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29 minutes ago, Wiseman2 said:

That's kind of pathetic that they're on there for Years with the same stale profile.  Hopefully you're enjoying your journey and have some luck soon. 

You see this on multiple dating sites. Especially Match. You wonder what the heck ever happened to these people or if they existed in the first place. 

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Some of my coworkers use pics for their work profiles that are obviously many years old. I didn't even recognize one coworker when I met him in person even though he had a profile photo. That's because the profile photo was taken before he went bald. It didn't look at all like the same person.

Mine is from 2019. So it's probably time for a new one. 

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11 hours ago, Jibralta said:

Why not always swing for the fences?

I have been incredibly lucky and dated way out of my league many times but I know my lane and have a humble opinion of my attractiveness.  Swinging for the fences or at times swinging for the nose bleed seats has paid off and it is only some key strokes and a few minutes of my time so why not as you mentioned.  I find it strange that I feel more of a let down if I do not get response from a less attractive woman I have messaged opposed to a really attractive woman.  Expectations I suppose...



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2 hours ago, Wiseman2 said:

That's kind of pathetic that they're on there for Years with the same stale profile.  Hopefully you're enjoying your journey and have some luck soon. 

I kind of feel like they have just thrown their bait out into the lake and just left it there and doing nothing else.  I really don't know why they would not make an effort unless it is just a distraction for them or something.  To be fair I don't think POF takes down your profile so if you let it ride it could stay up a very long time.

 No luck so far unfortunately but I have a great attitude about the whole thing.



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Day 27

 No response from the 56 year old I messaged Saturday and to be honest with you all and myself it kind of bugged me for some reason.  So I checked when she had been on the site last and saw that she clearly got my message and it bothered me for about an hour while I was cleaning the house.  Normally it doesn't bother me, sure it is disappointing because I find very few women I am interested in but this felt personal.  She was very close to my age, we shared a lot of common interests and she was active in things I do.  The only thing I can think of was that I was pretty sure she would respond and when she didn't I had this reaction.  I guess I am not as evolved as I thought...

 So late this morning as I was cleaning house I took a break to see if the 56 year old had read or received my message, got butt hurt as explained above so I decided to search once again and found a woman right off the bat so I messaged her.  She is into car restoration (what I do on my You Tube channel), lives fairly close, pretty, nice figure but us 10 years younger than I am.  She replied a few hours ago and I just read it.  She wasn't a paid subscriber and couldn't read messages so she signed up to reply to me and I am sure other messages from other men.  I replied to her message and it looks promising.  I will try and not get butt hurt on this one if it doesn't go anywhere.  She replied so it is a start.  I will fill you all in tomorrow on how it goes.


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Day 28

 Well messaged back and forth with the 49 year old that is into car restoration last night for a bit.  Mostly car stuff but nothing personal.  I was the last to reply and she read it very early this morning but may not have been on today by the color of the circle next to her picture. Solid green circle means online right now. green hollow circle means has been online recently, yellow hollow circle means haven't been on in a while.  Not sure the time frame for the changes in color and shape but that is how I am seeing it.

 Anyways we shall see if she responds.  She just signed up and I am sure is getting tons of likes and messages.  I will probably wait till after Christmas to search and send out any more messages.


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Day 35

  The 49 year old I was chatting with sent me a message this morning apologizing for goign MIA.  She had a biking mishap, got sick and of course the holiday.  She is now 50 as she just had a birthday so now we are only 9 years apart in age 😁  I replied so we shall see how it goes.

 Since I hadn't been on Match for a week the likes and messages piled up a little.  11 likes, 2 super likes and 3 messages.  One from a woman that has messaged me 3 times now.  I have never replied but she is persistent.  The other two I am not interested in unfortunately.

I did run across the profile of a 55 year old that I am very interested in so I sent her a message.  Not sure if she is a subscriber or not but I do not remember seeing her profile when I searched and I am sure I would have sent her a message if I had seen it.

 I am curious how the new year will affect sign ups on Match.  I am thinking there will be a lot of new people joining as us humans always need a push it seems to do what we want to do and the new year pushes people all the time.



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Day 36

 Well the 49 now 50 year old now has her profile "unavailable" and I am not sure what that means on Match but if I had to guess it is because she is seriously talking to a guy and set her profile to that or is taking a break.  In the end it doesn't matter why.  I was just about to suggest we talk on the phone to get to know each other better too.  Oh well...

