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What's annoying you today? Part 2


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Venting and annoyed. My son is participating in a program that focuses on various forms of community service. I am delighted with this concept and the program. The program is all virtual now. We just heard about the first community service project - learning about homelessness which will include bringing a meal to a shelter. Delighted with this concept too. One of the ways to contribute is to cook a meal based on a recipe to be provided. Other options so far include picking up and delivering a meal to a shelter. On the first option I replied to the email that it would not be possible here and that I would be happy to transport the meal and/or give $ to donate to others who are preparing meals. Happy to do both!


I explained the obstacles to cooking here -my stove top is not fully functional (because I want to wait until the cases go down to get it repaired), I do as little food shopping as possible, I have limited cookware and limited time to cook a full meal that would be appropriate. I like cooking and I don't cook much given time -I make omelets, and steam veggies, make salads, pasta, sandwiches, etc -much more food prep than cooking and we do take out. No judgment please -I have a lot of nutritious and healthful food here and yes I buy cooked rotisserie chickens instead of roasting my own. Yes I buy organic soups instead of making my own.


Anyway the response I got was that she would drop off supplies for me to make a meal. Um. I don't get it -I just offered all the alternatives and so I replied again that even with that we'd be quarantining the supplies, and then I explained some of the obstacles (I'd said in the first email that I'd be happy to discuss the cooking issues as needed by phone). Yes it's nice of her to offer but is she also going to drop off the extra cookware I'd need -and how would I bring that back? We have one driver here -my husband -and he works more than full time. I get everywhere I need to go walking for now and public transportation pre-covid. I rely on him to drive extremely rarely particularly since school is all virtual and no after school activities to take him to.


I've had this issue in the last 6 months -various virtual classes involving my child needing to cook or bake something or be outdoors - things that people with houses and larger kitchens/supplies can do easily and we cannot during covid. Also for sanitary/cleanliness reasons this is not a time I'm having my child in the kitchen with me - I like to have a routine and structure of what is done in the kitchen so I can control what is clean, what is not, and decrease having to clean (no cleaning service now since March and likely won't have anyone come till next year).


I just thought since there were other alternatives given in the first email which I embraced right away I'd be left alone as far as my issues with cooking. Not everyone has a house, ability to shop right now, cooking supplies, the time to cook a full meal at a specific time. I just don't get why I was pressed on this -yes it was nice to offer to bring me supplies but would have been less annoying to simply accept my limitations and see my efforts to embrace the alternatives.


Thanks for listening. I know "normal people" cook full meals - I know it's typical. In this situation and in these strange times I don't need the push back. (I am thankful that so far virtual school doesn't require cooking or baking - 6th grade).

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I can't do much "real" cooking either. The oven in my apartment doesn't work properly and I although I reported it 3 months ago no one has responded. And I don't want maintenance to come anyway since they do not follow the safety protocols I ask for. They do wear masks and gloves but I provided booties for the guy to wear over his work boots and he needed to go to his truck to get something and he wore the booties while he went outside to get whatever it was. Totally defeated the purpose of the booties! So I can't use the oven. Plus my miniscule kitchen only has about 18" of prep counter space. That's it. So no way would I be able to prepare a large meal either.


I wonder if that program actually wants help or if they are too focused on what they want you all to do. I would think they would accept any help you are able to give!

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I can't do much "real" cooking either. The oven in my apartment doesn't work properly and I although I reported it 3 months ago no one has responded. And I don't want maintenance to come anyway since they do not follow the safety protocols I ask for. They do wear masks and gloves but I provided booties for the guy to wear over his work boots and he needed to go to his truck to get something and he wore the booties while he went outside to get whatever it was. Totally defeated the purpose of the booties! So I can't use the oven. Plus my miniscule kitchen only has about 18" of prep counter space. That's it. So no way would I be able to prepare a large meal either.


I wonder if that program actually wants help or if they are too focused on what they want you all to do. I would think they would accept any help you are able to give!


So the program is an ongoing program connected to a religious organization -and this is one of the community service projects of many to come. The program is not just about homelessness/shelters. But great point! I have 3 of 4 burners working right now and maintenance has been here three times for a leak. They follow all protocols but nevertheless I am not doing nonessentials. For the cooking and prep I do three burners is more than fine. And yes we can afford thank goodness to buy nutritious prepared foods. And I believe in breakfast for dinner so yes my son will have a cheese omelet and pita bread as a dinner. I think it's perfectly fine. And I love the rotisserie chickens at my supermarket or Whole Foods -and you add some baked sweet potatoes, a little bbq sauce, that's a meal too. Oh and stouffers lasagna (so shoot me -also not homemade lol).


With the booties -I put a stop to them wearing the booties when they went outside -some years ago - and that happened with some outside maintenance people they hired -I put a stop to that too. It does defeat the purpose.


