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Spicy/Hot Foods - Yay or Nay?


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I love, love, love hot and spicy foods. Not the kind that practically kill you and have no flavor, only heat, but those that are both hot and flavorful.


I order my wings "hot", of course. I don't like the sweet barbecue flavors or teriyaki or anything like that. Hot! I also push aside that "creamed" horseradish and ask for the straight stuff. And I put TONS of wasabi on my sushi. Salsa must be hot, I love gumbo and jambalaya, I order curry "hot" too. And anything that can have hot sauce on, I put it on.


However, I have friends who say they "can't" eat anything hot or spicy. To be honest, I kind of give them the side eye. I hear that slogan from the Hefty garbage bag commercials..."wimpy wimpy wimpy!" when a man tells me he doesn't like spicy or hot foods (the same thing happens when I meet a man who says he doesn't like sports...). I know it's unfair, but there it is.


My kids have been eating hot salsa from the time they were toddlers. My son can pop a habanero into his mouth like it's nothing (proud mom here!).


Anyway...I just thought it would be fun to see who likes hot and spicy and who doesn't. And if not, what flavors do you prefer?

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I live on spice. I am insulted by a restaurant that doesn't make certain fishes spicy enoug.ph. I also grow spicy peppers (I got a funny story too about neighborhood children thieves taking food from my garden and eating stuff)


I like spicy. Also, sh**posting.

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I'm a New Mexican, we love it hot. Green chile on everything please, hot, mild, they're all good. It's as common here as ketchup. But lately I've been craving some really spicy Thai or Indian food and that I cannot get where I'm at. Maybe I'll take a trip into Santa Fe soon and indulge and go museum hopping.


Okay, Snny, I want to hear that story about the kids!

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I love spicy foods! Spicy dishes aren't usually spicy enough for me. However, my mom is like your friend(s), bolt - she can't eat spicy foods AT ALL. Things that don't taste the least bit spicy to me really bother her. I've never understood it. It makes it difficult, because we can't share dishes unless they're completely mild. Or if my family eats at home together, it can't be at all spicy. I often have to sprinkle extra seasoning on mine.

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