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Life in the Driver’s Seat (extended)

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50 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

Reminds me of my brother in law. His red blood count was so low one time the doctors couldn't understand why he wasn't in a coma. 

It is crazy. This must be some kind of condition that people don’t process body sensations properly. 

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10 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

It is crazy. This must be some kind of condition that people don’t process body sensations properly. 

Well, I was having some degree of discomfort while about 5 1/2 months pregnant. I also was peeing red (which of course prompted me to see my doctor immediately). The OB nurse examined me and looked at me like I was nuts and said "Um, you're in labor. Didn't you know?" And I said "I've never had a baby before. I don't know what labor feels like!" Apparently I'd been in labor for quite a while! Fortunately they were able to slow it down so my baby boy could mostly finish baking 🙂

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3 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

Well, I was having some degree of discomfort while about 5 1/2 months pregnant. I also was peeing red (which of course prompted me to see my doctor immediately). The OB nurse examined me and looked at me like I was nuts and said "Um, you're in labor. Didn't you know?" And I said "I've never had a baby before. I don't know what labor feels like!" Apparently I'd been in labor for quite a while! Fortunately they were able to slow it down so my baby boy could mostly finish baking 🙂

Thank goodness !! 

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I can’t remember if I said before if I figured out the mental health condition of a YouTuber I used to watch . I looked in on her channel and again she is down another 5,000 people since a few months ago. She is losing subs like flies. I know why and people have tried to tell her but she UTTERLY REFUSES to listen. Her channel I get it . I do. I finally realized what set me off about her. I know what it is she is speaking at a thousand miles an hour without taking a breath . It is a tip off. 

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Happy 18th birthday to my brother’s youngest beautiful daughter. 

My brother is being tested for a serious heart condition. 😓I don’t know if my dad’s heart issues were genetic and I don’t know if they knew anything about it 40 years ago. 

He also had to come up with 1 million dollars to buy out a partner in his business who is in trouble. 

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In 1998 measles was eliminated in Canada. Now it is back. Why??? Because people are refusing to vaccinate thinking that the childhood disease is preferable to vaccines. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🙄🙄🙄

VACCINES DO NOT CAUSE AUTISM. Autism is a  natural human variant of neurology. 

For those who were vaccinated in the early 90’s the second part of the vaccine was not available until 1996, get revaccinated . My husband the military vaccinates him for ,childhood diseases every 5 years regardless. My line of work had me vaccinate again. My son has the dual shot . Childhood disease can cause serious illness and side effects and even death. 


Climbs down off soapbox. 

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13 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

They're being told by people who are not scientists or medical professionals that vaccines are "bad".

I'm not going to take medical advice from a roided out former game show host.


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9 hours ago, Seraphim said:

In 1998 measles was eliminated in Canada. Now it is back. Why??? Because people are refusing to vaccinate thinking that the childhood disease is preferable to vaccines. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🙄🙄🙄

VACCINES DO NOT CAUSE AUTISM. Autism is a  natural human variant of neurology. 

For those who were vaccinated in the early 90’s the second part of the vaccine was not available until 1996, get revaccinated . My husband the military vaccinates him for ,childhood diseases every 5 years regardless. My line of work had me vaccinate again. My son has the dual shot . Childhood disease can cause serious illness and side effects and even death. 


Climbs down off soapbox. 

It’s not as straight forward as this any longer in the UK Seraphim.


The way vaccines are being produced and administered is being completely changed from under our nose; and health workers are not transparent or open about it, some of them don’t even know. It’s no longer the old school doses in some cases, and we’re a way way back from Thomas Dimsdale and his insertion of a live sample piece of the old small pox in a scrape.  

The MMR vaccine is changing. They are no longer using live strains of the virus like all previous vaccines before. These new forms of vaccines have not been tested over a period of time and there is little long term research on effects. I don’t think people are stupid or careless to be cautious. 

