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Everything posted by cantthinkofone

  1. lol thanks those are good accept the bean cans those dont weigh much but ty those are all good ideas.
  2. hi im 18 years old i dont have a membership at a gim dont have time but i was wondering if anyone knows of any good workouts i can do at home i wiegh around 180lbs and want to lose about 15lbs and get toned if any one knows any good wokouts i could do at home plz tell me Thank you.
  3. you said u only gave him a blowjob how in the world can u get pregnant from a blowjob?
  4. dude wat gender arouses u more man or woman? plsu i wouldnt worry like chblueguy says u body proly jus geting adjusted to wat it likes. plus why do people look at porn? to see a man and a woman screw, so those people that are looking at it put them selfs in the place of that man thats screwing the woman maybe thats wat arouses you? is you put ur self in place of that man and thnk of scewing that woman
  5. m8 none taken i know i could never be gay its not in me i wasnt raised that way plus i would never want to discrase my family. being gay means loosing ALOT of things in your life like who u really are, your family some of your friends, in my opinion dont be gay talk to some one like ur parents if u tell them that u think u might be gay but u dont want to be gay im sure they will understand and help u. unless your parents arnt that kind of people no offence i dont know ur parents but if there nice im sure they will do everthing they can, if u cant talk to you parents bout it talk to your bro or sis if you have any. or some one you can really depend on and trust good luck m8
  6. dude take pictures of ur penus and masterbate to that see if that does anything. try looking at more pictures with chicks in them and drop the guy pictures and try looking more into softcore pictures jus with nude chicks in them posing or with nude chicks playing with them selfs or lesbian pictures accualy better yet move to videos look at lesbian movies. forget that guys even exist 8) good luck m8
  7. im a chrisitian but im not gana tell you to be one or shove the bible in your face i don do that BUT killing you self wont do a thing umm cuting your self wont do a thing drinking and taking drugs wont do a thing, you have to think about you life and you have to choose you own way were you want to go and wat you want to do and i STRONGLY agree wit tobereleased its up to you to decide if you want to be depresed all your life you mined is stronger than you u make it think you want to be depressed and thats wat you will get if u make it think you want to be happy u will be happy fined the good things in life and use THEM forget about the past look to the future go to a church and tell them your problem they will help good luck.
  8. just a question but does he think about you the same way? that you are the only one for him. and why cant you get hold of him is he bussy wit work or his parents dont let him call you or somthing? and why cant he jus pick up the phone and call you? kinda weird.
  9. she proly sees you as a lil bro she never had, so drop it and move on trust me you will meet more girls later in life plus your life is only jus beginning live your life as a kid for right now dont worry bout dates and gfs you will get to do all that stuff soon the heart brakes the fights you dont want to go through you wont fined "the" perfect girl now so enjoy your childhood as much as you can for now. but having girls as friends is kool it will get you expirienced in wat you would want in a girl.
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