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Eventually, we just have had to adapt. I miss my family greatly. But I am starting to sleep a bit better and I am going about my life. The flowers are in bloom and I am enjoying my free time. I like playing video games, watching movies, reading, and walking outside in the ncier weather.


I am resolute in my decision not to work extra outside of my scheduled hours no matter what happens at this point. I am definitely turning inward but I am less unhappy about it.

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SO many people at Lowe's without masks! Holy smokes!


Stitches out from my tooth extraction was done this morning. Doctor says I healed very well!


Great news!!

I texted with an old friend yesterday and shared that I was having fridge troubles (it wasn't working properly which is very stressful as far as losing the food) -and to my surprise she texted back "me too"!

Turned out her fridge troubles was she couldn't stop snacking LOL.

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Eventually, we just have had to adapt. I miss my family greatly. But I am starting to sleep a bit better and I am going about my life. The flowers are in bloom and I am enjoying my free time. I like playing video games, watching movies, reading, and walking outside in the ncier weather.


I am resolute in my decision not to work extra outside of my scheduled hours no matter what happens at this point. I am definitely turning inward but I am less unhappy about it.

That is it . Adapt or go crazy or die kind of thing. I am super happy for the sun and the trees and flowers blooming.

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My cousins posted a status on Facebook. They are having dinner at their local sushi restaurant that just reopened. Sigh...They live in another state hundreds of miles away. They have school age children.


I really hope it turns out OK for them. I certainly don't want them to become ill.

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My cousins posted a status on Facebook. They are having dinner at their local sushi restaurant that just reopened. Sigh...They live in another state hundreds of miles away. They have school age children.


I really hope it turns out OK for them. I certainly don't want them to become ill.


Wow. I think it depends on how the restaurant is socially distanced. I haven't had (california roll type) sushi -I don't eat the raw - yet. No plans at all to go to a restaurant other than take out. For quite awhile I think.

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I can't completely cross but I move away and it works fine. In the crowded city I grew up in it's very hard to socially distance - my mother still lives there and takes walks at "off times" on less crowded streets.


Me too. I'm on the West Coast so it's a bit more spread out, thankfully.


I can't say though that I am not growing a tad restless with the continuance of the stay at home order.

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Another day of no new cases in my state. The third day in a row (before that we had one new case). We are now down to 23 people in the state who are confirmed to have Covid-19 as people are now recovering from their infections.


Random testing of asymptomatic people starting soon.


I have to say, I'm pretty disgusted by the price gouging with hand sanitiser (and other things). $15 dollars for 50mls of hand sanitiser. $20 dollars for hand sanitiser that has no alcohol in it, which is useless. We need everyone to be practicing good hygiene - including those who are already financially disadvantaged.

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Another day of no new cases in my state. The third day in a row (before that we had one new case). We are now down to 23 people in the state who are confirmed to have Covid-19 as people are now recovering from their infections.


Random testing of asymptomatic people starting soon.


I have to say, I'm pretty disgusted by the price gouging with hand sanitiser (and other things). $15 dollars for 50mls of hand sanitiser. $20 dollars for hand sanitiser that has no alcohol in it, which is useless. We need everyone to be practicing good hygiene - including those who are already financially disadvantaged.


I managed to buy dettol for washing, which I've added to what little sanitizer I had left from my last music festival.. it's nuts how people are trying to profit from this.


My mum's in hospital, I'm devastated, and due to lock down can't visit her. I live so far away from my family I can't even visit and socially distance via door step. My fiance has seen my aunt and is again today as there's some things from my grandma's house that we need, and as it's a council house we only have 2 more weeks to get it emptied.

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Hmm... It's illegal to price gouge here. There already have been heavy fines and arrests. There is also a hotline to report any vendor who engages in that. Hand sanitizer is available at any dollar store, pharmacy, supermarket etc for the same price as before. Same with 70% isopropyl alcohol and toilet paper.


