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Life in the Driver’s Seat (extended)

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We started the first of our away from home holidays. We head into the US tomorrow, not a very safe city but we are just there for the ball game and then out. Hubby secured a paid parking space in a lot online. The lot is about a mile from the ballpark so we can just walk. The boy is home alone but I am sure he is enjoying his time . 

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1 hour ago, boltnrun said:

I presume you're going to Detroit.

Yeah, not a particularly safe city, but if you just go to the game and head back after you should be fine. I've gone to sports events in a pretty unsafe city and nothing bad has ever happened. 

Yeah , we are . I am sitting across the river from GM headquarters right now having supper . 😄

It should be ok. I have been to Detroit a few times . One time to take my brother to the airport on the other side. I was driving by 8 Mile at 3 AM, ‘twas fun 🫠

My brother and his gf are hitting Chicago today for the casinos and then meeting us in Detroit tomorrow. Then they are hitting the casinos in Windsor after the game . We don’t bother with that. My brother plays a lot of casinos at times and has a lot of disposable income, us not as much and we don’t want to lose it . 😜

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We came across a Vietnam veteran collecting money for homeless veterans to eat. We had a great discussion with him as my husband knew what unit he was with. They thanked each other for their service and shook hands he gave us information about the area and what to stay away from . He said he would be safe in the restaurants and at the ballpark but other than that get back across the border . He said we would be safe in the little area because there is a very heavy police presence for the tourists. 

We made our contribution and wished him a great day. 

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We are headed home the 6 hour drive and tomorrow repack for our second holiday starting Tuesday. We are going up to Lake Superior. Here is a song from our legendary poet singer , Gordon Lightfoot who passed this year. It is about Superior and the Great Lakes and the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. Yesterday we passed the Mariners Church in Detroit that they talk about in this song . When Gordon died the church rang its bell 29 times for him. ❤️


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Laying here in the hotel waiting for my husband and son to wake up. I think I pulled a muscle in my groin yesterday when we did a partial cliff/gorge climb down to some Indigenous pictographs . I have some muscles that are aching that I haven’t used in a while. We didn’t complete the climb after we saw the signs that said , “ be aware deaths and injuries have occurred while viewing the pictographs when highly unpredictable waves have washed visitors off the rock ledge etc etc “ My son had a full blown panic attack and didn’t want me or his dad to continue. It never mentioned death in the brochure. 😜

Kind of achy all over today. 

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So it seems someone tried to break into our home through the backdoor while we were gone . The door frame around the beadbolt is broken. We did have a pet sitter and she had a key so it wouldn’t be her. I have installed an inside camera looking out back. I already had one out front . But our yard backs into the forest so anyone can sneak up that way. 

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46 minutes ago, itsallgrand said:

Lol. On the plus side, when lots of people who didn't grow up here say "it's far away!!" , it usually doesn't seem far when they say where it is. 

Hahaha people don’t realise how long it takes to cross our provinces. Ontario is more than 3 days from east to west and more than that from north to south.  Québec is a little bigger . You could cross almost all of Europe in that time and about 7 American States or more . It is 24 hours for me to get to Florida , FLORIDA. And other two days after that to get out of Ontario. 

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