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My fiancee doesn't what me to have any female friends..

Nelly 001

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4 minutes ago, Nelly 001 said:

She always said I am tired of her when ever I get close to any female she get angry...and she nags alot always aggressive.

How long have you been dating? Do you live together?

How many female friends do you have and are you hanging out or chatting with them too much?

If she's a jealous nag, why are you marrying her?

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This is a red flag. 

If you both agree to not have friends of the opposite sex, then so be it.  You're on the same page.  I don't agree with it, but at least you both agree and that's what counts.  

I had a male friend of like a million years.  We grew up together, knew each other's families, went to college together.  Basically brother and sister.  

One day I noticed he wasn't on my facebook.  And I was like-- you get off face book?  He said-- my new gf doesn't want me to have any female friends. 

What a load of crap, right?  So I said ok. I hope he is always happy and healthy.  And he could contact me any time.  I did love him like a brother and I knew he had a lot of trouble in the love dept.  I didn't want to make things hard for him.  I wanted him to be happy. Truly.  

He did eventually reach out.  I was polite but I didn't welcome him back into my life.  When my family found out.  They were dumbfounded.  And my Dad even said, that's not right.  Love does not limit you.  If she forced him to stop being friends, that relationship is not going to work out.  you can't contain people.  

I would think long and hard before marrying this person. This is not normal behavior.  Especially, if it's not normal to you.  

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I had a girl like that. She would freak out when my oldest friend(like from kindergarten) came over to watch the movie. Even worst, my female friends parents were in the other room because parents also hang out so I dunno what she expected me to do with the friend but OK. Anyway, I know she is a fiance but that kind of jealosy is not a good property to have around you. Are you suppose not to talk to any female because she would make a scene? I know some people who tolerate that kind of behavior, but its not really something that can function in the long track. Did you gave her any reason for that jealosy?

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Okay, so she acts like this - which is bothering you 😕 .

Did this just start, recently?

You have not answered anyone yet.. on how long you two have been involved, let alone when or why she's been your fience?

Fact: We're human.  We interact with people of both sexes.  Her insecurity will affect you - as it is already.  Is this what you want?


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We live in a world in which are you going to have to interact with other females during your lifetime.  Even if you DID cut off your female friends, that doesn't solve her insecurity.  Is she going to have a fit if you have a friendly conversation with a co-worker? Is she going to fly into a rage every time you interact with a female that isn't her?  This is a VERY toxic attitude she has. 

What specifically about you having female friends bothers her?  Is she really insecure? 

Frankly, her saying " You are tired of her" is a HUGE red flag.  You aren't even married yet.  

IMVHO, unless you both agree walking into a marriage that you will not have opposite gender friends, this is going to be an issue.  In my opinion, any partner who says (whether directly or indirectly) that they believe they should be the only person of that gender to have ANY sort of love or good feelings towards you (not talking lust, just friendship or kindness) doesn't really love you. 

I would never want to be the only woman in the world that thought my husband was funny, kind, thoughtful, caring, or worth knowing.  First of all, what would that say about MY judgment, but more importantly, what kind of life would that be for my HUSBAND?  I wouldn't want him to go to work and have every female he has to work with not want to talk to him or help him thru a work issue or be able to joke around with him.  I wouldn't want him to have to feel guilt or worry about how I respond if he's nice to female server, delivery person, or salesperson or if she's nice to him.  And friend wise, I'm glad for him to have female friends.  Honestly, I've gotten the benefit of his female friends helping him pick out gifts for me, or introducing me to my hair stylist, or networking for jobs. 

Personally, I would make sure you either nip this in the bud now or not marry this woman. 

I don't believe a spouse who really loves you would ask you to cut friends out of your life, if they are important to you.  Besides, I've seen people do this for significant others and then when their relationship ends, they are left partner-less AND friend-less.  

While I DO believe your partner should take PRIORITY, I do NOT believe your partner should be the only person you are allowed to care about and have care about you.  Even in the best relationships, ONE person cannot and should not be your EVERYTHING.  That's not healthy and it's also not sustainable over the long-term. 



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Sounds like this is getting taken out of context...

She probably just like most healthy people are ok if you have friends, but just isn't comfortable if you are hanging out alone or constantly texting other girls in front of her (which would be rude, anyways).

You just need to set healthy boundaries. For example, my parents and grandparents are still married there has never been ONE moment in my life where my father or grandfather went to hang out with another woman alone....I don't even recall any time in my life when my father was talking for hours with another woman "friend" on the phone in front of my mother...

I think this is where people take things to the extreme and out of context. Maybe she's ok with friends, just if you are in a committed relationship she'd prefer being included when you are out with other girls or just want you to respect her healthy boundaries...

I think that's absolutely normal to be honest..

 In the previous city I lived I had a lot of female friends and we would hang out all the time, watch movies, go out drinking, having fun, whatever, usually me and 5 girls and I care for them like my sisters, but...when I had a girlfriend out of respect for her I wasn;t going to spend time with any of them alone 1-2-1 drinking wine and watching movies or having sleep overs etc...and even though Id be asked to go out alone I'd really only if other people were there or ask my gf at the time to join... I never though it was such a huge big deal because I felt it showed respect for my partner and there are other options you can do to make sure everyone is happy...

Only if she says you are not allowed to talk etc...sure that's controlling..



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6 minutes ago, mical said:

She probably just like most healthy people are ok if you have friends, but just isn't comfortable if you are hanging out alone or constantly texting other girls in front of her (which would be rude, anyways).

I think should re-read what he has stated:

7 hours ago, Nelly 001 said:

My fiancee doesn't want me to have a female friends, what ever my male friends does she takes it to heart. She always said I am tired of her when ever I get close to any female she get angry...and she nags alot always aggressive.

- None of this states 'normal' or acceptable type behaviour..

She gets angry/aggressive... She does not him to have ANY female friends.

That's just totally unreal.


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Probably would need to know some concrete specific examples to make a proper judgement, otherwise it's just generalizations and if i were to say to a gf i wanna get close to another female or meet up with the new girl from work for drinks...there's a 99% chance she would be angry lol...and I would deserve it!

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Go and talk about proper boundaries with opposite sex friends. Like if they are an old friend, that's ok, new friends no, no one on one hangouts, in a group setting is ok. middle of the night drunk text not appropriate. texting a lot, everyday with each other no, once in awhile for a how ya doing....sure. Go have that conversation and see what you two can come up with.

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