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guys cry too.


I made a guy cry once. That was awesome. Bascially, I asked him, and he told me that he was in love with his female best friend and that he was dating me in the meantime.... (he was waiting for his friend to fall in love with him.) pffff.


I told him he was a miserable excuse for a human being and that I am not anyone's backup plan. I told him it was over between us.


he actually started crying!!!!

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I may be gay, but I'm no emotional pushover. In five years in the air force I didn't cry once, couldn't remember the last time I cried. When me and my ex broke up I fell to pieces. I still cry sometimes.


I think grief effects everyone differently. A stereotypical effeminate friend of mine lost his mother, and he barely shed a tear. He was sad, but he seemed to deal with the grief and then move on quickly

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Absolutely. The last time I was in a break up I cried quite a bit and for a long time too. I think it's a disservice for any guy to handle a break up with the notion that "I can't cry because I'm a guy, that's just not manly" or whatever - it's not being human. I do agree with the sentiment that real men show emotion. I don't feel down on myself for being emotional, I think it's a good thing to be whatever anyone else says.

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I've cried several times in front of my ex.. None yet infront of my current girlfriend..


I cried so hard my face swelled up, and I started to throw up when I had my break up a while back.. I cried at work, in front of my employees, and I even cried at work in front of my ex's boss.


I cried in church when I sat next to her the day after the break up. I cried at lunch infront of her family.. I cried for 4 months after the break up.. Atleast 4 times a week I'd break down..



I cry.. It's nothing to be ashmed of.

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My boyfriend and I broke up two weeks ago, and he has cried many times since. On the phone, in person. And he was never a crier before. In fact, I had never seen him cry in the two years we were together. I think guys definitely cry (depending on how much the person means to them), but that they are able to put their emotions and grief into a box, go to work, go out with friends and at least PRETEND everything is okay.

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Absolutely I do. Almost every day since the break up. Even if for only 30 seconds.


I will admit, that I have a hard time still dealing with the fact that It strikes me at any time, anywhere with no warning. But I have also realized that just letting it out is the best way to ease the pain.


Even today. I had a great day. Spent time with friends and family, enjoying the weather... but there was a few minutes, when I was alone with our dog. He had a sad look on his face. I just gave him a hug, and with a few tears told him, 'i know... i miss her too.'

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I was bestfriends with this girl, and I could see her starting to act different so I started to get worried. When I noticed her ex coming around, she just started talking to him and ignoring me.


I felt like she abandoned me, and was just using me as a fall back. I stopped calling her because she rudely would not call me back when she said she would. I don't even think she cared..some friend. When I saw these pics on MS of her with him my heartbroken into a million pieces. My mouth dropped open.


I can't believe she did that to me after I was always there for her, and that she can ever act friendly towards me to this day, but I don't care for her anymore. SHe is not someone I want in my life.


I can tell you though when I saw those pics I was crying, and when I was scared someone would here me I stopped.


About a month later I thought everything was ok, but I knew I didn't get full release. I came home and broke down in my room. That was the best relief I ever had, and I knew right then and there it was ok for me to cry.


Girls do it, screw that, I'll do it to. There is no point of walking around with all that pain when you can release it by crying.

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ya , i did cry a little bit once before my ex, what transpired after that was somethin that i did never believe could happen to me then i have cried in my room and my loo for many times during the relationship. I have not cried that much after the breakup tho probably only 2 or 3 times.


I just feel suffocated sometimes thats it.

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Heres a little story...


I was in NZ's biggest city for the weekend, one of the perks of consulting is alot of travel and I basically can pick and choose work that takes me to cities i want to go to. I went to Auckland, and visited some friends after meeting my clients.


My ex messaged me at 3:30am on the friday randomly on MSN, saying he had been sober driver so he had an excuse not to drink and could do his assignments (random?) and then told me I should go to sleep and stop working! I felt fine didn't really chat much just quietly...


On the Saturday I met my friends at my suite and then I went over to one of their apartments. They were two couples, seeing them together reminded me of my ex, and how we had always planned on going to Auckland together so he could meet my old friends here. I got incredibly sad. In the end I said I had to leave and just, well, left.


The hotel sent a limo to pick me up, about 200m down the road I told the driver to stop as I would walk back (it was 1am), he thought I was insane (dodgy part of town) so I got out and walked to a nearby park and sat on the swings in the dark. I must have sat and cried there, swinging there, for hours. I just bawled my eyes out.


The next day I bought my flight home forward... I just wanted to get home. Sitting in the Koru Lounge at the airport, I (again) got sad, went to the toilet, and cried all over my new suit. People could tell I had been crying (mid twenty year old in business class with expensive suit...) but I just didn't care.


I think in the past two months - I have cried MORE than I can remember in my whole life!

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