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Girls are attracted to "G's"


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It seems so strange and im sure to people older how idiotic my generation is. Not in the sense that our IQs is indeed lower than theyve ever been but in how fickle our fads and attractions are. However I think its safe to say that the stupidity of my generation has reached its point of no return. Yet as much as you can say im just an angsty teen or whatever you will, there is one thing I can't ignore. It seems that girls are only really attracted to what is called a "G" or simply a Gangsta. No matter how you look or what your personality is, a gangsta seems to get all the girls or is considered 'cool'. Why? How is wearing all white, being practically bald and swearing in horrible english while disrespecting women, attractive? Why is it that when you be yourself, you are demeaned and yet when you conform to the standard and normality you are considered a god? Where is justice in this world?

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What a lot of nonsense. Are you saying that most girls want to be with gangsters ? How do you know most girls want to be with gangsters ? Can you read thier minds ?


Besides, even if that were true, how does that affect you ? I am sure you can find a girl for yourself. Just keep up the effort, and maintain a positive attitude.

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Back in the day, they were called "bad boys." And while the attire was different, the attitude was similar. They dressed differently than nice guys, they used coarser language, they disrespected authority, they treated women badly, they tended to misuse alcohol and drugs, and were likely to dabble in illegal activities ranging from misdemeanors to full-on felonies.


A lot of girls go through a phase where they will be attracted to these rebels without a clue for a variety of reasons. Getting involved with one is dangerous, exciting and filled with drama...all feelings that can be mistaken for love if you're relatively new to the whole boy-girl thing (which, to my way of thinking includes EVERYONE under, say, 30) or if you've never had a healthy relationship modeled for you (which is the case for a lot of people) or if you have issues with your own self-esteem/self-confidence.


While a lot of gals will go through a phase where they are attracted to/become involved with these types, the smart, sane & healthy ones will also move beyond it when it becomes apparent that someone who disrespects women, disrespects authority and engages in the appearance of or actuality of illegal activities isn't a really good candidate to build a healthy loving relationship with. Some gals will stay involved with these types past an age where it's "forgiveable." Those gals likely have multiple issues of their own and probably aren't in the best place to create a healthy relationship themselves anyway.


The justice in this world is that the vast majority of people eventually grow up, get tired of the drama, and start realizing that what they really want is a strong, sane, healthy relationship without a lot of drama and BS.

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"G"'s get all the girls?


Generally speaking:

You wouldn't want the girls they get.

Their utter disrespect for women gives them great confidence around them. Women can find confidence attractive.

They will not feel love with their view on things.


Do you want that?

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Heh, the thing is they're not.

I did guess from your username RIPDIME that you're into Pantera... thereforeee metal.

Perhaps at gigs you can go talk to the audience or whatever (If they're small local gigs or something) that way you can meet girls into that.

My girlfriend likes metal. Although I met her through friends and also school.

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I have long hair, sing and play guitar in a "rebellious" metal band, wear "extreme shirts" and yet girls seem to neglect this. Does this mean I have to start wearing shirts that actually state mynogomy or start disrespecting every girl I see, im confused here.. And btw I dont do this to be out there or cool or something I just love those things so this is who I am.


No but if all the girls are like this than what other choice would I have?


And if it was 20 years ago, those things were more likely to be the variety of "bad boy" that was in style. Times change, the specifics change, but the overall pattern remains very similar.


My point was this: This pattern you notice is something that's been going on long before your generation. You really aren't running into something that many, many generations of people haven't run into and dealt with before. And while its common, not ALL girls are like that. Perhaps its prevalent among girls you know...but, really, how many is that? 100? 200? 500? That's really only a small portion of, say, girls ages 16-20 in the US....or even girls in that age bracket in any particular state.


Girls who have their heads screwed on straight are not going to be swooning over and chasing after guys who treat them badly. Girls who are capable of having healthy relationships and who are being true to themselves and who they are aren't going to want to get involved with guys who are trying to be something they're not.


Something you haven't addressed here (and is somewhat related) is what type of girl you are looking for/attracted to. Are you looking for the stereotypical "girl that your generation says you are supposed to like and find attractive" or are you looking for one who has enough sense of self to be who she is....even if who she is doesn't fit the cultural standard of what a girl is supposed to be?

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If your measure of success is when a man has an attractive woman on his arm then therein lies the problem. I judge the luck of a person in finding another person by how they relate to, treat and respect each other. Sure, I notice the looks of the people - I'm human - and if they happen to be exceptionally good looking too I might think "what a good looking couple" or - gasp - I might even think "wow, he/she is much more attractive than he/she."


If I saw an attractive woman with a "gangsta" type I would feel sorry for her and certainly would not consider him lucky just because she was attractive.

