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Emotional support group Covid19


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Thank you everyone for the reassurances. It's just a very uncertain and emotional time right now. So conflicted, excited to meet baby, but also want baby to stay put until this is over.

We don't know the true number of cases or deaths in the UK. Only death toll we have is based on hospital deaths, care homes and home deaths aren't being recorded in official figures here :(


Yes of course -I can't imagine! But you will be fine and best wishes on a continued smooth pregnancy!

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As a millennial, I actually don't know anyone who uses condoms unless they are hooking up and I don't know anyone who uses it as a primary form of protection. Most everyone i know has an IUD, birth control pill, etc. If not for birth control, then hormonal regulation or whatnot.


I don't think there will be a baby boom from this. This isn't like an extended storm where you are stuck inside but you know things will be ok once you're out. Life has changed for good. People are scared to go to the hospital and are going to be questioning whether or not they want to bring a child into a world fresh out of a pandemic and full of fear.


I am not currently sexually active but I am so, so glad that I had my tubes tied years ago.

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Awesome news Sara!! So happy for you.

Fudgy I'm unable to use hormonal contraception, used pull out method before actively trying for baby (which took 19 months to conceive) but do not want any accidents in the next couple of years. Condoms or copper coil are my only option, but I have to go under general for a coil due to ptsd :(

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I hope you can find some condoms then, Butterfly. I was just reporting that in my experience in my area, with folks my age, condoms are not used as the primary method. Birth control remains free for a number of people around here, pills or coils or implants.


I understand not wanting to be on hormones. I feel a lot better being off of birth control. Being able to stop it after I was sterile was a huge weight off my shoulders.

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The mayor of my city said the shutdown is "insanity" and that she has seen no data that shows the shutdown is effective for any reason.


Do we need to teach our so called leaders to read?

How are the gums today?


Hate to say it but the mayor sounds like an idiot.

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Best to steer clear of politics. Read more elevated material from reputable sites and medical experts. The more power and headspace you give them the more you stress yourself out.

The mayor of my city said the shutdown is "insanity" and that she has seen no data that shows the shutdown is effective for any reason.
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Now researchers are finding that air pollution and obesity are larger risk factors for corona infection/poor outcomes than asthma.


It is eerie how much this resembles the 1918 "spanish flu" pandemic. They did masks, distancing, etc and still the second wave was much deadlier than then first.

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Best to steer clear of politics. Read more elevated material from reputable sites and medical experts. The more power and headspace you give them the more you stress yourself out.


Aye Wiseman...


I did not seek out "politics". It was a segment on the morning news.


I made a simple post. It doesn't mean I am obsessing.


My mouth seems to be healing well. Although I am looking forward to eating regular food!

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Poor bolt! Seems like you keep having issues which make it impossible for you to enjoy regular foods.

When I was sick, I went a few days at least on just tea, ice cream, and soup. I was planning out all kinds of meals I'd eat once better - everything looked so good.


I'm usually OK. I can't eat a lot of foods (lactose intolerant, allergic to peanuts and tree nuts, allergic to chocolate :icon_sad:, can't eat red meat unless it's ground up or cooked to very soft consistency) but I really love fish, chicken and vegetables and those are things I can have.


Once I heal from the extraction I will be able to eat normally. Or, at least normally for me lol. I just don't want to jump the gun and go back to regular foods too soon and blow out my stitches.


I have to go back to work onsite next week. How are those of you who are still working out in public holding up?

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How are you? In general I'm finding it challenging to balance what I need against my family's needs -basic stuff! -when our routines, our lifestyle is so drastically different. I'm not good at asking for what I need but now there's this other layer of figuring out what I do need in this kind of survival mode -survival mode some of the time. Anyone else feeling this way? I don't think the answer is martyrdom for anyone.

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