Also, mumps, measles and rubella - as nasty as it is, for the majority of cases, is like a bad flu, and gotten over by most young and healthy people within a week with no medication but pain killers and fluids. I am not saying we want it, it’s fantastic these diseases have mostly been eradicated, but the mass panic regarding it in this modern day and age is a little extreme in my opinion. 

We keep getting weird pockets of polio spring up in London. I know why but I’m not gonna say for I will be banned once again from this website! 

Also, just because you don’t hold a medical degree, doesn’t mean you are not well read on certain biology, or do not research medical practices at a hobby level. I often think people put great stock in the expert. Experts have been wrong plenty, they aren’t always correct. I always say, use your free mind, your free will, don’t take anyone’s word and research everything of concern for yourself and come to your own conclusions.  

My youngest is not vaccinated at all because of these concerns due to vaccine change and change in administration. My husband has never been vaccinated for anything because he was so allergic to egg, and they left him be for the most part. 

I also rejected the yearly flu vaccination for myself and my kids, and I also rejected the rota virus vaccination for the children, as at the time, it was a very new vaccine of only 3 years and the consequence of rota virus was 99% sickness and extremely rare to end in complications, if a child is over the age of 1. But the vaccine side effect complication that did happen here in the UK two or three times (reported) was a collapsed bowel and certain death. This was only 1 in 150,000 - but still. No need to put anymore chemicals and heavy metals into their bodies to avoid a sickness bug. They’ve never actually had a sickness bug yet which is probably a small miracle with them being 2, 4 and 6. 

Just thought I’d add my alternative perspective. There have been major reports here of complications called white clots - I don’t know if you have heard about it, I imagine so. If you are youngish and healthy and respiratory flu like Covid is going to be of no concern to you, in my opinion, there is no need for the vaccine. 

The immune system works by being tested as you will know - we vaccinated against everything but the common cold and you get things developing that become much worse in variant. It’s like the over use of antibiotics - you get the super bugs immune to the stuff 50 years later. It’s the same with cold and flu virus. Vaccinate to the hilt until all we have left is the common cold and in a couple of decades we will be hit with something much worse. 

I’m very interested in biology and read some absolutely fascinating articles about two people who were immune to the AIDS virus. Also, there are a minute number of people who are genetically immune to the bubonic plague, which is still present in certain parts of Africa. Genetics and the human immune system is mind blowing. I’m definitely no hippy, but I do believe the best defence is health and lifestyle before all else. With that, and youth, you will shrug off polio, flu, measles, colds, Covid - and the immunity you will derive will last longer in average than the vaccine.


When I have gone to get vaccines for the kids times before, the nurse administrating the doses can’t answer any questions. They slide you a basic mass produced leaflet and tell you to sign a wager so you can’t sue them if anything goes wrong. Maybe it’s different in Canada - but here; I have not been put at ease by asking medical staff questions and I personally know a few consultants a few of which have not taken certain vaccines. 

My parents both had measles, as it was very common here still in the 60s and 70s and definitely my Grandparents had it too. My Mum also had mumps. Not a nice week in bed but they were absolutely fine with zero complications. 

I’m still researching and looking into the new methods and development before I decide how to go about this now. 

My husband and kids are not vaccinated against Covid and we’ve had it less than anyone we know. Be fit, healthy, eat and rest well, and even diseases like the risk of cancer and other serious chronic and terminal illnesses will decrease. 

I think the problem with modern and recent medicine now is, we just medicate medicate, and slap a plaster over the issue, instead of focusing on prevention, and medical therapies and medical support for conditions to lesson development. It’s all just medication. Depression, for example, is not cured by anti-depressants. It’s just temporarily eased or subdued, but the root cause of the depression is not solved or gone. And these medications all have their side effects, some being extremely serious.


Don’t mean to lecture - just an alternative approach here in the UK from someone who is so far from a hippy but has now been aligned that way simply because I now don’t automatically jump on every piece of advice or suggestion by medical professionals or the WHO! 

