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Everything posted by cranberry

  1. I have tried almost all the deoderants and I always have the same problem. They seem to work the first day or so, and then it's like they almost stop working after that?! I am currently using a gel deoderant and it works pretty good, but it stains my white t-shirts . Does anyone know any good brands?
  2. Yeah that is what I am going to do, MetallicAguy, and I am going to do what Beec said. Hopefully, he won't be with his friends next time. (By the way, this is at the University, so I don't see him in halls just on campus. And I actually didn't start to notice him until he started staring at me.) edit: And one more thing. I don't even know if I really like him, you know. The more I think about it, the more I think maybe I'm just doing it out of loneliness. He is older than me too--I'm guessing 21-23. But then again I find him kind of interesting b/c he looks kinda mysterious, the rocker kinda look. What if he turns out to be a complete a-- that just wants to get some a--?
  3. I was going to do it today (say hi, that is) and he was in front of the library, but he was with two of his friends. He did the same thing again. Looking at me until I was closer. One of his friends though kept looking at me.
  4. She is checking to see if you are looking at her. She is trying to see if you are jealous and/or that you still like her. (If she thinks that you are looking/staring at her all the time then she will think that). This doesn't necessarily mean that she likes you still...If she is definitely staring, then I would say she is still attracted to you. BUt since you said it's more like little glances then she is just checking to see if you are watching her.
  5. There was this guy in one of my smaller classes that used to look at me all the time. Not so much in class b/c he sat in the front, but more when he would be outside having a smoke before class started. Then I started to see him on the days (when I didn't have class with him) outside the library having a smoke at precisely the same time every tues&thurs when I would go to the library. I would see him look at me while I'm walking up from a pretty far distance away, and then as soon as I would be a few metres from him he would look away and then look back again. So I finally got up the nerve to try and say something to him, I was going to ask him something about class, but when I walked up to the library towards him, he was on his cellphone. But as soon as I was opening the door, he said bye, and walked in behind me--but by then I chickened out. Now I dropped this class, so I don't have an opening line to say to him. I was thinking next time I see him outside the library, I would just walk up and say, "Hi. How are you?" What happens if I turn red--I'm 99% sure I will turn red?? I'm going to look so stupid. I've never done anything like this before, and am a pretty shy person. Help!
  6. I have a little bit of flub on my stomach, but I hide it pretty well with clothes. I'm currently working on losing it by running. I did this last summer and managed to lose most of it (but then I gained it back during the winter when I stopped running). So, in the meantime... Is having a little flub a turnoff? If a guy suddenly noticed it, would he be thinking "Yikes...gross"?
  7. I remember reading one of your posts awhile ago, when you told him while he was drunk that you'd like him to kiss you sometime. So awhile later he kissed you (while he was drunk). I don't mean to get all technical, but I saw this post and realized that I had actually learned something in one of my classes. According to my psych class last semester, this is an example of state-dependent retrieval. It is the tendency to recall info learned in a particular physiological state (in this case, being drunk) most accurately when one is again in that physiological state (being drunk again). That is why when he was sober, he couldn't remember anything. So I guess you're going to have to wait until he is drunk again, to ask him more questions about why he kissed you, etc.
  8. Mysterious Girl if you think that there is something wrong with you for being attracted to older guys, then there is something wrong with me too, lol, because I also find older guys to be attractive. In gr.12, I had a crush on one of my male teachers (he was 29). At my work I think one of the managers (not my manager) is hot (he's in his early 30s), and the list goes on, lol. I don't really find guys my age (18-19) to be as attractive. I think it's not really the age...it's just how the carry themselves. Older guys are so much (or seem so much) more sure of themselves, like they are wiser and have more experience just in life in general. I also find it easier to talk to them, because they are more mature, and they must have had lots of practice talking to girls. I say this because I did like a guy around my age, because he had these characteristics--he was a very relaxed yet confident guy. Another thing, kinda stupid but oh well, when guys don't shave for a day--is it called 5o'clock shadow?--I find that..whoa...it's my fav part on a guy...and older guys usually have that. Now about getting over these crushes? Speaking from experience, you have to stop it before it gets out of hand. It's fine to keep thinking that they are attractive, but just leave it at that. Because it's impractical to waste your time daydreaming about having a relationship with one of them (although age-gap relationships are possible, it's unlikely that something will occur). I find it helps if you limit or even completely eliminate the amount of staring you do at them (i.e., from afar), that way you get them out of your head.
