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Lone: my guy is a Cockatiel, a baby still really, but god the things he's picked up are amazing, gotta watch what we say at home.......


Hey sings the first line of The Hockey Night In Canada theme song...... catcalls..... and says some VERY questionable phrases lately.... takes a while to understand him, but as he learns things get clearer.....

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I got MJ a new collar yesterday (she broke her safety one right before I left

the house in June, the ex never replaced it...biting my lip right now..)

Anyway I put her new ID tag on it, and man was she pissed! lol she

kept trying to go backwards to get it off, scooting her a** all over the floor. I had company, she thought it was

the funniest thing ever. It was a hoot!

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Sandy, I know I'm mean aren't I? lol

I'm really ready for drink tonight, all joking aside it's been a h*ll of a day for me. I'm a buyer and I am trying to move some material out of customs...and I have little time left to do it and make my deadline. ehhhhhh

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Hey y'all.... we're talking pets this evening are we? I think I'm not going to be too popular with everyone as I'm a dog man... not in any superhero sense but rather that I prefer dogs.


I have one at the minute called Joy and she is just that, a joy

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whatz up Z....!! Where you been drifter? lol


I like dogs too, I had two of them a Beagle and a Basset hound, Kayla and

Winston, they have both passed now, I miss them, good friends to have.

I may get another if I buy a house, but right now MJ is good choice for the apartment.

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I should probably explain that last bit...


I have one at the minute because I occasionaly board guide dogs whilst they are being trained. It's a pretty sweet deal - I drop the dog off at the training centre before work and pick it up on my way home.


I think Joy is my 5th... It's fairly heartbreaking when they finish their training and leave me but it's worth it knowing that they're off to give a blind person independence.


You'd think I would have taken my ex dumping me alot better than I did now that I think about it, always having things I love leave me!


Not that I'm comparing my ex to a dog of course... dogs are loyal.... and house trained!

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Time to bounce guys and gals...stay strong and I'll check in with

all of you tomorrow!


lol...I'm not sure that Jacket would have the same effect for me Z,

but I'll let MJ know you say hey! (if I can pry her from the food bowl,

soft food day~I have a female garfield, I promise!)

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