posted by LootieTootie

  1. Molly, I hope you left this deadbeat. You're so much better and when you love, I can tell you love with all your heart. But you gotta learn to love yourself first in order to know you aren't going to waste time on guys who don't value you and love you enough to want to progress. Don't settle for this bum who can't even give you a straight answer where his money go. You got your whole life ahead of you to be stuck with this sad man and his sad life.
  2. Did the right thing. My husband and I love animals but adopting a pet is like adopting a kid. You can't bring a kid in to the scene without each other's ok. I don't think this woman is who you might think she is. Like others have said, she seems self-centered (not a team player), disrespectful (doesn't value you), and impulsive (who just buys a dog without thinking about their living arrangement/plans at the moment?) Don't overlook these red flags.
  3. Sending you positive vibes, limi. You've stayed strong thru it all and this is good news you definitely needed to keep fighting for justice. I found what happened to you just infuriating and I'm happy to hear the detective didn't quit on you.
  4. After writing this essay, let it be clear why you should go.
  5. If you don't have access to her friends or family, I would just go check. Your intentions are sincere. Sounds like she is going thru a lot but 5 days with no peep, maybe she does need someone to check on her if she's at least ok and her kids are ok.
  6. Terrible Two.... There is such a thing... I learned that firsthand 4 years ago. I was very close to my nephew when he was 1. Then it's like a light switch when he turned two. What a MONSTER! Yelled at me! Screamed at me, would covered his ears when he didn't want me to tell him a story. That used to always work when he was 1 to get him to calm down. He even hit me several times. Then he got over the terrible 2 phase and now he's an angel and such a goody two shoes. Be patient and just wait til she's over the terrible 2 stage.
  7. You should understand where you stand. If you say no to this coworker, then don't expect any well wishes. The end.
  8. No you weren't wrong. This guy seems lazy period. Is he a team player? No. Looks like he does the bare minimum to keep you around, and then fight to do the minimum. Ask yourself, are you worth the bare minimum?
  9. If you have friends/acquaintances or even old colleagues that you know are really good at looking at CV or Resumes, I would message them for a favor. Another pair of eyes, the better. Good to hear your actively searching. Your sanity and health are so more important than money or reputation. Be kind to yourself, Rue.
  10. Obviously he doesn't want you enough to change. If he had realized he needed to grow up, he would have jumped on the opportunity long time ago. Time to accept him for who he is instead of making excuses for him.
  11. Ruede, Are you actively searching for other jobs? The reason I asked is because every time someone is obviously unhappy at their current job, and it's not their fault (especially in your case), I wonder if they are actively searching? If not, why not? If yes, what are you doing? I got a friend who complained so much about the condition of his job and the treatment he got. So when I told him I was hiring for a senior analyst position (he is a jr analyst) he was thrilled and then got cold feet on the day of the deadline. I believe it is because he has been working for 6 years as a jr analyst that he doesn't want to go somewhere and start fresh, not knowing what is on the other side.
  12. Sorry to hear, Sera. My condolences to you and your family 😔
  13. It sounds like you both got a history of slights and drama. When I hear people talk about their "friend" doing and saying x and y to them, I wonder why they stayed "friends" or even remain friends? Is there a shortage of people out there that you are just picking whoever is willing to talk to you? And are you really doing her a favor if you are expecting compensation for feeding a rabbit? I watched an acquittance's dog (a 1 year old Australian shepherd) during thanksgiving week while working from home. And I didn't expect anything in return. Just HOPE... hope that maybe one day if we need their help with my dog they will happily help us without expecting compensation. I guess I am old school too.
  14. This is why I don't lend but give away. Because that means, I have no use or care for it. You need to write this off and by that, I mean write this friendship off. If you need a copy of the books, check https://www.thriftbooks.com
  15. I feel like we are not getting the whole story. How did you meet this guy? Also why don't you just get a new number?
  16. Stopped reaching! He has already told he doesn't see you more than a friend. Dating is hard but keep yourself preoccupied with friends, hobbies, and extracurricular activities. You can be single and happy.
  17. What catfeeder said. You need to stop engaging. My ex-bf even when I blocked him on phone and email, three years later he reached out to me via yelp! I had to deactivate my yelp account. Of course I could have told him, "sorry I am now happily married. Leave me alone loser." I didn't. Do not engage. Some people are just so toxic that when you are out of their reach, you need to stay that way!
  18. Hun, it's not a good sign. You been together for 7 months and you're telling me he is still figuring out what he wants? If he was inclined to choose you, you would not be in this situation 7 months in to the relationship. Meaning relationships take a lot of work and it takes two. This guy might like you but he doesn't like you enough to put that extra work in. I have a similar story to bolt and we might as well have been dating the same guy. Knowing I was just a convenience to this guy, it bruised my ego and made me second guess myself after - never thought I would say this about someone I was very compatible with and someone with great chemistry with. Luckily I cut it off 3rd month when he uttered "don't want to put all my eggs in one basket" speech. Then get this? I met my husband right after. So give this guy a week as you've planned. Me, personally, I think he has had sufficient amount of time to figure out what he wants. Just imagine the next time you guys have another disagreement. I wouldn't be happy with someone sulking or wanting space for 2 plus weeks.