  9. Wow. Thanks for all the responses guys! I'd be lying if I said I wasn't thinking of a particular guy when I wrote this question, but I have always wondered about it in general...And putting all 4 pages of advice together, now I have an answer, lol.
  10. Liking someone because they like you, is that a sign of desperation or something? Especially if this person is not the type you usually are attracted to. How can you be even sure that you really do like them?
  11. Well...thanks for your advice everyone...but...I ended up going back to the class I dropped. I didn't really have a choice. The class I wanted to switch into was full. My second choice was also full. My third choice...I can see now why it was still open--I sat in that class and unfortunately was unable to leave--it was absolutely wretched. So yeah I'm back in this philosohy course. The prof is a cool guy but it is hard. I have to reread the assigned text like 2 times to understand it, but I guess "You live, You learn" applies here. *sigh* lol
  12. That class seats about 100 students, and every seat was full. He also said he's probably over the limit for adding students in--he said he added 15 last week. I'm crossing my fingers that my next choice will not be full, b/c it seriously is my last resort (that fits in my schedule nicely). This time I'm going to ask the prof before class starts to get signed-in. When I say check online, I mean it says whether or not the class is "Open" or "Full". It said "open" but it was clearly physically "full", aka ?!
  13. *SIGH* I dropped the course online over the weekend, and today I went to my supposedly new class, sat through the lecture, wrote notes, but when I went to the prof to get signed-in--he was sorry to say that the class was full! It said online that the class was still open though...they really should update their site. So...now I am stuck. I have about 3 other classes to choose from which fit into my schedule, which are kind of like History courses...One of them I am not interested in at all, the other is so-so. I could go to that one tomorrow but what happens if it's full then I am completely #$%^... Then I'm thinking maybe I should go back to the course I dropped...but I missed the quiz we had today (I'm guessing that was around 1-2% of our mark)...Yet I'm still kind of reluctant to write an 8-10pg paper (esp. on a topic I am not passionate about)... Any advice?
  14. Hello, Yes. I've heard about and read of a product like this in a magazine. It's something called a "Dry Shampoo"--It's a powder that you apply mainly to your roots to soak up the oil, and to make your hair feel fresh. I can't remember what brand makes it, but I know there is a few by the more expensive brands, or hair salon brands. Sometimes if I'm in a real pinch and I don't have time to wash my hair, I sprinkle some baby powder on the roots and brush it through with my fingers. If you do that make sure you comb it through good, or else your hair is going to have some white patches. To get rid of the baby powder smell, I spray some perfume around my head too.
  15. Hello. Thanks for all the replies so far. Yet I'm still deciding what I am going to do... I don't think he is a "bad" teacher, just a hard teacher. He is the only prof that teaches this course...(this course is an option, it is not a required one for me) I went to that site Caldus recommended and looked him up. His ratings said what I thought of him. (I was very surprised that they even had ratings for my school.) Unfortunately, for the course I want to switch into, the prof wasn't listed. I had fun looking up my other profs too. Thanks for the site, lol.
  16. I am a 1st year University student and Semester 2 classes started this week. There is this class though--a philosophy course--that I am not too psyched about. So basically I feel that if I dropped this course to switch to a presumably easier course, I feel that I would be taking the easy way out and I kinda feel bad about it. This course (the one I'm trying to drop) doesn't really interest me, and I have a hard time understanding it, and it involves (surprise) quizzes, mini-papers to write, an 8-10pg term paper at the end, a midterm, and an exam (of course). Last semester I took a different philosophy course and enjoyed it a lot more--the midterms & exams were take-home, and I could understand what the prof was saying and what we were discussing. Yet today I had practically no idea what we were discussing, and what the prof was saying. He talks kinda fast, but everyone seems into it (in the discussions). Eventually I would have to take courses with the similar workload so shouldn't I start doing that now,and not drop it? If I keep this course, it would be my hardest one--the one with the most workload, and the one I least understand and am least motivated to do. I think I'm kinda of answering my own question (I think I'm going to drop it) but is there any way I can feel less bad about it?