Thanks for understanding -again I am "annoyed" not furious. I get what they're trying to do of course.

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I tried explaining the concept of the booties and they just looked at me blankly. Another maintenance man took them from me and then put them on outside, stepping on the ground with them and then walked inside. They do not understand the purpose at all. So I gave up and do not call them anymore.


Thankfully I am only here for 5 more days...oh wonderful day when I finally move out!


As for the program, can you offer to make a monetary donation for this one project? That way they can use the funds however they choose.

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I tried explaining the concept of the booties and they just looked at me blankly. Another maintenance man took them from me and then put them on outside, stepping on the ground with them and then walked inside. They do not understand the purpose at all. So I gave up and do not call them anymore.


Thankfully I am only here for 5 more days...oh wonderful day when I finally move out!


As for the program, can you offer to make a monetary donation for this one project? That way they can use the funds however they choose.


I did offer money or to deliver a cooked meal someone else cooked -which she offered as an alternative (which is why I was surprised she reiterated about the cooking -I know I wrote a lot)


I guess you could have your own booties ready -but . that's a pain plus I always worry about them getting hurt and blaming it on being barefoot/booties.

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I did offer money or to deliver a cooked meal someone else cooked -which she offered as an alternative (which is why I was surprised she reiterated about the cooking -I know I wrote a lot)


I guess you could have your own booties ready -but . that's a pain plus I always worry about them getting hurt and blaming it on being barefoot/booties.


I did give them the booties I supplied and one guy wore them to walk to his truck and back and the other guy put them on outside so he walked on the ground with them on before walking inside my apartment. They just didn't get it.


I hope you're able to work something out with the program. It sounds like they're doing good work but maybe have a few kinks to work out. And I used the word "work" an awful lot lol.

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And I'm mildly annoyed because I had to pack up my things for the move and I keep needing things I already packed up. And I don't know exactly which box or bag the thing I need is packed in.


But I'd rather deal with that than have to stay in this miserable, crappy apartment any longer.


Good luck with the move!! I hate moving even in normal times.

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Good luck with the move!! I hate moving even in normal times.


Every time I've moved it's been because I am improving my life in some way. Even with the absolutely hellacious move during the worst of the pandemic, the reason was supposed to be a good one even though it didn't end up working out. This move is to get me out of this apartment that I despise and away from the miserable isolation that has made my mental health issues so much worse. And this time family is moving my things, not paid movers who disregard safety protocols and get filth all over my personal possessions. I trust my family completely to keep my things safe.


I do feel bad for my poor elderly kitty. She is used to moving with me but she doesn't like it! She does like the house we're moving to, we lived there before and she loved all the space and the massive backyard.

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Every time I've moved it's been because I am improving my life in some way. Even with the absolutely hellacious move during the worst of the pandemic, the reason was supposed to be a good one even though it didn't end up working out. This move is to get me out of this apartment that I despise and away from the miserable isolation that has made my mental health issues so much worse. And this time family is moving my things, not paid movers who disregard safety protocols and get filth all over my personal possessions. I trust my family completely to keep my things safe.


I do feel bad for my poor elderly kitty. She is used to moving with me but she doesn't like it! She does like the house we're moving to, we lived there before and she loved all the space and the massive backyard.


Oh I'm so glad! The last time I permanently moved (not just for a summer residence) was over 10 years ago and that was an 800 mile move.

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Same here Jibralta. Never had Fakebook.

A waste of time from what I see and hear.


I love a lot about it given that I live far from my hometown of 43 years and from family. I can keep in touch with people, it helped me network to get my job, I am able to message with friends who are too busy for phone calls, and I hate a lot about it too - the political crap, the people who hide behind the screen so they can be mean etc. I make very few posts of my own and none of those braggy posts. I post no photos and don't allow photos of my child other than on school/club private pages and then it depends. But yes I love how I've connected with people over the years and kept in touch with others.

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I just "snoozed" a bunch of pages. One celebrity who I do like is constantly posting political things. I agree with 90% of his sentiments but holy cow, there's such a thing as too much. And I've gotten into comment "arguments" with some people and I don't like myself when I do that. So I chose to "snooze" him. I need to be better than that.


Same with Twitter. 99% political tweets and they get me riled up. And with my anxiety I don't need to be riled up. Time to step away.

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What's annoying me? When someone is in a bad mood and takes it out on someone else and make them feel like crap. It's not okay!


I agree!! Annoying: the two moms in my Facebook group who posted that their parents should see it as a blessing to babysit their kids including overnight and should respect their wishes entirely as to how the child is cared for. I agree with the latter to a great extent especially in matters of discipline, feeding, health issues, etc, the former annoys me a lot -what happened to being grateful and appreciative to have parents who are willing to help with your kids to this degree???

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