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How do men feel about a size 14 woman?

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I think sizes 10-14 are the most beautiful of all! We aren't unhealthy- too small or too big- and both can give health problems we all know! We have curves in just the right places. I'm short and size 12. I've always been an althlete and always been curvacious (size 14 in high school). More power to the healthy size girls. We are not plus!


We are beautiful with the bodies to prove it!



Well thanks Randian - but I AM too big....

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No - No - ....ugh, MY BAD - I totally got where you were going with that. I was just not letting myself be talked nicely too cuz I feel bad about it...you're totally right and we should all make each other feel better....



I can remember feeling bad about my size for the longest time. I wasn't a size A cup in high school like the "beautiful" cheerleaders. I was a softball player with muscle and dare I say...there was fat too! lol I didn't feel that throwing up after my meals would be enticing. Granted, then I felt insecure. I wanted to be a size 0,2, or 4. Now all I say say is...ugh! What the hell was I thinking! I love myself now. And besides the "frat boy" type of guys...men love a woman with a body too! I've got the man to prove it!


I'm glad I didn't insult you! Although I must say, if you're looking to shape up or anything like that...Curves for Women and Weight Watchers...those 2 are a dangerous combo! Watch out cheerleaders!!! lol Women with real curves are moving in!

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I know Rand - and you're right.


I do belong to a gym, it's just taking sooo long but I'll keep at it. I just like to complain all the time....I was just saying to my husband (tongue in cheek of course) that I wish I could just throw up after eating.... but I can't. Doesn't appeal to me either.

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I hope he's getting fatter everyday till he can't walk! lol



YEH!! Me too! Get fat ya big, fat loser!


I've gained so much weight over the past couple of years I just can't WAIT to start dropping some. I know I will, it's just a matter of time.


Thanks for the support Randiandriien! That'll make it easier.



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I'm 5'11, weight around 135lbs and use a 6-8 pants size.

I feel horrible, even worst than 10 months ago when I used a 12-14.


Last friday I went shopping for some new jeans because the size 8 I bought 3 months ago were just too big for me already, and after checking out the "anorexic" clothing firms here in Spain (Bershka, Stradivarius, etc), I got depressed.

Spain is different than the States, here everyone (mostly) is skinny. I've been in the States so I know what I'm talking about... is depressing, the normal sizes in these clothing firms are 0-4, trying to find a 6-8 is hard sometimes, and there's nothing over 8 (and I'm not joking).


I'm obssesed and I can't help it, I keep comparing myself to these skinny girls, on the mirrors, on the crystal reflections... my BF said he doesn't think I'm fat, that he's happy as long as I am... but I don't know. Sometimes I see my reflex on a mirror and I think I look pretty and even hot, but sometimes I think I look horribly obesse and I get depressed.

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I'm not exactly sure what to say there. You can definitely consider buying clothes online from the states to help you there. Other than that, if you think you're pretty but in your mind the mirror says yuck (I've never had an eating disorder) I think that might be a sign of trouble. Try talking to someone...a counselor...before you fall into something you might not want to be playing with!

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oh my goodness! you sound very very skinny! I think you may even be almost underweight. Listen to your boyfriend, and ...




listen to yourself!



Yeah I try to listen to myself and to my bf... but when I see all the girls on the streets, on the tv, on the adds, and even on my job... they're so skinny and I'm jealous.


I'm absolutely not underweight, I consider myself overweight and even yucky fat... ](*,)

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Are you kidding me? Size does matter, unfortunately. All the guys I ever dated were pretty shallow when it comes to weight/size. Everytime they would bash on women who weren't petite and compare me to them, I would get pissed and stand up for women who aren't small-framed! I'm not overweight, but I'm really empathetic. So it REALLY pisses the crap out of me whenever I hear men talk about how much of a turn off it is for women to be thick.


I have a friend who's overweight, but I think she is BEAUTIFUL.