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20 years ago, it was metalheads. 50 years ago, it was greasers. Now, it's gangstas. In 10 years, it'll be hackers. Every generation has its own version of a bad boy, and most women want them at some point in their lives. I went through it very shortly in my early teens, and had grown out of it by the time I left my parents' house and started dating good men.


Eventually, though, people (men and women) either grow out of the bad boy phase and realize it's no way to live a life or live very long, very unhappy lives. It's the women who have grown out of it or have skipped it altogether that you'll want to be looking for.

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I too did the early teens bad boy phase - lasted about 4 weeks and luckily I ended it before anything truly harmful happened - but it was going that way, fast. I would say it's probably safer to date a woman who had a brief bad boy phase early on -- not every woman wants a bad boy, to be sure, but enough are curious (as I was) that it's almost better to date a woman who had a brief,relatively harmless bad boy phase and got it out of her system.

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EWW. "G"s or gangsters...are losers. Seriously....the association with either being fake, getting shot, dying, getting jailed. What is sexy about that? Or working at a low-end job like being a security guard at the mall.


Half the time, I think they shave their head to hide their balding. It's not even attractive when I see fake gangsters on MTV.


And the women they get? Well, I don't feel any respect for those women anyways.

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To the original poster:


Do you really believe that the gangster life is so glamorous ? Have you seen what happens to these guys in the long term ? Many become addicted to drugs, lose everything, and end up homeless and cold and sick and diseased and miserable. Many many homeless people in my life were once gangsters. Now they are nothing.


Living that lifestyle is dangerous. Maybe they have the girls now, but what about when they go to prison and get homosexually raped by a bunch of other guys. Yes, that happens, quite a lot.


Be thankful that you are being shielded from that lifestyle.

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this is one of the most common themes you can see everywhere on the net, search for "bad boys" "hard to get", "confidence" etc.


there is a ton of material on this, in the end it’s the confidence that girls like. And they have it. So they go for the “bad boys”/”Gangster” etc, and then get turned off from their bad behavior. The weak, needy, shy, insecure, outcast boy sitting in the corner doesn’t seem so attractive either.


The key is to be yourself and have confidence in who you are. And if you have confidence AND are a total gentleman then they’ll come running to you.


The trick is to say that you don’t care about peer pressure, clique expectations etc, and are proud to be yourself. If you are different and insecure then you’re lost, hence insecure people hide their differences, and try to fit in, and pretend to be one of the “G”. this pretender behaviors only shows that you are insecure with who you are. If you are different and totally confident about yourself and differences then your differences will make you unique and be a big plus instead of a negative.


The key to this all is your own attitude about yourself.

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wait until you get older and all of the Gs are working at taco bell or mcdonald's. stick with your studies and make the money. you will get all of the girls when you are older. F the Gs



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Just wait until all the gangsters you know get carted off to prison by the police, and are stuck behind bars getting gay raped by a bunch of other guys (the usual prison initiation ritual)....


and then you will have the chance to take all thier girls away....


who cares about whether or not you have a girlfriend now. Be yourself. Enjoy life. Enjoy being single.....love your life as it is now, because you don't know what will happen tomorrow....

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i didn't date much in high school. i hooked up a couple of times. i didn't date much until college. i wasn't desirable in high school. i was tall skinny, had a little bit of acne. that all cleared up my senior year when i started to fill out, my face cleared. i got a lot of play since then and still do. i'm glad i developed.

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wait until you get older and all of the Gs are working at taco bell or mcdonald's. stick with your studies and make the money. you will get all of the girls when you are older. F the Gs




Well said.


I would always laugh when I would overhear women talking about liking a "gangsta". I guess some people like the image of being with these posers, who don't act tough unless they are around 10 of their friends.

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i like when i hear snobs talk about thugs. it's funny. they stereotype so much. i used to hang with some thugs, stupid, but i did. it's just funny to me. i don't dress like that or do anything crazy anymore either. you could look at me and think no way, yeah right. i was a punk.

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Yeah, I think it is funny as hell when I hear girls talk about having a thing for ganstas. It is usually a phase and a few months later the same girls will be saying that they had no idea what they were thinking.



The funniest thing about ganstas is that 95% of the are putting on an act. lol

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When I was your age I was attracted to the "bad boy" type. But I guess around my freshman year of college, when I finally started to have some sense, I realized that "bad boys" would never treat me right, or make me happy.


USUALLY, when girls turn into women and they start to realize what really matters to them, that whole "bad boy" thing is very unattractive.


On the other hand, I still want my man to have a "swager" about him, along with education, respect, career, family values, morals, etc..... Just my opinion of course.

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