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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    10 Truths About 'Going MIA' in Relationships

    The Hidden Depths of 'Going MIA'

    Going 'Missing In Action' (MIA) has a profound meaning in relationships. In simple terms, it's when one party suddenly stops communicating without explanation. You text, call, and message, but there's no reply. This silence can last from a few hours to weeks or even months. When the MIA individual resurfaces, they often act like nothing happened, leaving the other person feeling confused and hurt. But there's more to going MIA than meets the eye. It's a complex phenomenon rooted in our emotions, behaviors, and communication styles.

    Understanding the Why: The Psychology Behind Going MIA

    The motivation behind going MIA varies greatly. Some do it out of fear—fear of commitment, fear of confrontation, or fear of hurting the other person. For others, it might be a form of control or punishment. Then there are those who simply lack the skills or emotional maturity to communicate effectively.

    Personal experience has taught me that understanding the 'why' is crucial, yet challenging. Years ago, a close friend of mine suddenly stopped communicating with me. No calls, no texts, no social media interaction – nothing. This went on for months, and it left me feeling confused, frustrated, and a little bit hurt. The moment I understood why she did it, it changed my perspective and helped me deal with the situation more constructively.

    Unmasking the Impact: How Going MIA Affects Relationships

    Going MIA is not a harmless act—it causes significant emotional distress. It leads to feelings of rejection, inadequacy, and confusion, fostering mistrust and insecurity in the relationship. From a psychological perspective, it's a form of emotional abandonment, which can lead to anxiety, depression, and even trauma.

    The impact of my friend going MIA on our relationship was significant. I questioned the validity of our friendship, my self-worth, and my ability to trust. It took time, understanding, and a lot of communication to repair the damage.

    The Other Side: Why Some People Go MIA

    Going MIA is often a strategy people use when they don't know how to handle a situation. It could be due to past traumas, anxiety, fear of confrontation, or lack of communication skills. Understanding this doesn't justify the behavior, but it provides insight and empathy towards the person who is going MIA .

    When my friend finally resurfaced, she confessed that she'd been going through a rough time and didn't know how to talk about it. She felt that going MIA was her only option. This understanding made it easier for me to forgive her, and we were able to work on improving our communication.

    Dealing with 'Going MIA': A Constructive Approach

    Dealing with someone who's gone MIA requires patience, understanding, and self-care. You should establish your boundaries and express your feelings without attacking the other person. If they're willing to communicate, try to understand their perspective and work together to improve your communication.

    Going MIA is a complex phenomenon that often hides deeper issues. It's crucial to approach it with empathy and understanding, but also with a firm stand on your boundaries and self-worth.


    'Going MIA' is more than just disappearing—it's a complex emotional and behavioral pattern that can seriously impact relationships. Understanding its roots, impacts, and how to deal with it can help us navigate this challenging situation with more empathy, patience, and constructive solutions.


    • Chapman, G. (2015). The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts. Northfield Publishing.
    • Gottman, J., & Silver, N. (2015). The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work: A Practical Guide from the Country's Foremost Relationship Expert. Harmony.
    • "Disappearing Act: Why He Pulls the Slow Fade". Psychology Today.

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