I also have a friend who was TOTALLY in LOVE with a woman who was pretty overweight, and it made me happy to see that there are actually men out there who prefer other women of different sizes.

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I've learned through experience and observation (mainly observation) that a lot of men don't care what size women are. If they are attracted to them, then it's just that...they are attracted to them! Whereas some guys do care...those are the shallow jerks who will end up fat one day at the local bar telling the young college guys how good he was at football in high school...50 years ago! haha Overdramatic?


I was very insecure about my weight when I met my fiance. I can't tell you the number of times he's been approached and asked to model. At first I was really scare, like what the hell is a guy like that doing with a girl like me?! Now I know I own his heart, no matter what size 2 hookers hit on him...he'll always be mine. He likes a woman with curves!


And being HEALTHY, I know I've got them in all the right places!

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Let me just say this right now... 95% of guys don't like really skinny chicks! Unless you happen to have a "size problem" and need the ego boost of walking around with "Barbie", totally skinny is not nearly as much fun in the bedroom, and who want's someone who has to spend their entire life at the gym because of their complex. Just get healthy, and quit worrying about the images that Victoria's Secret" and the producers in Hollywood project as "beautiful".

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Word to that buddy! Er, well what everyone has said about liking women whatever size they are.


Oh, I went today to Macys because I just realized I have a wedding to go to in a month and the attire is formal. UGH! In general I hate shopping for nice clothes because it's hard to find nice clothes that don't look like some old lady. Anywho, I figured well lemme try some of those INC, style & co. brand clothes, and of couse they go up to 16. So I thought "Ok, well lemme see if it fits. And booyah! They fit. Of course, not all the tops/skirts looked good, but it was nice not to have to squeeze myself into the clothes. I don't remember the last time I fit into that size either.


Alls I gotta say is thank god that those cardio kickboxing classes and my semi-eating healthy has finally paid off. Or else I would have wanted my money back from those classes! HAHA.


I mean I doubt that anyone else would care who sees me or even my boyfriend, but I gotta say, seriously, I thought "Well, this is a first" and that losing more weight, for health reasons that is, is good.


In my head I don't care what size I am, but mainly that I become more healthy.

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Well, as for the guys that only date '6 and below' girls, most shops in Britain dont go below 6 - Your 8. Also in Britain the average woman is a size 14 - Your 16. So your below average, what're you worrying about?

I have a very slim friend, who has the figure of the model, a size 6. But the guys I've talked to dont watch to touch her because she's so skinny.

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It doesn't matter what "size" a girl is, cos thats only physical appearance to begin with. True love is much deeper than that. As for UK, we see women of all sizes on TV in UK from supermodles to plump tv chefs, to average sized ladies to tall ladies to small ladies. Contrary to poplular belief, MOST men are interested in the person not what size she is. Sometimes there is physical attraction and men have in their minds this "ideal" woman, but she never exitsts and us men are more likey to fall in love with interesting, happy, cheerfull girls who share our interests and who will love us in return.

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Well, as for the guys that only date '6 and below' girls, most shops in Britain dont go below 6 - Your 8. Also in Britain the average woman is a size 14 - Your 16. So your below average, what're you worrying about?

I have a very slim friend, who has the figure of the model, a size 6. But the guys I've talked to dont watch to touch her because she's so skinny.


The sizing system is different in Britain. It's the same in Australia. Size 6 is the equivalent of a size 0 in the U.S.

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Don't listen to anything TV tells you about weight. These days, any girl who wears anything more than a size eight is labelled a "fat chick" -- and you can bet that the glamour-box won't show anyone larger than that unless it's for a weight loss commercial.


Besides, having a bit of a tummy is often just as sexy as chiseled abs. It softens your shape and makes for a more feminine look. (Not applicable to men, don't worry guys! ) Did you know that Marilyn Monroe wore a size twelve?


It doesn't sound like you've got much to worry about, but if you're concerned about it you should use an online BMI calculator to find out the appropriate weight for your height.

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