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Which sex has more pursuers?


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oh I'll play!


1. I'm pursing no one right now, but there are 2 men who are hovering around me like fruit flies, don't know if I call that pursuing, but i'm sure if I actually gave them the green light they would step it up. But i am not into dating right now, nor am i particularly interested in these dudes because one is way too young and the other is not attractive to me.


2. Female


3. 30-something


4. I'm b-e-a-utiful

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1. Nobody's pursuing me, as far as I know, but I have a feeling at least a couple of exes would welcome me back with open arms if I gave them a chance. Which I probably won't.

2. Male

3. 43

4. I'm slim, 5'11", healthy, and still have most of my hair. I've been called "cute" and "handsome" before, and I get compared to Kevin Bacon all the time, and more recently, Michael Fassbender. But I'd say most women would rate me a 5 or 6. Unless they love my sparkling personality, in which case it might skyrocket to 7.

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-How many members of the opposite sex are pursuing you / have interest in you that you know of.


None. No girl has ever been interested in me. I've pursued some but always fail.









-Objective Level of Attractiveness as best you can


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How many members of the opposite sex are pursuing you / have interest in you that you know of.


1- active; 1- I just turned down; 4 others I have heard are interested... but who knows.










Objective Level of Attractiveness as best you can


Self rating would be below average, except if I go to Walmart or somewhere similar. Ha. Time to go shopping.....

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-How many members of the opposite sex are pursuing you / have interest in you that you know of.

3. I've stayed in contact with some guys I have dated in the past, we are friends/acquaintances now. They have told me that they would be happy to have a FWB situation, but I don't consider that "pursuing" me so I didn't include them in this number.








-Objective Level of Attractiveness as best you can.

I'm probably a 7 or 7.5 out of 10. Depends how much effort I've put into my appearance that day. No effort: 3 or 4. Lots of effort: 7 or 8.

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Pursuing me: 4 - 2 of which I'm interested in and get together with on a semi-regular basis, other 2 have moved to the friend zone, no intimate interest. May be others but if I'm not the slightest bit interested or they where to hit me up side the head with a 2x4, I don't see it and just consider it friendly banter. At this point I'm not actively looking.


Gender: Male

Age: 44

Objective level of attractiveness: I kind of fall into the same camp as Thor, though I'm better look'n. Lol. I'd consider myself attractive in intellegance and personality. Looks? Off the top of my head, I've been called cute, handsome, sexy, sexy as hell, hot, smok'n hot, delicious, charming, beautiful and not by the same woman. Been called good looking by hetro men who have the confidence to say it. I have a swimmers body, classic 'V' shape, muscular but more toned. I'd say I'm above average to good looking putting it all together.

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1.members of opposite sex pursuing me- That I know of... I hear from 4 once everyday or every other day that I am not interested in. My ex keeps coming in and out of my life but I'm not sure that counts, and there is a guy I am actively pursuing and I think he is on the same page so 6.


2. Female


3. 21 years old


4. Lol well see avatar. I would say I'm above average, I get compliments almost daily at work on physical features but that's mostly because I have really really blue eyes. But I have a curvy body type (smaller waist and large thighs and booty but I'm also fairly flat chested only a B cup) and I think there are many people who find that unattractive.

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1. Right now there are 4 girls pursuing me as a boyfriend. 2 of them are FWB that want a "promotion," but I don't like them like that. I'm pursuing 2 girls at the moment.

2. Male

3. 29 years old

4. See avatar/profile pic. I suppose I'm with Thors and Jeffbobo. A number of girls have described me as "hot," "sexy," "cute" over the years. Gay men check me out all the time and straight men have said I'm good looking. I work out and have an athletic/muscular build (but not too big). I mostly get complimented on my hair and jaw lol. I'd like to think I'm solidly above average looking. Combined with my personality, career/education, and intelligence, I'd say I'm good. I suppose my only real "flaw" is that I'm only 5'7", which a lot of girls aren't into. Oh well...I shall work on being taller I've still been with taller girls, and taller girls have asked me out on a few occasions.

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1.members of opposite sex pursuing me- That I know of... I hear from 4 once everyday or every other day that I am not interested in. My ex keeps coming in and out of my life but I'm not sure that counts, and there is a guy I am actively pursuing and I think he is on the same page so 6.


6 people total? How do you keep up with that?




4. Lol well see avatar. I would say I'm above average, I get compliments almost daily at work on physical features but that's mostly because I have really really blue eyes. But I have a curvy body type (smaller waist and large thighs and booty but I'm also fairly flat chested only a B cup) and I think there are many people who find that unattractive.


And those guys are called homosexuals.

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1) I know of 3 guys that would do me/go out with me if they could an. No they are not "friends" nor do I entertain or humor them. I get hit on or flirted with once in a while at work. Usually it's the tech guys once they find out I actually know a LOT about computers and electronics.


2) I'm a female.


3) I'm 23.


4) I'm 300 lb (most of it in my belly), very long straight brown hair, very VERY pale skin (just how I like it!), no jewelery, no make up, large chest, etc. I'm probably a solid 6. I have a very nice face (don't all fat girls say that? Lol) Although I've been told I could be a great 8 or even 9 if I lost 150 lb or so.


But really, it's no big deal, the looks issue. I don't think people hit on me because of my lucks. I am an excellent conversationalist when I want to be. I can talk about anything and I'll cracking jokes and I have a very expressive face and a beautiful smile.


