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To Vaccinate or Not?

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Ive been having this debate for 3 days with my fiance and my parents on certain vaccinations. We received a letter from my son's school saying that the "Chicken Pox Vaccination" and the "Meningitis Vaccinations" are now going to be mandatory for all students... I was a bit pissed about this because I don't think that someone has a right to tell me what I HAVE to pump into my child...


I have been doing research on Meningitis and the diease sounds like a horrible experience so I am going to be definitely getting my son that vaccination once I can get the proper medical explanation as to whats in the vaccination, side effects, etc. (My son had a terrible reaction to vaccinations when he was 15months and was hospitalized for 3 days.. so I research all vaccinations now).


But, the chicken pox vaccination? really? come on... kids for decades have done perfectly fine without a chicken pox vaccination. It isnt a "deadly disease" (well if your a child... luckily, I am immune to them lol). but other than annoying inchy bumps, I dont see the point... I have opted out of a few other "mandatory" vaccinations for my son because they had similar things in them that caused his outbreak back when he was 15 months...


Well, my finance is trying to tell me that I cant fight it if they say its mandatory and my parents are saying there is way to be asked to be exempted for having to get it due to personal belief...


I just want to know what others think personal, outside opinions...

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Is there a reason why you would want your child to have chicken pox? It's pretty miserable and can come back as shingles as an adult.


Is there peer-reviewed research that indicate these vaccines might cause another outbreak (of what, if you don't mind my asking)? Did the doctors tell you the vaccines were to blame for his previous outbreak? If so, then you should easily be able to get a medical exemption.

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As a scientist and a microbiologist, I'm really dismayed that people have their personal opinions about what are very clearly science facts. Vaccinating is the best option for your child (unless they have some allergies or other medical contraindications) and it's also the best for society. I had chicken pox as a kid and it was a miserable experience, I remember vividly being 100% completely miserable. Not sure why someone would willingly put their child through that. Plus you are protecting people who can't get vaccinated. On top of that, if your child is home sick from school, you or your partner have to stay home from work, and that negatively impacts your employer too.

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My sister was anti vaccination ---- and her son went to the Waldorf school, where many parents felt like wise.


It resulted in a run of Whooping cough.


Also --- since many people do get the chx pox and get it in childhood ---they build up immunity in their systems and don't get the chicken pox. A male exposed to chicken pox as as an adult can become sterile.

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Why? Because vaccines aren't 100%.


Because there are immunocompromised kids that can't receive vaxes, or do not respond to them. Because there are newborns that are unable to be vaccinated and are at greater risk. Immunocompromised adults, people who are allergic...Vaccinating healthy and able people helps gain a herd immunity that benefits the people that are unable to be vaccinated.


What vaccine did he respond to and how did he get ill? I can understand your hesitation on that front for sure.

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I was just having a dicussion about this with a friend. I will post some good resources soon.


Read these:


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The facts are that vaxs are the greatest medical achievment, arguably, of all time. Trained doctors give their own children these and most reaction when negative are mild. Now, since you son had a bad reaction one I think you right to be a little causious. But understand that all scientific evidence is on the side of giving vaccines to kids and the anti-vax crowd have ZERO scientific evidence to back up with claims.

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I'm a huge advocate of vaccination. It's not about me, or you, or even our one particular child...it's about protecting people with compromised immune systems. The herd effect protects children, people with cancer and auto immune disorders, and the elderly. We get the flu vaccinations every year. Not because I care if I get the flu (most of the time for me, it's not that bad), but because my parents are in their late 50s, and their friends are in their 70s...and I want to protect them as much as I can. The flu took out my Gramma. That sucks.


If everyone does what they can, the world is better.


There is no scientific reasoning why not to get vaccinated, it doesn't cause autism, getting a vaccine doesn't make you sick...it's not a conspiracy from "Big Pharma" or the government trying to soften our brains...they've done hundreds of years of testing on them. Literally. Vaccines are safe. And unless your doctor tells you not to, you should get them. Everyone should.

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I understand not wanting to be told what to "pump into your child" but you also do not have a right to put other children at risk. Believe it or not kids can do die from the chicken pox. There have been outbreaks of preventable diseases recently because of the anti-vax crowds. Kids going into the hospital because they refuse to believe in science. I don't know if any kid has died yet but it could happen.


Read the links I posted and talk to your doctor.

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I get irrationally(or rationally) angry when people don't want to pump their kids "because", no legit medical reason. This anti vax movement is scary, and the argument I see behind it ridiculous "When is the last time you even heard of someone who had polio?" Oh gee, I wonder if vaccines might have had something to do with that.

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I get irrationally(or rationally) angry when people don't want to pump their kids "because", no legit medical reason. This anti vax movement is scary, and the argument I see behind it ridiculous "When is the last time you even heard of someone who had polio?" Oh gee, I wonder if vaccines might have had something to do with that.


Oh, and polio has not even been eradicated. That's how these diseases make a come-back. Do I want to be in an Iron Lung or paralyzed? No thanks.

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I get irrationally(or rationally) angry when people don't want to pump their kids "because", no legit medical reason. This anti vax movement is scary, and the argument I see behind it ridiculous "When is the last time you even heard of someone who had polio?" Oh gee, I wonder if vaccines might have had something to do with that.


My brothers' best friend/neighbor (in his 50-'s) had polio....why? Because he hadn't been vaccinated against it and caught it in his teens.

