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  1. Unfortunately yes, this is a big worry of mine
  2. Hi Andrina, Thank you for your reply and I shall answer all your questions here We are 36 and 38. I work full time and he works part time. We do on occasion get together with friends although we are both introverted and so it's not a huge priority to be around a lot of people all the time. When we are not together, he has hobbies like video games and painting miniatures. I work long hours and I relax at home or go visit a friend. As for future plans, yes we talk about going places and we just came back from a short holiday a few weeks ago. We haven't talked much about future plans together as such although he knows my views on marriage and children which I do not want. And all the answers to the questions in your second paragraph are yes! He is incredibly good to me and we do have fun together. It's the inconsistent texting that is driving me bats and makes me feel like he doesn't want to bother with me when we are apart.
  3. Hi teedee, Thank you for your reply. I think that was the brutal honesty I needed. I do know that texting isn't everything. I fully understand that. It still makes me feel ignored though. I'm only trying to connect to him throughout the day a little more but I'm not getting much of a response back. I'm just struggling with it lately and I'm unsure if I can do anything about it
  4. I leave it a few days and then ask to meet up or either he asks me. It's the way it's always been. I'm considering asking if meeting on particular days a week might help with some consistency
  5. I would like to, but it just doesn't seem to happen.
  6. Hi, thank you for your reply. We live fairly close, it's about a 10 minute drive away and we see each other 1-2 times a week for a few hours. He definitely texted much more in the beginning but the long delays have been happening for about a year now. I hate how it makes me feel this way. I feel like I'm not a priority. I'm not even a needy person and I enjoy my own space but when it's like this, it doesn't feel like a real relationship. I do sometimes worry if there's someone else or if he's bored of me
  7. I have been dating my partner for a year and half now. When we are together, things are great. We have never fallen out, argued etc. But it's the times between meeting up that is truly starting to destroy me. I don't understand why there is such a delay in texts. Sometimes I don't hear from him until the evening, when I have text him early in the morning. I know he is not at work and there's no way he hasn't looked at his phone for hours and hours. I feel ignored and lonely a lot of the time I'm sure this question comes up time and time again from other members. I really just want to hear it for myself and to write my own experience. I appreciate all answers. I'm I crazy for thinking this way? If you need me to elaborate on anything, please ask too
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