No one sees me and walks up to me and hits on me. It's after they've talked to me for 10 min and I'm in a nice mood.

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6 people total? How do you keep up with that?






And those guys are called homosexuals.


Hahaha well the four I hear from a lot I try not to have conversations with them much because they try to make it "flirty" and they are mostly all guys I went to highschool with who since finding out I'm single have been trying to wiggle their way in I suppose. And the one guy I'm interested in is the only one I really feel a connection with or that there is anything to it and then my ex I don't even know where to start with him so it's really not that hard to keep up with its mostly annoying getting constant texts from guys I try to make it clear I'm not interested in so I only feel like I'm really keeping up with one

Person. And LOL to your next comment!

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You always here about how women have a "million options" and that men usually have very few. So I wanted to put that to the test.


State your

-How many members of the opposite sex are pursuing you / have interest in you that you know of.



-Objective Level of Attractiveness as best you can.



I'll go first




-Average Looking


- 5 or 8

- F

- 25

- Athletically Fit

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Pursuing me? A few-3 or 4. I'm not the most approachable looking person and I am pretty nonchalant most of the time (don't like to lead anyone on lol)

Gender: Female

Age: Turned 24 last month

Attractiveness: Decent I guess, I've been rated 8-9 by quite a few people, so guess I would be considered attractive.

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-How many members of the opposite sex are pursuing you / have interest in you that you know of.

Hm... when I was single 11 months ago, it was a big number, just because I was a "new girl in town". I personally knew about 9 guys that were interested. Some asked me out, some just flirted with me when different "gatherings" took place.





-Objective Level of Attractiveness as best you can.

On my best days I would say 8-9, from what I heard from others - I am good-looking/cute/special. Guess freckles and big black eyes are nice to have)) Personally - I would give myself a 6, if I don't put any effort in and am just out of bed)


crazy, even though I got so many compliments back then I was still very insecure about how I look, till I fell in love, and now when my men tells me compliments - him I do believe)

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Hahaha well the four I hear from a lot I try not to have conversations with them much because they try to make it "flirty" and they are mostly all guys I went to highschool with who since finding out I'm single have been trying to wiggle their way in I suppose. And the one guy I'm interested in is the only one I really feel a connection with or that there is anything to it and then my ex I don't even know where to start with him so it's really not that hard to keep up with its mostly annoying getting constant texts from guys I try to make it clear I'm not interested in so I only feel like I'm really keeping up with one

Person. And LOL to your next comment!


Tho I could see how annoying that could be. But at the same time, it can be a confidence booster knowing that so many want you.


You should kinda get brutally honest with them and tell them to back off.


And any guy that doesn't like a big booty and thick thighs is suspect to me.

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I only knew one guy who told me he felt big boobs (I'm not even talking about huge ones like mine, he was talking about C cups) were like "udders".


He likes the A-cup, extremely petite, barely - developed look. Not athletic. He's my age. It's totally gross to me. I thought "Wow, you might end up on a sec registry someday..."


He's an old friend and has a gf now who matches that description but I think that's more because she's an active bulimic and not because of her natural type.


Gross, but each to his own? - ick-

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I only knew one guy who told me he felt big boobs (I'm not even talking about huge ones like mine, he was talking about C cups) were like "udders".


He likes the A-cup, extremely petite, barely - developed look. Not athletic. He's my age. It's totally gross to me. I thought "Wow, you might end up on a sec registry someday..."


He's an old friend and has a gf now who matches that description but I think that's more because she's an active bulimic and not because of her natural type.


Gross, but each to his own? - ick-


Everyone has their type, but it sounds like he might be looking at one too many of those womens magazines that have stick thin models in them.

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I only knew one guy who told me he felt big boobs (I'm not even talking about huge ones like mine, he was talking about C cups) were like "udders".


He likes the A-cup, extremely petite, barely - developed look. Not athletic. He's my age. It's totally gross to me. I thought "Wow, you might end up on a sec registry someday..."


He's an old friend and has a gf now who matches that description but I think that's more because she's an active bulimic and not because of her natural type.


Gross, but each to his own? - ick-


I like women with small breasts. Last girl i had was very beautiful, but her 36 double G breasts did nothing for me (or D, or whatever, i dont know.. they were just BIG). The girl i am seeing now has small breasts, plump butt (that she hides, which turns me on even more), thin all over with light freckles. I cant keep my hands off of her, even after we had sex i am still hungry for her.

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A little thought popped into my head when I first read the title of this thread, but I put off mentioning it because hey, answering the format in the first post was pretty fun...


From the types of threads I'm kind of used to seeing around here, I wonder if the OP is trying to accomplish a certain something that tends to lead to gender debates. Know what I mean?

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What do you mean by pursuing? I think for the most part, people will know of other people that might be interested in them, but not actively pursuing. I think this has less to do with gender and more to do with putting yourself out there and making yourself available.


For example, I'm currently being pursued by no one. How many people could I get to pursue me if I expressed some interest in them? A decent amount, I'd say.

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What do you mean by pursuing? I think for the most part, people will know of other people that might be interested in them, but not actively pursuing. I think this has less to do with gender and more to do with putting yourself out there and making yourself available.


For example, I'm currently being pursued by no one. How many people could I get to pursue me if I expressed some interest in them? A decent amount, I'd say.


Also the reasons to pursue. LOL Gosh too many variables.

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