All the best,



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My step dad’s oldest sister had polio and she suffers from uneven limbs and pain to this day. She is 93. My parents and grandparents had all the childhood diseases . One of my great aunts died of diphtheria and my grandfather her baby brother almost died from it. My great great grandmother died of typhoid. 

While I agree we do need to have facts it isn’t just us we play Russian roulette with when we don’t get vaccines. I had no choice of whether I wanted a vaccine or not unless I didn’t  want to work in childcare . My husband the same, vaccines are not a choice in the military. 

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54 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

My step dad’s oldest sister had polio and she suffers from uneven limbs and pain to this day. She is 93. My parents and grandparents had all the childhood diseases . One of my great aunts died of diphtheria and my grandfather her baby brother almost died from it. My great great grandmother died of typhoid. 

While I agree we do need to have facts it isn’t just us we play Russian roulette with when we don’t get vaccines. I had no choice of whether I wanted a vaccine or not unless I didn’t  want to work in childcare . My husband the same, vaccines are not a choice in the military. 

My paternal grandmother had polio and walked with a limp.  

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11 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

I don’t understand the term “ get feelings” how does that work ? 

It’s a cop out. It’s for people who blame feeling something for someone unavailable as if they have some sort of contagious disease they caught. Good luck with the move!!!

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15 minutes ago, Batya33 said:

It’s a cop out. It’s for people who blame feeling something for someone unavailable as if they have some sort of contagious disease they caught. Good luck with the move!!!

That is what I was going to say. Are feelings a disease? I don’t get it . One HAS feelings they don’t “ CATCH” them like they would measles . The way people have been changing the language is ridiculous. 

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On 3/5/2024 at 4:47 PM, Seraphim said:

My step dad’s oldest sister had polio and she suffers from uneven limbs and pain to this day. She is 93. My parents and grandparents had all the childhood diseases . One of my great aunts died of diphtheria and my grandfather her baby brother almost died from it. My great great grandmother died of typhoid. 

While I agree we do need to have facts it isn’t just us we play Russian roulette with when we don’t get vaccines. I had no choice of whether I wanted a vaccine or not unless I didn’t  want to work in childcare . My husband the same, vaccines are not a choice in the military. 

Yeah polio is no joke. I personally know 2 people that had it in their youth. Both still have the same issues your step dads sister has. 


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On 3/5/2024 at 10:47 PM, Seraphim said:

My step dad’s oldest sister had polio and she suffers from uneven limbs and pain to this day. She is 93. My parents and grandparents had all the childhood diseases . One of my great aunts died of diphtheria and my grandfather her baby brother almost died from it. My great great grandmother died of typhoid. 

While I agree we do need to have facts it isn’t just us we play Russian roulette with when we don’t get vaccines. I had no choice of whether I wanted a vaccine or not unless I didn’t  want to work in childcare . My husband the same, vaccines are not a choice in the military. 

Remember also, 150 to 100 years ago, people lived in generally much worse conditions with no medical therapeutics like today. Children were often cold, worked, in damp conditions and running on less than minimum nutrition, often going hungry. These factors will contribute to how you handle a disease. 

I am not saying everyone should stop the MMR vaccine - I just think parents should be told if the way the vaccinate has been manufactured and administered is going to change or is changing. When something new medically speaking comes along, you want to be secure of human trails over a long period so you feel confident in taking the medicine. I think it me perfectly reasonable and very sensible if parents are sometimes wary and I wouldn’t label them as stupid or selfish or backwards. 

We have 65 million people here in the UK - if 10 thousand children aren’t vaccinated but all the rest are, it won’t make too much of a difference, especially when they are randomly spread across the country. You see outbreaks when a large, concentrated group of people all decide to not vaccinate and also live in poor, unsanitary conditions. This is where you get the outbreaks in concentrated areas, especially like we have been seeing in London. 


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