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Some people have mild cases of chicken pox, some don't. There are adults who are actually physically scarred because chicken pox. Yes, because the pox was THAT bad and they itched themselves to death. Also, once you get chicken pox, you can get shingles later. It's very painful and awful for anyone who has it. I wouldn't wish it upon anyone.


I get really upset when people don't vax their kids without a good reason. If someone in your family has GB syndrome, or your child has an egg allergy, or something...okay, it's perfectly fine to be cautious and just talk to your doctor. There are some vaccines available without egg products, and a doctor would be a good one to talk about the possibility of your child having a severe reaction. But "just because"....no. I hate this anti-vax movement. We are seeing increased #s of kids getting measles and Whooping Cough in schools. Why? Because people aren't vaccinating their kids!


And all of it is due to a widely-spread incorrect belief that vaccines may cause autism. They don't. There was ONE study that came out years ago that said they did. The scientist was an absolute fraud, he fudged the data, he had a pathetically small sample size, and the medical journal (The Lancet) later redacted his study and said that it was crap. Many studies have since come out that aren't flawed and they can't find a link between vaccines and autism.


I seriously start seeing red when I see things like this. It really bothers me because there are unbiased, scientific resources out there and studies you can read. And they will support the idea that vaccines are safe for the vast majority of children and adults. Stay away from anti-vax websites and crap and you will find that the science supports the safety of vaccinations.

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But, the chicken pox vaccination? really? come on... kids for decades have done perfectly fine without a chicken pox vaccination.

My mom never got the vaccine. Never came down with it until she was 21 years old and pregnant with me. She was in labor WITH chicken pox and it got passed down to me as an infant. I nearly died from it and had to be under hospital care.


It was too late to vaccinate me and it almost cost me my life.


As a responsible parent, Please do the right thing for your kids.

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The one vaccine I am totally against is the HPV vaccine. I hope that never becomes mandatory. If someone wants it, fine. Other than that, I am strongly in favor of vaccines - but parents should request them not have several vaccines in one shot if they are worried and space them out. I was listening to a UK radio station on the internet and it was sad how many commercials they had warning people about whooping cough and encouraging anyone around babies - and kids - to be vaccinated for it due to infant deaths from it. The one thing that also scares me is undocumented people coming into this country from various places who are also bringing in various illnesses that they are not vaccinated for and have been virtually eradicated here. That is another reason why vaccinations are important. The "herd immunity" just doesn't apply.

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My mom never got the vaccine. Never came down with it until she was 21 years old and pregnant with me. She was in labor WITH chicken pox and it got passed down to me as an infant. I nearly died from it and had to be under hospital care.


It was too late to vaccinate me and it almost cost me my life.


As a responsible parent, Please do the right thing for your kids.


I honestly don't ever remember the vaccine ever being available when I was a kid. Every kid in class was out of school when they had chicken pox, and parents used to expose their kids on purpose, so they would get it as a child instead of an adult. Maybe that is why - because people were setting up playdates with sick kids so they would gain immunity by getting it. I didn't realize until recently that it could be a fatal disease.

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The one thing that also scares me is undocumented people coming into this country from various places who are also bringing in various illnesses that they are not vaccinated for and have been virtually eradicated here. That is another reason why vaccinations are important.

Idk how it is over there, but illegal immigrant minors MUST be enrolled in a public education despite of their citizenship status. And with all those children crossing the border this year, I'm pretty sure it's the reason why schools are cracking down on medical vaccination requirements. Remember Swine Flu? Came right over the border. Same thing with TB and now Ebola scare.

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OP if you don't want to vaccinate your child find a school that doesn't require it. Sounds like you are sending him to a public school. I completely agree with all the posters who are pro-vaccine and for all the reasons posted.

(I had chicken pox as a child -no vaccine back then - not terrible but no fun -we had to miss a long-awaited family vacation because of it). A relative of mine had polio pre-vaccine and limped her whole life.

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I think do the thorough research then and talk with your doctor about your childs specific situation if you are unsure about anything.


I personally feel grateful that free immunizations were available for me as a child. It seems like a golden age now - my god, we even had free dental in the school when I was young!

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I totally agree with the above. And, at the risk of being flamed, I would go so far as to say not getting vaccinated is irresponsible to the general community. These diseases can spread like wildfire, not only to local communities, but all over the country and even the world (due to travel these days - travel when you have chicken pox and you could infect an entire plane (if they are not vaccinated) and carry it into another country etc).

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The one vaccine I am totally against is the HPV vaccine. I hope that never becomes mandatory. If someone wants it, fine. Other than that, I am strongly in favor of vaccines - but parents should request them not have several vaccines in one shot if they are worried and space them out. I was listening to a UK radio station on the internet and it was sad how many commercials they had warning people about whooping cough and encouraging anyone around babies - and kids - to be vaccinated for it due to infant deaths from it. The one thing that also scares me is undocumented people coming into this country from various places who are also bringing in various illnesses that they are not vaccinated for and have been virtually eradicated here. That is another reason why vaccinations are important. The "herd immunity" just doesn't apply.

They have done numerous studies and it's actually dangerous to delay vaccinations so that they can be spread out. They do TONS of testing to determine what is a safe amount of vaccinations to give to a child. It's science. It's not based on feelings...it's based on evidence, repeated studies, and peer reviews. Please don't space out vaccinations, follow your doctors guidance....they are trained professionals


I wouldn't like it if someone from outside my profession came in and told me how to do my job

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