I don't use it because hand washing is 1000x more effective. I do wear gloves and a mask when out and remove, toss them when I walk in the door. People touch stuff in stores then put it back on the shelf and corona can live on fomites from hours to days.

I'm pretty disgusted by the price gouging with hand sanitiser (and other things). $15 dollars for 50mls of hand sanitiser. $20 dollars for hand sanitiser that has no alcohol in it, which is useless. We need everyone to be practicing good hygiene - including those who are already financially disadvantaged.
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Hmm... It's illegal to price gouge here. There already have been heavy fines and arrests. There is also a hotline to report any vendor who engages in that. Hand sanitizer is available at any dollar store, pharmacy, supermarket etc for the same price as before. Same with 70% isopropyl alcohol and toilet paper.


I don't use it because hand washing is 1000x more effective. I do wear gloves and a mask when out and remove, toss them when I walk in the door. People touch stuff in stores then put it back on the shelf and corona can live on fomites from hours to days.


I wash my hands as my go to. When I shop I use purell wipes if available or sanitizer regularly. Gloves wouldn't help me because i also have to touch my phone and the shopping cart, etc. I use paper and napkin barriers to handle items and the door handle to the freezer section

or my hands in a disposable plastic bag. I wear a face covering to shop. Where I go it's not crowded. I know some say the virus can live for days and also infect you by touching. From what I understand the virus gets much weaker after a certain period of time and you'd have to touch it then touch your face with your hands to transmit. I never ever do that. I have a friend who last week in NYC (I do not live there) touched a metal door handle in her building by accident then ,startled, got her fingers in her mouth. That is the sort of thing I'd freak out about. She's ok from all I know so far. I don't think the presence of virus days later means much other than in a specific situation where you breathe it in or breathe it in from your hands to your nose/mouth. I see people handling their masks regularly while they are out or shop. I don't get why they would be wearing a covering in the first place.


Hand sanitizer is not available at the typical stores around here. Or disinfectant wipes. If it were it would be the typical price. I got some from a popular bath product website as a just in case but I had a lot left over from months ago that I still have and use sparingly.

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I don't use it because hand washing is 1000x more effective. I do wear gloves and a mask when out and remove, toss them when I walk in the door. People touch stuff in stores then put it back on the shelf and corona can live on fomites from hours to days.


I don't think anyone is using hand sanitiser as an instead of hand washing and it's pretty wildly known that hand washing is the better of the two methods. Hand sanitiser is useful when you are out and about and hand washing facilities are not readily available or convenient.

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I don't think anyone is using hand sanitiser as an instead of hand washing and it's pretty wildly known that hand washing is the better of the two methods. Hand sanitiser is useful when you are out and about and hand washing facilities are not readily available or convenient.


Yes that is the only time I use it. I agree. I don't want to use the public bathroom at the store for sure and then I'd have to leave my stuff unattended.

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I keep hand sanitizer in my car and such for when I'm out and about. It is no replacement for hand washing, that's for sure. I don't use gloves when I'm out. Just wear a mask. I put coffee filters into a slot in the mask so it can better filter out viral particles and the face feels fairly well to my face. It's no N95 but it's a few notches better than your typical droplet mask.


In a couple days, I see my family again from a distance. We cannot touch each other or be close but I am going to drive and see them even if it's from a distance. I've had no real human contact since mid March.

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This month I have to go collect my mom’s taxes. I guess she can throw them at me from a distance. A long way to get taxes. 3 hour drive and 3 hour drive home. My husband is confined to 50 km beyond the base so I will have to go alone .

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Good point. Hope people are not using it in lieu of vigorous hand washing. At this point anything helps. Your area seems pretty decent. Still dropping like flies here. I suppose my greatest fear is mostly if I got a severe case of this being a vegetable afterward from viral encephalitis or medically induced coma on a respirator.


