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Deleted my POF profile


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This morning, like always, I checked my email and did the routine deleting of the 100s of emails POF bombards me with, telling me somebody "likes" me. Then went on the app to check my messages and proceed to delete messages from time wasters (ie 100% of the messages). And suddenly I just had it.


Unlike the other two OLD websites where I've met a decent amount of genuine, nice guys, I've been on POF for months, waded through countless time wasters, met numerous guys off there (none of whom was worthy of my time, big red flags with many of them while others were just boring), I've concluded that this website is filled with crazy, dysfunctional people (no offence to anyone who use it).


I kept using it, because I knew there are different people on all three websites and I wanted to cast a wide net. But today I realised, I don't care if the love of my life is on POF, I'm sick and tired of dealing with the bs on that website. I'm done.


I have to say it actually felt kind of liberating to have deleted my profile, like a weight has been lifted. It really made my day. I even felt like the world is a brighter place without POF. Ok maybe I exaggerated a bit there, but you know what I mean.


Anyway that's just my rant of the day. I just wanted to share it with my fellow ENAers that's all feel free to share your own thoughts & experiences if you feel like it.

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I think the main problem with POF and Okcupid (among other sites) is they're free, and thus attract all kind of freaks (both girls and guys) wo don't take it seriously and as you said just kill times there every evening.

I'm keeping my POF profile up for now, but having spent years on it, I know I've wasted time, to only get a handful disappointing dates.

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I was on POF for 6 months and never landed a date! It was pointless communication, girls LOVED to "just chat," I know it's a curse word sometimes, but even Tinder had better prospects... at least they were meeting up and then I could do my own filtering and judgement in person. POF just a time waster.



Good on ya notalady

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Sounds very familiar. POF seems to be getting worse not better. I think it's smart to liberate yourself from POF time to time. I basically put an account up about every four months. I give it 48 to 72 hours. I email who I want to talk to. If nothing pans out, I'm out of there for another few months. I suspect it's easier being a man on there. I've only been flamed once for not replying. I've received some nude pictures once, unsolicited. Other than that it's the usual stuff. Embellishments and using old photos. But I have never been approached by a married woman. And I don't have to worry about my safety as much. And I get approached a bit by potentials. Just lucky I guess.


I wouldn't totally give up on it. Take a break, maybe try in a few months. Set a time limit and don't linger.


I don't know what other sites you have tried. I have found Match to be much better than POF. It's a case of quality over quantity.

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That's an interesting approach, I haven't thought about doing that before.


I use OKC and an Australian one (also paid, but only if you want to initiate a message, so there's no ongoing fee). Both have been decent. I don't usually get time wasters on OKC and have met quite a number of nice people off there.

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Ah, c'mon. All you have to do is sit around and wait for the emails to come rushing in. On the other hand, men have to search hundreds of profiles, and end up sending out emails to women, knowing that the emails will be blessed with the "delete button". ](*,)


Even worse, we (men) end up sending nicely (time consuming) written notes to profiles that are not even there (ghost profiles). Women get to communicate with a live person (even though many of them have issues).

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Ah, c'mon. All you have to do is sit around and wait for the emails to come rushing in. On the other hand, men have to search hundreds of profiles, and end up sending out emails to women, knowing that the emails will be blessed with the "delete button". ](*,)


Even worse, we (men) end up sending nicely (time consuming) written notes to profiles that are not even there (ghost profiles). Women get to communicate with a live person (even though many of them have issues).


Haha that may be true for another website, but with POF, I found that if I wanted to meet a remotely decent guy, I have to actively search for it with very specific criteria and initiate messages because 100% of the messages I get are from time wasters and the matching system is so bad that it doesn't throw me any decent guys.

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