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Everything posted by SherrySher

  1. Husband and I got our vaccines yesterday! We're both doing great. Our arms are a bit sore where we got the injection, but nothing major. Happy, and relieved.
  2. Wow, you and I are living the same life right now, seriously. I could have wrote that word for word. I started having palpitations/arrhythmias about a year back. It was only now and then, but it's become a lot more frequent lately. It is frustrating to go to ER and it doesn't show up! I too an booked in for a holter. It really does feel weird for your heart to either skip a beat, or go too fast for a few seconds, doesn't it? I have never had it happen in my life. I just hope it gets sorted. The sooner the better. Yes, they mentioned SVT's a few times, so I am thinking mine are along the same lines. I am also booked in for my first vaccine. It's an odd kind of happy/excited/fearful type of feeling. But once it's done and I make it through, I know I will feel a sense of relief. I hope you're all doing well. I have been doing a lot of work on other projects, so I haven't been around much at all. It's good to hear that you're all doing well and made it through your Covid jabs. xx
  3. Retracted. Didn't realize until now that this is an old thread.
  4. They're really cute shoes! I hope they fit too, great looking shoes.
  5. Jibralta, have you watched "Maze Runner"? You might like those movies too.
  6. No high fives here either. I would have the same opinion of a man doing this. It's taking advantage of someone young who is vulnerable. As someone has already said, 40 something is the adult and knows better. If they decide to engage in this kind of situation anyhow, then I just see that as pathetic.
  7. Same. The whole situation reeks of either desperation, mentally unstable or borderline pedo. I'm sorry but it does.
  8. It's a pretty straight forward dynamic. He's a horny kid looking for sex..anyone who pays him attention will do. You're an older woman needing an ego boost, you somehow think younger means better or more flattering (even though he could be your child!!). You are basically using one another and it will amount to nothing but a toxic relationship that will burn out quickly. There's nothing mysterious or exciting about it to be honest, it's fairly ho hum in the way of two desperate, lonely people using one another.
  9. You've been with him for 7 years...how is this just coming up now? People with poor hygiene usually start off like that and don't all of a sudden become unhygienic unless they are not well or become depressed....is he either one of those?
  10. Sorry if I missed this, what is the green zone? Is that a good thing?
  11. Update on my family member and friend. They had a rough go and I thank god that they are both okay. My mom's friend had to go into hospital due to covid, she was quite sick and on oxygen, meds etc. She was nearly put on a ventilator but managed to get better and not need one. She is still in hospital but slowly getting better. My family member was lucky. Their health is not the best, but they managed to stay out of hospital, although they needed puffers, oxygen, steroids and antibiotics. They are still not over the covid yet, and it's been 2 weeks. But they are managing. Both of them had such a rough go though. I can't believe anyone would think this is like the flu or a cold, it is so much worse. I hope everyone is staying safe.
  12. Thank you, Blue, I really appreciate the support.
  13. Thank you. I am still hoping and praying that everything will be okay. ❤️
  14. This is like a nightmare posting this update. I was going to skip it, but all of you have been so supportive. So, my relative has been admitted into the hospital. They couldn't breathe last night. They have now being given oxygen and all kinds of other tests. They are waiting for their covid result but there's a good chance that it's positive. I am trying not to worry, but this isn't good. Then we got more news, one of my moms friends is now in hospital. They are close to being put on a ventilator. What a day. I am trying to distract as there is nothing else to do right now but sit and wait.
  15. Beautiful work, Seraphim!! I am really impressed. I tried to do something similar years ago and kept messing it up.
  16. I feel your frustration and I understand it, I really do. It's a very trying time for so many and yes, you are so right, the selfish ones are making it a million times worse. I get upset about it too, I get angry, frustrated, anxious, even at times overwhelmed by it. I have loved ones too who are older and could have a health crisis (non covid related) and because of all of those who have now decided to overwhelm the health care system due to their selfishness, there are going to be a lot of innocent people who will pay the ultimate price and it is so unfair!! The best I can do to deal with it all...is walk away, shut off the computer, take deep breaths and spend time watching a movie or listening to music that allows me to shut the world out for a few hours, sometimes even a few days. ❤️
  17. I can relate. I may not confront anyone or say anything out loud, but I am so damned tired of the conspiracy theorists, the selfish people, the irresponsible people, the complainers, etc. It's a mask dammit, and it's staying home till this virus clears up a bit. You'd think with some people, you were asking them to have their leg cut off! Ugh, yeah, it does start to get to a person. 😞
  18. I've said no every time. Yes, red-faced and yes stammering. I don't like confrontations or hurting people's feelings. But I still stood my ground. I am immunocompromised. No matter how careful someone has said they've been, I just can't chance it.
  19. Yes. This pandemic has brought out a lot of truths on different people in our lives and some not so nice ones. I am still somewhat shocked on the ones who refuse to be responsible or are telling everyone to not follow the rules, Covid's not real, etc. Ones I honestly never thought would be like that.
  20. I'll admit, I've had a few people unfriend me on FB for not believing as they did. Not the other way around. I don't mind people having different opinions than me concerning Covid. (yes, even obnoxious ones). I scroll past too and pay attention to my own household. I won't tell people what to do or what not to do. However, I have posted writes up on being responsible, being safe, consider everyone. Not directed at anyone, mind you. But apparently a few found that offensive, because they fully believe that the government has orchestrated all of this and we the sheep are following along?!? It bothered a few of my "friends" so much so, that I found myself unfriended. But that's okay. Whatever helps them sleep better at night. If it makes them happier, I won't be upset over it. Though I have heard many stories of so many people sick over this. Read heart breaking posts on people who didn't get to say goodbye to their loves ones, could only say a few last words over a cam call. An RN friend of mine who reports that there are far too many who are literally dying alone from Covid, as no one is meant to go into the room with them while they are dying. Yes, sometime the nurses do, but even then, the last view the patients see is someone so dressed up in PPE that you can barely tell it's a human. I can't even fathom how some people don't believe what's going on, or how they refuse to see how bad it can be or don't want to consider anyone else apart from themselves. It's shocking, disappointing, appalling, inhumane.
  21. Thank you. 😞 It wasn't the nicest news to wake up to today. I am worried. They both have health problems and I'm really not sure if they will be okay with Covid. Just have to wait and see.
  22. Was given bad news today. A couple family members have now tested positive. To be honest, I'm not surprised. Both of them are anti-maskers and both were adamant that this virus wasn't real and a way for the government to control us. It's a very harsh way to find out that it is indeed real. I am not going to freak out, but rather just sit and wait and see what happens. Despite these family members being frustrating to deal with during this pandemic, no one wants to bury anyone. I really do hope that if anyone is not certain if the virus is real or that it's no big deal, I pray you won't find out the hard way. This virus is more than real. There have been a few people from my city that were well known, in the way that most people recognized them being as my city isn't that big, and they have now passed from Covid. The sad part is, one of the deaths wasn't necessary. This gentleman was one that thought masks were not necessary and didn't wear one. He wasn't old, in his 50's. He is now gone. Please stop playing with fire, there is no need for anyone to lose their lives unnecessarily or to get others sick who might end up in a very bad way because of you. Wear your mask, keep your distance from people, stay home as much as you can. I am now on the wait and see train and hope that my family members will be okay. They already have health issues and although not old, they're not young either. Sigh, am praying I don't have to go to anyone's funeral in the upcoming months. 😞
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