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Ex texts at 5am (probably drunk) saying "You up?"

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Theres probably a million of these nonsense posts on the forums, but i was wondering what we should do when you get this text having not seen or talked to your ex in quite a while? Preferably from the point of view of someone who would want to get back with their ex

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There is also a strong possibility that the text wasn't meant for you.......


Anyway, I wouldn't respond, I'd ignore it. If they actually want to talk to me, they know how to reach me like a normal person. Something like this is not an indication of anything and doesn't really count as contact. Also, think how humiliating to jump on it only to get back a "whoops sorry wasn't mean for you, but hey hope you are doing well." Yikes. Don't do that to yourself.

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At that hour and that brief of a lazy half-butted communication attempt? It's a booty call. They want to see if they can come over and get a little action.


I've been in both scenarios: one where the guy wanted to get back together with me, really. They make an effort, they come see you in person at a respectful hour and are conscious that they need to do more than send a text that screams booty call.


Then I've also had those at a weird hour barely two words together text from an ex, that I hoped was a sign they wanted to get back together so I responded and said, "Sure, come on over." Because I hoped they had realized what they had, couldn't sleep, decided "That's it, I need to be in her life again." And nope it's not. It's a booty call, which usually means they're horny and no one else is available. So they hope you'll "take care" of their problem.


And I fell for that a few times before it dawned on me no one with any normal intelligence expects you drop everything and welcome them with open arms over a two word text that barely passes for communication at an hour when most of us understand it's rude and presumptious to "assume" you'd be up just waiting for them so you can drop everything and be there for them instead of your own life.


Sorry hon, he's run out of other options is what that's all about. If he were sincere about getting back together with you, don't you think he'd show up in person at a normal hour and be cautious that you may just have gotten a life, one that no longer includes him. And that he'll have to try a little harder to get back with you IF he were sincere about that.


So booty call texts, barely communication texts, texts anything sent at an hour that says "I'm horny and can't sleep" should only ever be met with a yawn, delete, go back to bed. The once or twice someone asked why I never got back to them my response was, "5 a.m text? That's why. Those get deleted and always will." Got it?"


Remember, you teach others how to treat you. So don't let him treat you like he's whistling up a pizza--although even there I'm sure he puts more effort than that into ordering a pizza.

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