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How are you dealing with the trashcan fire that is 2020? How are you?


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Hello, all.


This isn't really a plea for advice, but more just checking in with everyone to see how you are handling one of the worst years in recent memory. How are you? How are you handling everything emotionally? How do you cope? Mostly, I just want people to know they aren't alone and that we're all in this together.

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Thank you Rensi. We are indeed all in this together.


One copes because one has to cope. It isn't too bad. I find it irksome as my/our life is normally spent across a range of countries. Shortly, I shall be taking to the air again.


I've stopped watching the news, I check the WHO website now and then. There is plenty to keep me busy. I am not prone to panic, about anything.

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Thanks! I find the threads on this topic in this forum are so helpful! Given the varying reactions I don't feel we're all in this together at all. That causes me stress at times. I'm hanging in -more anxious than usual, not sleeping as well as usual and supervising virtual learning is really really challenging and stressful (one child, 6th grade, will be at least a total of 2.5 months virtual). Trying to keep up with my job and solo parent a lot given my husband's insane schedule. I have to look away from social media as much as I can - like the recent complaints over health care protocols at doctor's offices because you know the virus is a hoax and blaming the government for the lack of in person mental health services because of challenges of in person medical care/shortages. Meaning blaming government for perpetuating a hoax. I love social media for connecting with friends and family .... and this is the downside.


Eating properly is more of a challenge but I'm doing it. I'm working out every day other than the 3 days I couldn't because of oral surgery. I "pivoted" to outdoor, socially distanced workouts March 19 so I just passed the 6 month mark. It does wonders for my mental health -I'm outdoors at dawn every single day.

How are you doing?

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Glad I began posting in this forum again.

I’m a violin teacher by trade and lockdown online lessons last academic year were a godsend. However its taken its toll. Had pupils stopping and not starting left, right and centre. Trying my best to get new kids started, but it’s difficult.


Finding this year hard, but appreciate others are finding it harder.

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Good to see you here Dalesboy. Yes, some have it harder than others. A friend of ours teaches piano, in real life. She is doing all right.


I use to have 5 days teaching, now down to 3. Thankfully I have another business which was initially my hobby. I really could do with my pupil numbers increasing though (I’m paid per pupil, less I teach, less I earn).


Good to be back :D You are a good bunch!

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Glad I began posting in this forum again.

I’m a violin teacher by trade and lockdown online lessons last academic year were a godsend. However its taken its toll. Had pupils stopping and not starting left, right and centre. Trying my best to get new kids started, but it’s difficult.


Finding this year hard, but appreciate others are finding it harder.


My mom took violin for many years and even played in her college orchestra in the 1950s

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That’s lovely.

I think music is more important now than ever.


I could not agree more even though my mother told me when I was 31 that I could not carry a tune. I've loved watching some of the youtube recordings of zoom collaborations of classical music.

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Thanks! I find the threads on this topic in this forum are so helpful! Given the varying reactions, I don't feel we're all in this together at all. That causes me stress at times. I'm hanging in -more anxious than usual, not sleeping as well as usual and supervising virtual learning is really really challenging and stressful (one child, 6th grade, will be at least a total of 2.5 months virtual). Trying to keep up with my job and solo parent a lot given my husband's insane schedule. I have to look away from social media as much as I can - like the recent complaints over health care protocols at doctor's offices because you know the virus is a hoax and blaming the government for the lack of in-person mental health services because of the challenges of in-person medical care/shortages. Meaning blaming the government for perpetuating a hoax. I love social media for connecting with friends and family .... and this is the downside.


Eating properly is more of a challenge but I'm doing it. I'm working out every day other than the 3 days I couldn't because of oral surgery. I "pivoted" to outdoor, socially distanced workouts March 19 so I just passed the 6-month mark. It does wonders for my mental health -I'm outdoors at dawn every single day.

How are you doing?


I hear you on the disconnect that it feels like some people very much are acting and behaving at cross purposes in the interest in only the perception of their own freedoms. That has absolutely affected my general sense of wellness and optimism. I've sheltered at home since the end of February and have left my apartment less than a dozen times in total. I take this seriously. I would never want to get anyone sick or cause someone to lose someone they love if it's within my control.


Working from home has been overall a net positive, but I find I work a LOT longer hours now and that's getting to be a little intense. I don't expect that to go on forever, though.


Otherwise, I have little reason to complain. I can put a roof over my head. I know where my meals are coming from. I have my health. It could be so much worse.

