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For those of you going through this with yourselves, or your families, or friends, please take a moment to look at which was a creation of The Cancer Crusade, a group that helps patients and loved ones face cancer with courage, dignity and knowledge among many things.



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So my mum has now shaved her head! Her hair started coming out the past couple days, so one of my uncles buzzed it short for her, and by next week, she will have another of her brothers shave it off for her (he shaves his own head regularly as does his wife, for the cop's fundraiser that includes head shaving).


I saw her last night, and she looked awesome! I think it was a good idea, because it gave her some control, and it also eases the transition. She looked strong and powerful, and beautiful! My uncle stopped by too (the cop) and we got a great laugh as when they stood side by side, you could finally see a huge resemblance between the two.


Christmas was fantastic too, great to spend it with my family, and my mum was feeling good. Not "great" but very good, and capable, and was able to be pretty involved. She starts her next chemo cycle next Wednesday which she is not looking forward to as it will be hard on her body again, but at least now she knows the pattern, that it sucks for a few days, but then she has a couple good weeks of feeling better and high spiritied. She also talked to my sister's bf's brother the other day, who just started his chemo for advanced testicular cancer when she did (he already had both testicles removed last month) and that helped as they are kind of now "chemo friends".


She is also still planning to go to Hawaii with my stepfather in January, they had planned trip a few months ago. Just some changes..only 5 days instead of 10, and only Oahu, not Maui, and in the "up part" of her cycle after her third treatment, but regardless...it gives her something to look forward too, and it will be a nice break. So here is hoping she feels okay for it!

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Hi Rach!


I am glad to see you mom is hanging in there and keeping in great spirits. This will help tremendously. I took a few Health Pyschology courses and there is a ton of research that supports the idea of having a great support system and good spirit improves recovery from and illness. And it sounds like you mom is getting all the support she needs and her spirit is awesome!


I am so glad that your Christmas was special. And wow, Hawaii! That is so cool. It's so beautiful there, well I have heard. That totally gives something you mom can look forward to. Thank you for the update. Hugs to you and your family.

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That's great news, RayKay.

I'm glad she is feeling good, and the trip to Hawaii will be a well deserved break.


I'm sure that her body will start to adjust to the patern of chemo soon.

Obviously it won't be pleasant - but hopefully it will get better.


Take care.


I don't think it adjusts, chemo just makes you weaker as you go through it and so you often feel worse, that's the idea as it has to destroy your immune system along with the cancer cells and so you are prone to all sorts of fatigue, infections, colds, etc. But she does see that there is a pattern where she will feel "alright" in the last one or two weeks of each cycle, and for now, that is enough!

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I can't dream of being in that situation.

She must be an extremely strongly willed person to still be able to think so positively.


You are lucky to have such an amazing mother.


Sure am!


She is definitely amazing, she has always been my role model and an inspiration to me, now even more so She's a fighter, a survivor, a nurturer, a friend, a supporter.....she's strong and beautiful in every way.


Love her to bits!

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I'm glad to hear the spirits are up and what a wonderful opportunity with the HI trip!! Have you had any progress with your docs about your checkups?

Thanks Wild, yeah, I went on Tuesday to discuss it, and am also being referred to my mum's doctor.



I am finished the pic for my mum for her inspiration, I am attaching it here, and it's my new avatar too! It's bigger in real life

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That pic is AWESOME! You drew that??!!! She is going to love it!


I'm glad to hear your docs are finally taking this serious, persistence pays off


Sure did, all from my head too. Usually I would look at a few references or something, but I was sitting in a meeting, and just DREW it as I saw it in my head, which was great, as it is even more representative of how I see her cancer/fight because of it. It really was "from the heart".


She does love it, she is making prints of it


I wish I had room to get it tattood somewhere...well, perhaps in the future. It will be a expensive one to get too I think so in a few years...

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My mum had her second chemo on Wednesday, and so far she is doing better then last time around. She saw a hypnotist, and got new anti-nausea meds, so seems better this time around then the last time. She even went to her dance class last night!


She also shaved her head Monday, which I know was really hard for her to do, but she is beautiful, and other then getting a cold head and having to wear scarves/hats, she's feeling better about it now.


Medically, her other breast showed clear of tumours so far (still getting it removed though). She goes to see cardiologist next week as her heart seems a bit abnormal in its beating which is normal effect from chemo. So, we are hoping it is okay, or that could affect her treatment.


And right now she is in for her brain CT scan, to check for spreading....and I am so nervous! I am going away this weekend (Ukrainian Christmas with my bf's family), and really want to know before I go how things are. It's not too uncommon to be initially diagnosed with a milder stage (Stage 1, 2) and they find metstasis a couple months later after more testing...and she has Stage III, so I am very concerned. I have not been able to reach her all day


We are doing okay though, as a family. She's hopeful, even when nervous about things like tests, and we all have a lot of faith! My stepfather bought her a beautiful ring for Christmas, she calls it her power ring..it's a band with white and pink diamonds encrusted in it.

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Hi RayKay!


I was just thinking about your mom today and wondering how she was doing. It sounds like she is being brave and strong.


The ring sounds so beautiful. So glad to see you all are staying strong and keeping faith.


Lots of hugs. You are all still in my thoughts and prayers.

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Raykay, I just read your initial post today. I am sorry your Mom has to go through all this awful stuff, and I am glad she has you.

My sister in law had stage III breast cancer 5 years ago. She had a mastectomy, reconstruction, and 6 months of chemo (she got two drugs), and is now healthy as a horse. Things are better now than they used to be.

Give yourself and your mom a hug, I will be looking for updates here.

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Raykay, I just read your initial post today. I am sorry your Mom has to go through all this awful stuff, and I am glad she has you.

My sister in law had stage III breast cancer 5 years ago. She had a mastectomy, reconstruction, and 6 months of chemo (she got two drugs), and is now healthy as a horse. Things are better now than they used to be.

Give yourself and your mom a hug, I will be looking for updates here.


Aw thanks snow! And thanks, I love hearing positive stories! They help so much!


Just heard from her, they could not inject the dye for CT as she is allergic to shellfish, so they are not sure how clear it will be....and might need an MRI. Feels sick (and very tired!) as she has not been able to eat all day due to testing....so she is on way home not to have some ice cream and nap!

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Hey Rachel...


Ugh, so she's allergic to iodine....super!


Did they try to use another contrast medium?


Mmmmm ice cream... she has the right idea!




Not sure, I assume they did.


I know my late bf also had reactions to the dye....they always said he'd be fine despite previous experiences, so he'd get the injection, and then minutes later be throwing up in the tube....


It's the only thing she says she can tolerate right now..lol!

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