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Where will my road lead.

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Yh we are just friends who have awesome sex on occasion


Im pretty happy at the moment.


My friend told me a funny story the other day. She is using a picture of me and her on a night out for her dating profile and people just keep complementing me. That made me chuckle.

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So I ran into my ex today.


I used this as an opportunity to ask for some stuff back. My massager for my bad back, I have a clone of something of mine 😳 that I asked for back that i thought was weird she still had.


I must say I could tell she was off and I asked if she was okay. To which she said "I dont want to talk about how i am but thanks".


Correct me if im wrong but I think ive been the better person during this break up. There was no need for her to be rude to me because I wanted some of my stuff. She just sucks. Think that best sums it up. She just sucks hard.


Just a little vent to get rid of the negative feelings.

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Sputnik, I'm reading your journal. Currently up to day 44 of no contact. You and Carus are wonderful people.

That's very kind of you Stacks* ~ Thankyou....and so are You*


The fact you are here is a great showing of the person you are.


Piaressss ~ bubblebubblebubble... :)




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Piaressss I know it's probably a silly statement without any real merit, but it sounds like you're "winning the breakup"


On some level we want that revenge of living better. I'm yearning for that day, even though I wish no harm on her. I just want to be even better.

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Having a bit of a down day today. Think its because my holiday is a few days away and there is a small chance ill run into the ex at the airport.


Im also just sitting around today and its doing my head in. Im really bored but cant really go out. Still got some stuff to pack and get ready.

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Having a bit of a down day today. Think its because my holiday is a few days away and there is a small chance ill run into the ex at the airport.


Im also just sitting around today and its doing my head in. Im really bored but cant really go out. Still got some stuff to pack and get ready.

I've had some of those days recently. I usually try to call a friend I haven't spoken to in a little bit and have a long conversation.


I think our brains go into withdrawal if there's no other brain in proximity to interact with.

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hey brother,


If you see her at the airport, stay strong, acknowledge (if you wish) and carry about your business.. you owe her absolutely nothing from here on in.


You will have a wonderful time!


Stacks is spot on, give your brother or one of mates a call and have a nice long chat.. it really helps!


You have done so well to get to this point..

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Made some plans to go see the new pacfic rim film with some friends so that should cheer me up.


I think im just nervous for my holiday. 2 weeks away on my own. Never done anything like this before.

You're not going to be alone. You always have us at your fingertips. This is one of the threads I'm receiving notifications for on the enotalone android app.


Also, that nervous feeling has its advantages. It means you're about to try something new and different. I might be wrong, but nervous feels like the opposite emotion of bored in a way.

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You have a fwb, go relieve the stress! Lol :) geez I swear I have the mind of a man sometimes, I'm so bad!

You'll be fine, the ex is not worth worrying about, you've seen her already so it will be okay.

And being away is exciting! You'll see once you get there. It will be a great experience.

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Haha Sweets

I was supposed to see her friday but the plans fell through and we couldn't get together before I went away.


Cinema was good. Seeing one of my best mates really cheered me up. Spending the day with my mum before I go away today so gonna try enjoy it.

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