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NEED advice on what to do for my bf on mothers day


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Dating my bf for almost 5months now and his mother passed away about four years ago. It is Mother's Day coming up on Sunday and wasn't sure what to do. I know it will be a painful day for him so should I be there for him? Send him a sweet text? Or just let him be? He doesn't really have a framed picture of him and his mom in his room. So I was thinking of getting him a nice framed picture as a gift. Is that appropriate? I really don't want to do or say something inappropriate in this situation. Especially since I have never lost a loved one, so not sure how he feels in this situation.

Thanks for your guidance!


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I would not get him any framed pictures -that's far too personal and presumptuous. I'd let him take the lead on sharing with you - ask him what he wants to do that day and from what he says you'll know if he needs your input or help.

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Thank you for all your points! I thought it would be a nice gesture to show that I care and thinking about him. However, I can see how it can be a very personal topic especially since we've been together for only 5months.

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I have to agree as well.


Put another way, I think it's a bad idea to remind him that his mother has passed away on Mother's Day (or any other holiday, really). He probably doesn't want to think about it (I know I wouldn't...). It hurts.


If he ever wants to talk about it, listen. If he ever expresses wanting pics of her, sure - frame him a pic. But I think you should let him take the lead on how much he wants to talk/when/how. Otherwise you are just going somewhere painful for no reason (with good intentions, of course).

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Thank you for all your points! I thought it would be a nice gesture to show that I care and thinking about him. However, I can see how it can be a very personal topic especially since we've been together for only 5months.


Showing you care when you're not sure what the person's needs are as far as grieving a loss or thinking about the loss of a parent means simply being there for the person as others said. I would reserve the "nice gestures" for when you want to celebrate an accomplishment of his or something positive in his life.

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My dad died but I don't feel like I need recognition on Father's Day. I agree with Ms Darcy, I would just ask him if there is anything he wants to do, or if he wants to ignore the holiday all together.


Yeah --- both of my parents are dead. I don't "celebrate" Mother's Day or Father's Day --- nor need to be reminded that they are gone.

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I agree with others. My mother passed away and I don't feel the need for my significant other to make a point to remember or do something special... Even though he knew my mother as well and misses her too, going out of his way to remember her isn't necessary.

And considering it's been only 5 months and you never knew her, I don't think that's an area you need to venture into unless he brings it up.

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Thank you for all your points! I thought it would be a nice gesture to show that I care and thinking about him. However, I can see how it can be a very personal topic especially since we've been together for only 5months.


I did this for my boyfriend but we had already been together for many years. I think it's too soon for something like that.

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Would it be ok to invite him to a brunch my family is having for mother's day?


Yes if he has met your family before -if he hasn't it might be a bit much in general for that to be the first time he meets them (meaning not because his mother passed away).

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