  19. I got it an email by a friend who found it online. I got this a LONG time ago when I was 20. I just turned 37 not long ago, haha. I am not sure who wrote it but hey you can definitely tweak it if you like.
  20. OP, I implore you to come back and write your perspective when a decade has pass, and the decade after that, and so on. It's strange because I once read this online when I was 20 and I couldn't relate but now I Can! Sharing with everyone reading this: A Geography Of A Woman Between 18 and 22, a woman is like Africa, half discovered, half wild, fertile and naturally beautiful. Between 23 and 30, a woman is like Europe, well-developed and open to trade, especially for someone with cash. Between 31 and 35, a woman is like Spain, very hot, relaxed and convinced of her own beauty. Between 36 and 40, a woman is like Greece, gently aging but still a warm and desirable place to visit. Between 41 and 50, a woman is like Great Britain, with a glorious and all-conquering past. Between 51 and 60, a woman is like Israel, has been through war and doesn't make the same mistakes twice, takes care of business. Between 61 and 70, a woman is like Canada, self-preserving but open to meeting new people. After 70, she becomes Tibet, wildly beautiful, with a mysterious past and the wisdom of the ages; only those with an adventurous spirit and a thirst for spiritual knowledge visit there. The Geography Of A Man Between 1 and 90, a man is like Iran, ruled by nuts. *Sidenote - I disagree with last sentence LOL I'm sure it's a joke.
  21. Sorry to hear you have covid. Hope you recover soon. I think this might be a midlife crisis situation but then again, nobody really knows what why when or who except your wife. What anyone knows is really what she has been doing or not doing. I think your eldest is correct, she cares more about her new life. Kids are perceptive and typically when they are pre-teens and in their teens, they aren't as forgiving. You can't make it up to them that easy. Her first priority should always be her young children and she has left that role. If you are hoping she might come to her senses and come back home, ask yourself if you will be willing to forgive and forget. It is hard to trust someone after they do something so compulsive and turn it around to just blame the other party of not seeing it coming. Are you 100% you want her back when you know she might do this all over again without any warning?
  22. Congratulations, Jibaltra! You are too good (for them) and too smart to be stuck in a hell-hole job so I am beyond happy for you. Vindictive bosses will be hard to walk around after you put in your notice. I had to worry about a vindictive colleague and he actually just gave me the stink eyes here and there at the end of my stay and I would give him a smile and wave. He actually wrote a thoughtful message to me on my last day so kindness goes a long way. When I put my 2 weeks notice in for my old job, a lot of my friends-coworkers asked me why I was leaving. I couldn't believe why they even asked when they've complained privately to me about how the job and people at the job. I think the only person who congratulated me was the CEO haha... My answer was just "I need a change." Which is true but I could have said a lot of other things that were true and my coworkers would have agreed with it because I know them. But I also know it would be bashing the employer and who knows, since I am leaving, it would get out that I was bashing them in the end and they would make it hell for me. So I kept it to "I just need a change." Then there was that question "How long have you been looking for a new job?" I would just say "Oh I've always looked occasionally just to see what's out there even before this job. I'm just a curious person." I don't know why but a lot of my bosses were wondering if those "sick days" I called in were for interviews and yea they were but who cares! I don't know maybe it would make good gossip. Any way stay professional and kind when it gets out that you are leaving. And if Simon gets you riled up, have a mantra to say to yourself in your head to calm you down. Mine was "In ______ days, you will no longer worry about this circus show."
  23. Yep, I was friends with everyone at my old job including my bosses. The ones that were playing office politics were people I've dined and drank with, met their families a handful of times (for four plus years). The bosses that listened to me but did nothing - I still like all these people. I just don't like their work style that have perpetuated a broken working culture. This type of work culture is a constrained work environment. People who want to grow because they know they can perform better in other areas (me) or people who like to problem solve (like you) will never thrive in constrained work environments. That to me, has always been a top to bottom problem. I know people are going to say "Hmm that's everywhere you go." No it's not. That mentality people have is also why people stay in these sh8t places. In the end, if you have crappy bosses who don't want to manage, bosses who don't want to hear any criticism, bosses who arent open to change, bosses who don't care about their employees' mental state, bosses who lack the foresight - the work culture will suffer and work isn't work any more. It's a toilet hole environment. I would just be happy your time there is coming to an end and just keep thinking about that and not focus on anything else.
  24. I think you handled it well. The work environment is toxic and you shouldn't have to push a heavy rock up the hill every day you show up to work. It becomes a matter of "what's the point?" I think you finally hit that moment and you handled it well because you're right. What's the point? You are leaving any way and these guys are still turning it around to "well you are not performing up to expectations." They want you to shut up and do your work, like most shytty bosses. In the end, they are just another example of companies that don't know how to keep smart and capable people and they keep wondering why they only have incompetent or lazy workers.
  25. Pulling for you, Jibralta. I feel like when you start taking mental heath days off, it's time to look elsewhere.
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