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I could not agree more even though my mother told me when I was 31 that I could not carry a tune. I've loved watching some of the youtube recordings of zoom collaborations of classical music.


Zoom has been a godsend to my teaching!


There’s oldish footage of me playing (viola) an arrangement of the doctor who theme I arranged.

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I hear you on the disconnect that it feels like some people very much are acting and behaving at cross purposes in the interest in only the perception of their own freedoms. That has absolutely affected my general sense of wellness and optimism. I've sheltered at home since the end of February and have left my apartment less than a dozen times in total. I take this seriously. I would never want to get anyone sick or cause someone to lose someone they love if it's within my control.


Working from home has been overall a net positive, but I find I work a LOT longer hours now and that's getting to be a little intense. I don't expect that to go on forever, though.


Otherwise, I have little reason to complain. I can put a roof over my head. I know where my meals are coming from. I have my health. It could be so much worse.


I go out to shop for the family -and for take out -with masks and social distancing - delivery is not practical at all in our situation -also an apartment. So yes very careful.

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Gratitude. I'm grateful for our full time, permanent employment, job security and steady paychecks. My husband and I are grateful to tele work (work from home). I'm grateful to my great husband and amazing sons. I'm grateful for peace with my relatives, in-laws and friends. I'm grateful not to have turmoil, discord nor strife in my life. I'm grateful for my white picket fence, roses and tranquil suburban neighborhood. I've since learned to count my many blessings.


Even though I feel bad about COVID-19, this pandemic is the best thing that ever happened to me because I have convenient, legitimate excuses NOT to engage in forced, obligatory family reunions with local relatives and in-laws. I'm off the hook for the holidays meaning I don't have to cook a ton of food for super large traditional holiday shindigs (Thanksgiving & Christmas). I get a glorious break because I'll only cook for the 4 of us instead of the 50 of us! :eek: I feel giddy as I kick my heels! :D I'm currently enjoying this glorious break to the hilt. :smug:

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Absolutely agree Dalesboy.


"I think music is more important now than ever."


As I work the music is always there in the background. And now and then watch Hauser. Aside from great musician so easy on the eye. lol


And you said it Rensi:


"I can put a roof over my head. I know where my meals are coming from. I have my health. It could be so much worse."



Yes Cherlyn. Amen to this:


"I'm grateful not to have turmoil, discord nor strife in my life."


We manage to get around. Family reunion last week-end for an event. No big crowd. Rule of six and all that.

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COVID sucks but life goes on for me, just way more isolated. I work full time (not tele, good money, only a few days a week) I go to school for my Masters (remote, not in class), and that's pretty much my life. I've not gained weight but I haven't lost any so I guess that's ok, better than gaining. I've been vaping and drinking a LOT more. My health has taken a turn for the worse (needing 2 surgeries by the end of the year) but whatever, I can afford - what else am I gonna do?


I don't really see any friends anymore, don't see my family much, and I'm single/not looking. There is nothing to do, city shuts down due to the violence/protests that have happened every night. So yeah things are pretty lonely but I'm not in crisis mode.


I'm just going to sit here and watch the world burn outside. When the embers have cooled, I'll go outside again.

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We have Covid, out of control wildfires and, the other day, an earthquake. I was rushed by my former company to move to my current location and took a crappy apartment sight unseen because they insisted they NEEDED me out here NOW back in March. Turns out, the location hasn't even opened yet. So I left that company and start a new job tomorrow. I'm also moving out of this awful apartment next weekend.


I have bad anxiety and am very fearful of Covid, but I am in treatment and am getting better. Numbers in my area are getting better.


I hope things get much better for everyone as soon as possible.

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Gosh, Rensi, that's very hard


"I've sheltered at home since the end of February and have left my apartment less than a dozen times in total."


Every day I am grateful too for a house and garden. The joy of being outside.


I am so grateful to live down the block from a huge gorgeous park with a jogging oval where we can all socially distance at sunrise. Feels so good to get outside every day. The other covid benefit to living in an apartment is we know our maintenance staff and they observe strict covid protocols -so we never have to call a handyman or anyone like that -and wait -and worry about covid-protocols.

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So glad to hear, Bolt, that you are moving to better accommodation soon.


I can understand your anxiety. Covid is no joke.


I understand from what you say that you are somewhere in California.


I have a cousin living there (been there for decades) and messaging yesterday he was telling me all about the problems you folks are having there.

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