 The 55 year old I messaged yesterday has not been on since and I checked and she is not a subscriber. Match does free weekend things all the time like Thursday evening to Sunday but I don't know if they can read and respond to messages or if it is just a ploy to get you to sign up dangling unreadable messages in front of you.

  I will take a break for a few days and see if anyone new shows up in my search then.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Day 46

  Took a break for several days to recharge a little.  The 55 year old I messaged at the  end of December sent me a like 4 days after I sent the message.  She is a subscriber (I checked) so I was a little confused as to why she didn't simply respond to the message so I sent her a super like that Match had been bugging me to use. That night about 1am she replied to my message and then asked how my day went so it looked promising.  I responded the next morning with a nice message and figured I would get a reply.  I gave it a day or so then logged in to Match to read messages two different women had sent me (not interested) and saw that she appears to have deleted the conversation.  Now of course I was disappointed but I felt way more disappointment than I should have, she looks a lot like Gal Gadot so there's that that... 

  Back to the search.  I will spend some time looking through profile tonight and see what I see.


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22 hours ago, beatlesfan77 said:

I’ve been hearing that today is one of the busiest days for online dating. The reply rates are a lot higher along with the sign ups. Hopefully you’ll get some more fish in your net. 

Yeah Match reminded me of that Sunday thing several times.  It does look like there may be some more women in my area that have signed up. 


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Day 48

 I received an interesting email from Match this morning about the woman I thought looked a lot like Gal Gadot that I thought had deleted our conversation.  Here is part of the email from Match.

Dear Lost,

At Match, we work tirelessly behind the scenes to cultivate a safe and positive experience. After all, your safety is a top priority.

With this in mind, we recently discontinued Sandy’s membership due to what appeared to be fraudulent* behavior. We are notifying you because you exchanged messages with this member.

I have never had this happen but it does explain why our conversation was removed. Her profile didn't seem shady and two of her pictures looked like she was posing with her daughter.  Of course the pics could have been lifted from someone else's profile. She didn't ask me to wire her money or buy gift cards and send her the info but maybe we didn't get far enough into it for her to try.

 Anyways the new year has brought what seems to be more women to the site so I am back to searching for someone to message.


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17 minutes ago, lostandhurt said:


Dear Lost,
At Match, we work tirelessly behind the scenes to cultivate a safe and positive experience. After all, your safety is a top priority.


It's good to know Match is trying to protect members by removing scammers. Yikes. 

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My ex had been communicating with someone he matched with on a dating site (before he met me). This person sent him a photo and he thought "Wow, she's really beautiful!" He showed the pic to his mom. And his mom said "Pretty girl. That's Faith Hill from the cover of her latest CD." 

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1 hour ago, Batya33 said:

I reported two profiles on Eharmony way back and I wasn’t even a member. I believe both were removed.  

I tried EHarmony once.  They send you matches, and I though I don't believe I was being very picky at the time, I had gone through what seemed like active matches and then they sent me what appeared to be inactive matches just to keep my membership.

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Match seems to have really cleaned up.

5 years ago, I received constant messages from fake profiles.  Copy/pasted emails with fake, lifted photos.

I recently signed back into Match and there are almost zero fake ones.  I can tell, because almost all the emails I've received have been from people in whom I have zero interest.  😄

Their new system, requiring phone verification and showing subscription status seems to have really helped.

You now have to get a Multi-Factor authentication code to set up a Match profile, and usually, the scammers are using burner phones of different numbers, so they aren't able to verify.  And the user now shows Subscription status, showing whether they are a paying member or not.

I do have a Match meet-date tomorrow actually, with a seemingly normal guy.  

Any luck with other matches?

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10 minutes ago, Starlight925 said:

I recently signed back into Match and there are almost zero fake ones.  Their new system, requiring phone verification and showing subscription status seems to have really helped.   I do have a Match meet-date tomorrow actually, with a seemingly normal guy.  

Good luck on the date. This is why I usually recommend paid apps. There's a lot more screening. And yes a lot of secured sites use 2 step verification. That's why changing phone numbers these days is an enormous hassle.  Paid apps have access to things that the average person doesn't. 

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2 hours ago, Starlight925 said:

Any luck with other matches?

I was surprised how many hoops I had to jump through to sign up.  It was a process which like you said weeds out scammers but it doesn't seem to weed out time wasters. 

  No luck so far.  I get a fair amount of messages from women which seems like a good thing but none are anyone I am interested in unfortunately or they are a few hundred miles away by car. I have a decent reply rate to messages I send out but the convos haven't gone very far. 


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