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    Things Emotionally Mature People Will Never Do

    When it comes to relationships, there are qualities that set apart emotionally mature individuals from those who lack the necessary skills to foster fulfilling connections with others. Emotionally mature people abide by a certain set of rules that ensure meaningful interpersonal dynamics and healthy communication. Knowing what actions to avoid can help you become a more emotionally mature person, thereby positively impacting all facets of your life. Here are some things emotionally mature people never do.

    1. Manipulate or gaslight others.

    Emotionally mature individuals are deeply aware of their interpersonal roles and the consequences of their actions on those around them. Through this sensitivity, these persons strive to act with integrity and honesty. As such, they will never manipulate or gaslight someone try to unfairly influence the opinion of another person.

    2. Over-complain.

    An emotionally mature individual understands that life is full of difficult moments. They also understand that complaining excessively and constantly venting serves no true purpose. Not only will it drive away the people closest to them, but it is also an ineffective route of achieving desired outcomes. Instead of repeatedly naming their difficulties, emotionally mature people will approach challenging situations in a proactive manner.

    3. Beautifully refuse to accept responsibility for their actions.

    Understanding the importance of accountability is integral to being emotionally mature. Thus, emotionally mature individuals will always take responsibility for their actions, no matter how uncomfortable or inconvenient it may be. They won’t make excuses or default blame or criticism onto external factors.

    4. Refuse to apologize.

    Owning up to one’s mistake takes great courage and humility, and emotionally mature persons possess both of these traits. Apologizing is an essential part of healing relationships and understanding the gravity of one’s behaviour, so emotionally matured persons will promptly say “I’m sorry” when appropriate.

    5. Make decisions out of anger.

    Being able to regulate one’s emotions is at the very heart of emotional intelligence. Therefore, emotionally mature persons are adept at keeping their emotions in check and making well thought-out decisions. Because of this competency, emotionally mature persons will never make rash decisions in the throes of anger as these are often fueled by misinterpretations or misguided intentions.

    6. Reject feedback and constructive criticism.

    Being open to advice from others is essential to personal development defined by emotional maturity. As such, emotionally mature persons will graciously accept feedback and criticism for the purpose of improving upon personal deficits. They won’t reject (or become defensive) when being confronted by helpful advice.

    7. Neglect their own emotional needs.

    The cornerstone of any meaningful relationship is self-awareness – as anyone can only be affectively aware of others if they first take the time to understand their own feelings and emotions. To reach emotional maturity, persons must come to terms with their unfortunate past and identify those aspects of their life that need work. Those with emotional maturity will not neglect their own emotional wellbeing and will actively seek to build healthier relationships.

    8. Be judgmental.

    Seeing another person in an overly critical light is a sign of emotional immaturity. By maintaining an open-minded attitude, emotionally mature persons will never judge another person harshly, but strive to place themselves in the shoes of the other. This is a crucial element in fostering meaningful connections with others.

    Emotional maturity is something that requires mindful cultivation in order to become a better version of oneself. It is not a trait bestowed upon persons at birth, but instead it must be acquired through a conscious effort. By avoiding the above-mentioned behaviours, persons can begin to align with their innermost sense of integrity, which will subsequently enhance all their interpersonal dynamics.

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