Stay safe down under 🦘🐨

Hand sanitiser is useful when you are out and about and hand washing facilities are not readily available or convenient.
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Sushi kills the corona virus.🍣👾 Only kidding. I suppose we are all allowed some of our own brand of voodoo right now, whether it's a 4 leaf clover or whatever. For example, I put a medical grade HEPA filter in the bedroom. Any proven value as far a corona?, who knows but it makes me feel like I am "doing something" and it's great for allergies.

They are having dinner at their local sushi restaurant that just reopened.I certainly don't want them to become ill.
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Sushi kills the corona virus.🍣👾 Only kidding. I suppose we are all allowed some of our own brand of voodoo right now, whether it's a 4 leaf clover or whatever. For example, I put a medical grade HEPA filter in the bedroom. Any proven value as far a corona?, who knows but it makes me feel like I am "doing something" and it's great for allergies.


I just bought a small HEPA air filtering machine to use in the moving truck since I HAVE to move in about 3 weeks. I figure I'll put it in there 30 minutes before me and my friend and my cat get in for the drive, just in case someone else got in there earlier. I am on the hunt for some Lysol spray to spray in the truck also before we get in, plus to spray in my new apartment even though it's been sitting completely empty for weeks AND to spray in the hotel room we are going to have to stay in overnight (still rethinking that one, we may just stay in the new apartment overnight which should be WAY safer). I am also buying a larger air filtering machine to keep in my apartment to clean the air for when I get home from work and from grocery shopping in case I bring anything icky home with me. And as you said, Wiseman, it certainly helps with allergies. I am moving from the desert to the beach area where flowers grow prettily but also my sinuses do NOT like.


It will be so nice to see my kids in person, even though for their protection I will keep distance and not hug them.


I do wear a mask and gloves and then wipe down groceries with a Handi-wipe and Clorox spray cleaner. I realize it might be risky that the bleach cleaner will soak through the food packaging and onto the food itself but I'd rather take that chance than possibly have the virus on my groceries. And I did read that although the virus technically "lives" on surfaces, it isn't nearly as infectious hours later. But I'm still wiping everything down and then changing out of my clothes before going inside my home.


Ugh...I fear this is how I'll be for the rest of my life. I'm older (50's) and I can totally see myself acting like the world is a cesspool of infection forever. Right now I run from people and I hate that I might always feel that way. I sure hope not.


Pretty day outside. If I can get some motivation I might go for a drive.

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I feel the same way, I feel very affected by this experience. I don't know if I will ever feel comfortable doing certain things again that I enjoyed. Even meeting new people in close proximity. If a vaccine comes out, I don't know if I can recover and feel comfortable again. What if another virus surfaces?

How can I go out and meet new people and not feel worried? Open up to the possibility of dating again? Parties? Many restaurants? The virus surfaced in late 2019 and has already killed so many. I have a family member who works in NYC and I hear her stories and it's terrible.


I'm just happy I had a nice 30 years before this. How does one get used to this sort of isolation?


I always had a feeling that I'd die alone but I didn't think I'd actually be alone for so long prior to that. It's worse than I thought.

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I feel the same way, I feel very affected by this experience. I don't know if I will ever feel comfortable doing certain things again that I enjoyed. Even meeting new people in close proximity. If a vaccine comes out, I don't know if I can recover and feel comfortable again. What if another virus surfaces?

How can I go out and meet new people and not feel worried? Open up to the possibility of dating again? Parties? Many restaurants? The virus surfaced in late 2019 and has already killed so many. I have a family member who works in NYC and I hear her stories and it's terrible.


I'm just happy I had a nice 30 years before this. How does one get used to this sort of isolation?


I always had a feeling that I'd die alone but I didn't think I'd actually be alone for so long prior to that. It's worse than I thought.


I can relate and sure am sorry you feel that way!!

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If you work that out let me know. Extravert here, one month in. Really starting to miss people. All this talk of lifting restrictions and you just knooow the one on social interaction will be the last to go. At least the economy can limp along *gag*

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