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My poor husband

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He had a bike accident today. He hit a pothole on the way to work went flying backwards hit his head off the road, was wearing a helmet thank goodness! His helmet broke but his head is ok. Road burn on his arms. He was taken by ambulance to the hospital. The ambulance attendant called me from his phone. CT scan revealed no brain bleeds and no breaks in his neck. 

He is home now with a bad concussion but otherwise ok. 

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20 minutes ago, reinventmyself said:

oh my gosh S.  I hope he's feeling better!  That is so scary. 

It is. I have never seen him struggle with words or stutter and repeat phrases before from a concussion. It is a possible effect but the doctor said he is older and accumulating brain injuries can do that. They will see what he is like in a few days once the brain calms down. 

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My husband’s second / third assessment will be today. He was assessed by the military right when it happened and sent onto a civilian hospital by ambulance. He was assessed there and released. I brought him in for another assessment the second day when I noticed the speech issues. 

He has regained all his personality and humour which was understandably very muted the first few days. The headache is less and dizziness is less. Yesterday I didn’t notice any speech related issues but he wasn’t stressed so I will see at the assessment today when I go with him. 

I am expecting for them to give him another week off as he still can’t view any screens. 

His poor arm which took some of the fall. 


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2 minutes ago, Batya33 said:

Wishing him a speedy recovery.  What a scary phone call for you to receive!!

Thank you. He getting better daily I am just worried about the speech impairment he has developed. It comes and goes and is recovering a bit though. 

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The doctor feels eventually that my husband will make a full recovery. It is going to take time. They will be doing weekly assessment for the next little while. He may start back to work part time in about 4 weeks. She said his recovery is on trajectory to where she feels it should be . So it is a long haul.  

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  • 2 weeks later...
6 hours ago, Seraphim said:

Update again: My husband had another appointment today. The doctor feels his trajectory is still going upwards on target and he is doing well. He is not close to work ready yet. She will see him again July 18th. 

Good news, Seraphim.  Hope he heals and recovers quickly and well. 

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24 minutes ago, Cherylyn said:

Good news, Seraphim.  Hope he heals and recovers quickly and well. 

I hope so. He does have a 3rd degree concussion and it is his third 3rd degree concussion so it is difficult to know . According to what was reported by the doctor by the bystander he was out cold for a few minutes. The doctor is positive and I am trying so hard to be as well. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

My husband had improvement in short term memory yesterday!! He remembered seeing my glasses on the table and 2 things we needed at the store! Rewiring is happening ! He sees the doctor again on Monday I can’t go this time though because I am working . 

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I don't know if you've ever been exposed to "Reiki" but you might want to check into it, or see someone who has worked with it.

It's a healing procedure where you essentially ask and direct healing energy to a person, with their permission, from a divine source, whatever a person's definition of divine is.

I was very skeptical of it when my wife first used it on me many years ago, thought it was probably a bunch of nonsense to be honest, but I was surprised that I could actually physically feel the healing energy "go in" and it helped my condition quite a bit.

If you look for a local Unity or Unitarian church, they probably have practitioners who practice it and either for a fee or for free would give your husband Reiki treatments, or you could go online probably (youtube?) and learn how to do it yourself.

In the class I took at a Unity church, the teacher wasn't big on the "ritual" aspect of it that some teach, in terms of making certain hand motions to invite the flow of divine energy, he said it was simply the intention you have that starts it to flow, and I found that to be true.

And when I've given Reiki to others, they say they can feel the energy flowing, when all I've done to start it flowing is to ask that it flow and intend it to flow, without any special hand motions or rituals required...

In any case, hope you're husband recovers quickly and fully!


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6 hours ago, Stargazer2 said:

I don't know if you've ever been exposed to "Reiki" but you might want to check into it, or see someone who has worked with it.

It's a healing procedure where you essentially ask and direct healing energy to a person, with their permission, from a divine source, whatever a person's definition of divine is.

I was very skeptical of it when my wife first used it on me many years ago, thought it was probably a bunch of nonsense to be honest, but I was surprised that I could actually physically feel the healing energy "go in" and it helped my condition quite a bit.

If you look for a local Unity or Unitarian church, they probably have practitioners who practice it and either for a fee or for free would give your husband Reiki treatments, or you could go online probably (youtube?) and learn how to do it yourself.

In the class I took at a Unity church, the teacher wasn't big on the "ritual" aspect of it that some teach, in terms of making certain hand motions to invite the flow of divine energy, he said it was simply the intention you have that starts it to flow, and I found that to be true.

And when I've given Reiki to others, they say they can feel the energy flowing, when all I've done to start it flowing is to ask that it flow and intend it to flow, without any special hand motions or rituals required...

In any case, hope you're husband recovers quickly and fully!


Thank you for the suggestion but as devout Catholics that is out for us. 

He is going to ask the doctor on Monday if the  CF will pay for concussion therapy. 

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  • 3 months later...

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