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why would he message me "Did you bang anyone as yet?


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He texted me "Have you banged anyone yet?" At like 2am I have never had sex with him, I am a virgin and he knows this. I ended things with him because he said he wasn't looking for a relationship so I moved on, and went on a few dates and never calledor texted him for weeks. We disappeared off each others radar. He messaged me through the week but I ignored some and reply to others. I answered because I'm not rude. He asked me this same question 2 times, he wanted to know and was asking it a few times. I don't know why, so I was like "no."



I doubt he was drunk cause he asked me more than once. I dont know what to make of it. It's not like he is my be on ex or anything, if he's not interested in me why ask if I'm sleeping with other men.



I'm sure he has other girls to sleep with there shouldn't be a shortage for him.

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If he is texting you late in the hour on both accounts there is a good chance he was drunk. I think it is rude that he is trying to contact you that late in the first place. The guy was horny in both accounts and probably failed at getting laid and reverts back to you to see if you will cave in. I would block him so that he does not harass you again.

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if he's not interested in me why ask if I'm sleeping with other men.


Please don't confuse him texting you such a question as him being interested in you. If he were he would be a whole lot nicer. All he's interested is in whether you are sexually active or not. Ignore him!

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Anger pure and simple. Some men can't take rejection.


This. He can't accept you ended things. This is not a sign of interest. It's a sign of hostility and yes it's a little troublesome that at 2:00 a.m. he's enjoying being nasty to some girl who didn't date him all that long.


Block and delete this one and move on before things get worse, okay? This is just not normal.

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This. He can't accept you ended things. This is not a sign of interest. It's a sign of hostility and yes it's a little troublesome that at 2:00 a.m. he's enjoying being nasty to some girl who didn't date him all that long.


Block and delete this one and move on before things get worse, okay? This is just not normal.

He didn't contact me for a few weeks so I thought he had moved on to another girls. If he is getting his sex supply elsewhere what does he want from me? I won't sleep with him

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Please don't confuse him texting you such a question as him being interested in you. If he were he would be a whole lot nicer. All he's interested is in whether you are sexually active or not. Ignore him!


Why is he even interested in that? Does he think I chose to sleep with another man over him. I feel like he dislikes or hates me

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It doesn't matter if this guy is getting sex elsewhere, he is still clearing missing you, or at the very least, thinking about you enough to text you that. Even if he has a harem, for all we know, he's jealous of the attention he believes that you are getting from other guys. I mean, I know when I was dumped from a long-term relationship, I had moments where I wanted to contact her or know what she was up to...but I never broke NC...not in almost 3 years now (and she completely broke my heart at the time). I would never give a woman who left me that satisfaction lol

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Why is he even interested in that? Does he think I chose to sleep with another man over him. I feel like he dislikes or hates me


He does not care about or respect you. He does not take rejection well. He's a jerk.


Was this you first time to date someone?

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If he is getting his sex supply elsewhere what does he want from me? I won't sleep with him


Because it's not about sex and he doesn't even like you. It's about maintaining some form of power or control over you. He definitely doesn't respect you that's for sure, or he wouldn't be texting such d**k messages at 2:00 a.m. It's anger and it's not normal. That you can't see it or are looking for some sort of confirmation that he lurvs you is kind of scary.


You responding just feeds his ego. Why you feel compelled to answer is beyond me. An all caps F U to him would at least show you aren't being a doormat, but answering him every time he texts insulting messages to you is definitely sending him a "I can walk on this girl" message.


And he likely was with someone else for a few weeks, isn't now, is bored or feels he's losing control, so now as with most bullies he has to go out and find someone to push around and prove to himself that he still has some semblance of power. However laughable that may be.


Seriously, this guy is showing you exactly who he is. Would you text something that rude to a virgin? No? Then why do you let him have a different sent of standards?

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It doesn't matter if this guy is getting sex elsewhere, he is still clearing missing you, or at the very least, thinking about you enough to text you that. Even if he has a harem, for all we know, he's jealous of the attention he believes that you are getting from other guys. I mean, I know when I was dumped from a long-term relationship, I had moments where I wanted to contact her or know what she was up to...but I never broke NC...not in almost 3 years now (and she completely broke my heart at the time). I would never give a woman who left me that satisfaction lol


I moved on from him because I had feelings for a guy that wasn't wanting relationship and I did, it was to protect myself I didn't want to get hurt by him. He would text me short phrases or just words out of the blue but not reply to my responses. Like last week I was he must have seen me online all evening because he messaged me "busy hey " and didn't reply to my reply, I was having a conversation with someone else. I miss him too. But I felt like he hates me now. I was surprised to hear from him. Because he disappeared from my radar for a few weeks after I told him I can't do casual hook ups etc. Do you think he thought I chose to sleep with someone else instead of him?

He never asked if I was dating anyone, I'm not but I went on a few dates, so I don't think he even likes me

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I know he doesn't like me. I was wondering why he would ask me if he wasn't even interested in the 1st place. I thought he moved on. So he just wants and ego boost? He has other girls he can get it from them. By even asking me this question shows I have power over him and his thoughts, I would have never thought to contact him again. He is using his energy to try to bully me. I'm proud I'm a virgin and that I want to be in love first, answering him was nothing for me, I don't know why he even asked tbh.

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I know he doesn't like me. I was wondering why he would ask me if he wasn't even interested in the 1st place. I thought he moved on. So he just wants and ego boost? He has other girls he can get it from them. By even asking me this question shows I have power over him and his thoughts, I would have never thought to contact him again. He is using his energy to try to bully me. I'm proud I'm a virgin and that I want to be in love first, answering him was nothing for me, I don't know why he even asked tbh.


Because you wouldn't give it up for him and it annoys him. Part of him is curious, but the most of him is just a jerk for asking in such a crass way.

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He dosn't hate you, but he isn't interested either. His 2am text was out of boredom.


If he does it again, just ignore him.


I moved on from him because I had feelings for a guy that wasn't wanting relationship and I did, it was to protect myself I didn't want to get hurt by him. He would text me short phrases or just words out of the blue but not reply to my responses. Like last week I was he must have seen me online all evening because he messaged me "busy hey " and didn't reply to my reply, I was having a conversation with someone else. I miss him too. But I felt like he hates me now. I was surprised to hear from him. Because he disappeared from my radar for a few weeks after I told him I can't do casual hook ups etc. Do you think he thought I chose to sleep with someone else instead of him?

He never asked if I was dating anyone, I'm not but I went on a few dates, so I don't think he even likes me.

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You really need to let this go.


You should be insulted by his texts, not questioning the meaning. He does not respect you!


You really need to instill some boundaries. As the majority of people, would have blocked this guy, Not overanalyzed why he was sending inappropriate texts.

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