  17. At work, someone tells me that "Bob" thinks I'm cute. I've never talked to him, he ignores me, but I notice he stares at me a lot. A while later, I am talking to his friend "Jill" and we start talking about him and I ask her to casually mention that I also think he is cute. Then he completely stops staring at me and still ignores me. here is a link to my previous post about him: link removed I think what happened is "Jill" told him everything we had talked about. I don't remember exactly what I told her (since this was at least over a month ago) but I remember we were talking about how he is in college. And I think she thought I was implying that since he is in college (and I'm in University), he's not as smart...but I didn't mean to! So he was "mad" at me for a while. Who knows what else she told him??? I even saw him with some girl at work, and they walked by me a few times. I can give you more details of other things he did if you need them. But now I notice that he's not "mad" at me anymore. He even said, "Hey & How's it going" to me the other day. He stares at me, but it's not as much as before and he does it more discreetly too. So, what does this mean? Does he like me? I just want to be friends with him though...how do I get that message accross to him?
  18. Yes. It means she enjoys your company. She didn't invite that other guy--but she invited you...I think you already know that this is a good sign. It's safe to say he's not your competition. As I progressed through highschool I became more open and talkative, made more friends, etc. That's what happens when you get to know more people, I think.
  19. You mentioned you were the only 2 people from highschool on that bus. Sorry, but I think that he's just talking/flirting with you to pass the time/for fun (who else is he going to talk to on the bus?), because at school all he does is nod at you. If he really liked you I think he would do more than nod.
  20. Hey, she invited you to the church lock-in thing, that is a good sign. I think the way you are handling this--just letting it play out itself (meaning you are just being yourself)--is the best thing to do. I mentioned the ask-her-friend-what-Jane-thinks-of-you thing because I thought that you wanted to know whether or not Jane likes you (faster). But judging from what happened to you last time... Yeah just keep doing what you are doing now. You stayed after school with her (even though you didn't have too), that was a nice thing to do, it shows her you care for/like her.
  21. On second thought, did you mean you bumped into Jane, who was waiting outside that guy's class to talk to him?
  22. Did you mean you and this girl's friend bumped into that guy (the guy that likes your girl)? How bout for clarification purposes we call the girl you like, "Jane" (or whatever name you prefer, lol) I think Jane went a different route that day because a) she was trying to avoid that guy or b) she had to go to the washroom or something. I think if Jane, or any girl, tells you after she hugs a person (or is friendly to them) that she doesn't really like them, I do not think she is dropping a hint that she also don't like you and that she is just pretending to be nice to you. If girls that do this didn't like you, they would drop many more hints. During lunch, for instance, are you and the girl (& her friend) talking consistently/naturally or are there awkward pauses? Does she look around a lot like she doesn't want to be there? Are her answers short, like just a "yes or no"? If the conversation flows equally on both sides, then she enjoys your company. I think girls, being a girl myself and all, are just nice to people even though they don't really like them because it is so much easier to deal with. In gradeschool I remember some girls I just didn't get along with, and it takes so much energy to try to i.e., avoid talking to the girl you don't like. I found that when I was in highschool just being nice to everyone even if I particularly didn't like them was better. I didn't eat lunch with these people I didn't like though... One more thing, you said you are really good friends with a girl (the one who has a boyfriend)? Well does this girl know Jane? You could ask this girl to ask Jane what she thinks of you.
  23. Hey, I just wanted to say thanks to those that responded. I was kind of "heated up" at the moment I wrote that, but I think I will eventually get my license. My dad says he'll take me out in traffic to practice but we never have time--I have a lot of school work plus I work on weekends. So maybe I should make time. So I guess it's more my fault then. My permit doesn't expire for another 3yrs or something and hopefully by then I will have my license.
  24. What did the girl do when that guy took your seat at the lunch table? Sorry to say, but if she "liked" you she would have said to the guy something like, "Hey, you just took orange blood's seat".
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