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  1. I believe my Boyfriend and I are just meant to be together because we were together close to three years and than he broke up with me and we were separated for a year he tried it with other girls and I tried it with other guys but it always came back to him and we have been back together for about 3 weeks now..its so hard because we cannot see each other very much and sometimes he really frustrates me because he can never just pick up the phone to let me know he is alright and it really hurts me..but I have realized that no matter how many times he hurts me I will never stop loving him..if something major ever happened I would have to leave but I just love him too much to ever go anywhere else unless he cheated on me or betrayed me some how..I'm sorry I just really needed to vent..I mean how do you keep yourself busy when you can only see each other once a week or once every few weeks..does anyone know things we could do to make the time go by slower...I just miss him so much..I have been trying to get a hold of him but nothing is working and I am really getting worried..I have cried myself to sleep the past few nights..I just dont know what to do. thanks for hearing me sheena I just love him no matter what whether that is love being blind I dont care because he is the most important thing to me in the world.
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