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The powers that be have it in for you today, Bolt.


It's ridiculous. But it seems like when it's not important it works fine (whether it's my car or my internet or whatever). But when it's vital it doesn't work or something goes wrong.


I've taken to getting up HOURS early for anything I have scheduled. And if it's a 30 minute drive to a new job I leave an hour and 15 minutes before the start time because I know I'll get lost or there will be an accident or there will be road construction. And I always check my tires before I go anywhere because in the past few years I have had EIGHT flat tires.


I'm all agitated. I am trying to calm down before the interview starts in 20 minutes.

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I feel it went well. Internet behaved itself. It only went down to get me agitated, I guess (eye roll).


Anyway, the lady told me I had a lot of really good experience and she was impressed with how long I was with my former company (nearly 6 years). It's an in-house temp situation so I will have to wait to see if there are any positions that she feels I would be a good fit for. I will keep looking but this sounds very promising. Oh, and the assignments are anywhere from 3 to 9 months, so that is a good long time. And the pay is good.



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So great to hear! Did she give you some sort of timeline as in she'll get back to you within a week or so or are you also free to check in with her (have her contact details)?


There are ongoing multiple assignments so it's pretty much year-round. So I could be on their books for weeks without being matched or I could get a call in a couple of days. She did tell me I should continue my job search in case nothing comes up for a few weeks. So I am still searching and applying other places.


I did send her a polite "thank you" email.

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When you have to be on the phone for over an hour and then get hung up while being "transferred" and then have to call back and be on hold for 30 minutes just to get paid what your former company owes you.


They tried to get me off the phone with a lot of BS lies but I called them out on it. Sister knows how to keep records!


And this is yet another reason why I am glad I left the company. They sent me a mildly threatening letter reminding me I signed a confidentiality agreement. They're worried I might tell someone what I know lol.

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When you have to be on the phone for over an hour and then get hung up while being "transferred" and then have to call back and be on hold for 30 minutes just to get paid what your former company owes you.


They tried to get me off the phone with a lot of BS lies but I called them out on it. Sister knows how to keep records!


And this is yet another reason why I am glad I left the company. They sent me a mildly threatening letter reminding me I signed a confidentiality agreement. They're worried I might tell someone what I know lol.


So sorry -how frustrating!! Hate being on hold and transferred like that.

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So sorry -how frustrating!! Hate being on hold and transferred like that.


And at the end they tried to appease me with some weak promises. I already told the guy I was going to call back in a couple of days. And he said "Oh no, you do not have to call back!!" Well, yes I do because they are trying to get out of paying me what I'm owed.


I used to be proud to work for this company. But they have become shadier and shadier. And the worst part is their refusal to protect their employees during the pandemic under the guise of "You are ESSENTIAL!! We must serve our customers who depend on us!" When it's really about profits. Blood money...they have over-hired because they know they will have to replace the dead and sick employees (2000-ish so far) so they are hiring ahead. Shameful.


I am hoping to find a new job very soon. I will keep trying!

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Of course my internet is working perfectly today. Eye roll.


According to Indeed I have applied for 30 jobs directly on their website. And I know I have applied for about 8 more on other company websites. I think maybe 2 or 3 on LinkedIn. LinkedIn keeps showing me jobs that are located 400 or 500 miles away even though I put my search parameters for 25 miles from my home. So obviously their algorithm needs work!

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Keep your spirits up. Glad you're leaving. They sound ..not so great. You can do better, Bolt. Rooting for you!


Thank you!


I actually already left. They were trying to get me to do something that wasn't comfortable for me. And they had moved me into a role I hadn't applied for, hadn't interviewed for and hadn't received or signed an offer letter for. But they reserve the right to move their employees wherever they choose.


They've gotten too big way too fast and are taking advantage of their customers AND their employees just to make money.


I've found in the past that I can wait a long time for a job, then when I finally find something I suddenly get offers from two or three companies all at the same time. It would be great if that happened again, and soon!

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I spent the evening with two friends yesterday, a married couple. They visited (yes, we socially distanced and I had all the windows open and had three fans going!) and then we went for a drive. They live in the town I just moved from, so I guided them on a tour of some gorgeous scenic spots near where I live. They loved it. We saw dolphins and a gorgeous sunset over the ocean.


It felt great to see friends and get out of my apartment, where I tend to hole up and not be super productive.


