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Tomorrow to Valentine's Day marked a very special time for myself and my ex - kind of like am anniversary. I'm terrified as to how I'm going to cope because I know how happy I was last year and the years before. I know people will say to stay busy - It won't stop the pain. I'm trying to stop thinking about the breakup it's been 3 months and 2 months 0 contact. Im still really struggling And I'm not ready to face these landmarks. Im at the start of the healing process better than I used to be - I don't cry daily anymore or want him back - but I'm still very sad over it and I wonder how someone who promised me a life together could cheat on me and forget me that easily. He sucked all the emotions out of me and if you read my previous thread he really used me. Yet I can't get over him and I can't get over the relationship even though it was at times emotionally abusive. Please have a read of my last thread to see more details.


Thank you

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Jogging. I went nuts with exercising. I was in so much misery. I could not focus on anything. Cried a lot ALL THE TIME. I'd have anxiety attacks, I could not eat or sleep. I started jogging. Completely came out a better person because of it. There is something about focusing on your body and health that energizes you. I was very out of shape at first so started with a 30 minute WALK. And that made me sore. Built up to walk/jog 5-6 miles daily and got FIT.

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