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What's annoying you today? Part 2


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I really hate when a pill gets stuck and you're just waiting there drinking hot stuff so the damn thing will dissolve, all the while feeling like maybe you can't breathe, so what if a pill is not stuck there but you are having some horrible reaction to said pill? Then you get a panic attack and hyperventilate, making the whole situation worse. For the hell of it you take a high dose of Benadryl just in case there was any merit to your irrational thoughts, and NOW you have an irritated esophagus, plus you feel really stoned.

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Ugh, I know what you mean Super.

It's so dismissive of the hard work and choices that go into being fit.

It's fine if someone says hey, I'm enjoying eating cinnamon buns when I want and only working out when I feel like it, it's worth it to me right now to have the trade off. But it's a pet peeve of mine when people run down others who do make the sacrifices because they don't want to do it themselves. 'Must be nice to have good genes' is lame and dismissive.


So kudos to your hard work - I know you work your butt off.


On the upside, it's sort of a compliment, you must be looking good !!


I mean I even feel bad, because the person that says it is one of our managers and he is really one of the nicest dudes I know. He's maybe 5-9 and very overweight. He often says he used to have my genes. It's like man you can start now, you know? You can either moan about it or start changing it today.Up to you, but it's got onothing to do with lucky or unlucky.

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Buyer: Does it come with the original parts and packaging?

Me: Yes all of the original parts and packaging

Buyer: Can you send a picture of the item?

Me: Sure (attaches picture)

Buyer: I actually meant the item in the original packaging

Me: Oh ok. (Attaches requested picture)



Bro. This has been like half my night.

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I get privately very angry when people get in front of me in line. I don't get into confrontations with people because I could pull off some alpha male ---- if I wanted to, but what good does it do?


I do, however, leave the establishment and take my business elsewhere to avoid saying or doing something I might regret.


Happened today when I was out at lunch. An older guy was at the wrong register. I was at the correct one. No one helps either of us for a couple of minutes. He shuffles over to my left. Finally someone comes to the register and he just hops in. So I left. Was I wrong to not say anything? I don't know.

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I have those dumb closet doors that slide on wheels in my bedroom. I feel like about ten pecent of my life is fixing them when the wheels slide off the top rails. It's like someone took the normal concept of a regular door and said, "I don't know, can we make it ------er?"

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I have those dumb closet doors that slide on wheels in my bedroom. I feel like about ten pecent of my life is fixing them when the wheels slide off the top rails. It's like someone took the normal concept of a regular door and said, "I don't know, can we make it ------er?"




I priced out replacing those. My closets are extra tall. Every door a custom size. One suggestion I heard was to scrub the tracks with steel wool. Haven't bothered with that yet. Need more faith first.

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not really annoyed, just perplexed- about folk having a troublesome sex life and not talking about it with each other. so...you can have sex with them, but you can't talk about the sex with them? isn't it alarming to them that they're having sex with someone they can't talk to?


or is it just about the fact that even physical intimacy is easier than full emotional disclosure? are we so afraid of being vulnerable and so in denial about it? but then isn't it telling when we can't even utter what we physically do? does that not say "we're not really about trust and honesty and feeling safe here, are we"?


in some people, the inhibition has a physical manifestation and in others it seems to be the other, out of denial of the problem with emotional intimacy perhaps?


i somehow can't settle for the explanation that so many just mistake sex for intimacy, i mean, most people can't be that dim.


just rambling thoughts i guess.

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I so agree! You exchange bodily fluids and let them see you at your most vulnerable and you share something yet you can't talk to them about what you like?

I don't get that....

I was so shy with my ex yet with sex i could really let go, try everything, tell him what i liked and didn't like.

Imo you're robbing yourself of a great sex life or a great orgasm....why?

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my guess is we're a dissociated generation in some way. not really asking to be fully accepted, safe... maybe we're such a judgemental society and so dysfunctional at the same time that we're used to emotional disclosure being a risk in terms of being misunderstood, not accepted etc. that we trick ourselves into a false image of intimacy.


you see us all posting...i don't trust him about this, i resent her for that, i am afraid of him because of suchandsuch...but yeah, at least sporadically, we play ma' and pa' in the bedroom and have meals together. playing intimacy.


us humans- sad and fragile at times, and funny when you look at us from an objective standpoint.

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Fireworks, stupid fireworks. Not even pretty ones(which all look the same anyhow, but at least there's something to look at), but just stupid crap that makes horrible loud sounds and shakes the house. Why? What is cool about making the neighborhood sound like a warzone? I'm not even particularly sensitive to sounds but they're making me jittery. The dogs are scared and stress farting. The bright side is my son is sleeping through it.



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Watching public broadcasting show about the birth of democracy in athens, in which I heard "democracy was in the hands of the people"... oh really? Women could vote? It's like we don't even exist.


Sure, tell me the war story with only men in it, because (I presume) that is mostly accurate. But don't say all Athenians could vote. It's a glaring dismissal of half of a population. Amazing.

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this complete effing idiot. what do you want from me??? you asked- i said a shrink eval and bloody clozapine. i made the appointment, because you didn't, because you know better than a shrink. shrink said clozapine. gave her a bloody rx. i picked it up, like you effing wanted me to. you're not giving her the clozapine. and whining she's not improving.


you're a better surgeon than a surgeon, you're a better anasthesiologist than ananasthesiologist, you're a better infectologist than an actual one, you're also an astrologer (very professional, you've got this, dumbfu*k), you're the authority on everyone's appearance and personal life and yet somehow you can't treat a single of them and mistake an ssri for a neuroleptic and candida for a bacterial infection, oh, and your clientelle is dropping dead faster than my zuchinni plants in the draught and every.single.person. you hired had MASSIVE complaints about mobbing, breach of ethics, malpractice and negligence yet everyone else is horrible!


why do you hire us, you absolute moron??


why don't you just take everyone of their bloody meds and have your madhouse, sanity isn't your thing anyway, is it.


bloody effing sick sick twisted power-hungry maladroit!

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