I also went for a drive Friday. It was to the same old places I always go so I will need to start changing it up. Otherwise I might be tempted to just sit at home all day every day and that's not good.


My friends are wonderful people :)

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Good for you b.

As much as I lean towards not interacting, there has to be a balance.

As you are experiencing, you may be doing a great job at protecting you physical health, but it could just as easily be at the expense of your mental health.

I do see friends, but it's something I put alot of thought into and I practice social distancing. I've limited myself to like minded friends. There are some that I won't see based on their current lifestyle.

It helps. I'm glad it made a difference for you.

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Thank you both!


I agree, I think I can safely see others as long as none of us does anything that puts the others at risk. I would love to see my cousin and my godson but I won't do it without using safety precautions. My friend wanted to hug me last night and she asked "are you still not hugging?" And I said I am not hugging. And she understood. She and her husband are being safe-ish (as in, they have gone to a bar and they have gone to restaurants twice and still go into shops and they have gone to a casino but they wear their masks and use sanitizer and wipes). Her husband works in a factory-type setting so he is around others. And that is why I wouldn't hug them and I kept my mask on in their car (even though it is a convertible and the top was down!).


My state is testing like crazy and yet the test positive rate is going down. Almost 10.5 million tests have been performed. Positivity rate is 6%. A few weeks ago it was I believe 21%? So that is a good thing. Here's hoping things continue to improve.

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Page 50, holy cow...


Today was very productive! I went to the laundromat to wash sheets, towels and blankets. The laundromat parking lot only had one car in it and I was thinking, wow! I got lucky! Turns out the employee who was supposed to open it at 7 am didn't show up. So another employee had to come in and apparently she got there right before I did. So it was me and one other lady. A few more showed up later but not crowded at all. Then I went to get my car a smog check since I need to register it. Then I went to one of those registration services because there are no appointments available at the DMV and they are only taking a handful of walk-ins. Cost me an arm and a leg but my car is now registered in this state! I have the plates and the registration! I'm so happy that's all over with.


I was the only customer at the smog check place (and they had the cutest doggie there! He wanted to be friends :D ) The guy had to get in my car but he was only in there for a couple of minutes. I was also the only customer at the insurance agency. I had to be in the office for about 20 minutes but no one was close to me and they had plexiglass between me and the employees. The guy helping me was wiping his nose and then touching my documents and the plates and also got into my car and handled my keys, but I figured I'd just wash up when I got home, which I did.


All that's left is getting my drivers license reinstated (it expired while I was living in the previous state) but I will have to go in to do that and I can't get in. My current license is valid until 2024 so that is less urgent.


Gonna spend the rest of the day sweating inside my hot, humid apartment :icon_sad: Heat wave is going to last at least another 8 to 10 days.

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Gotta love when the Amazon delivery driver has been half a block away for 15 minutes. And the app has been telling you you're the next stop for 30 minutes.


Sorry!!! I used amazon fresh once. Never again - had to go downstairs in a thunderstorm as he couldn't/wouldn't figure out how to get into my building.

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Sorry!!! I used amazon fresh once. Never again - had to go downstairs in a thunderstorm as he couldn't/wouldn't figure out how to get into my building.


Yeah, the Fresh drivers are um, less reliable than the regular drivers. The one time I ordered from Fresh I watched the driver look at the addresses on the front of my building, shrug his shoulders and place the bag in front of my neighbor's front door even though I left clear instructions and my apartment number was clearly shown. I had to go downstairs and outside in my pajamas and robe to retrieve the delivery.

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Fake jobs on Indeed. They post it as "Assistant to the CFO" or "Administrative Assistant to CEO". Then when you apply they send a message asking you to email your resume. When you do, they sell your email address and phone number to marketing companies who then bombard you with junk email and texts. Two of them asked me for my banking information, allegedly to set up direct deposit of my paycheck. Oh, and they always say "after careful consideration you have been selected for the role!!" About two hours after you send your resume. No interview, no reference checking.


These scam jobs are getting easier to spot because they all read the same. I reported them to Indeed but they already sold my info (no, I didn't give them my home address or banking info or social security or DL number).


I guess they make enough selling applicants' info to justify paying Indeed to post their scam "jobs".


OTOH, I did get my final pay from my previous company and got more than I was expecting. So that was very nice.

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