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Which sex has more pursuers?


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You always here about how women have a "million options" and that men usually have very few. So I wanted to put that to the test.


State your

-How many members of the opposite sex are pursuing you / have interest in you that you know of.



-Objective Level of Attractiveness as best you can.



I'll go first




-Average Looking

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I will reply //just for fun though because really you cannot build up an answer to "women get a million options and men very few" because there are so many many many different loop holes to that .


State your

-How many members of the opposite sex are pursuing you / have interest in you that you know of. 0

-Gender f

-Age 46 eeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkk

-Objective Level of Attractiveness as best you can. just fabulous

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You always here about how women have a "million options" and that men usually have very few. So I wanted to put that to the test.


State your

-How many members of the opposite sex are pursuing you / have interest in you that you know of.



-Objective Level of Attractiveness as best you can.



I'll go first




-Average Looking


- I have no idea. I suspect maybe one.

- Male

- 51

- See avatar


Yes shooting star, you do look fabulous

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Interesting poll, I'll play along:

3 (one we just met, but she's expressed interest so I'm counting her, don't know if I'd label it "pursuing" though) -How many members of the opposite sex are pursuing you / have interest in you that you know of.

Male -Gender

Mid-40s -Age

Slightly above average - Objective Level of Attractiveness as best you can.

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I think it's pretty even, what happens though is males are oblivious to the signs because women do it subtly and men do it directly


- I'm pursuing 0 (I was pursuing 1), 3 are pursuing me pretty hard and 1 slightly (i'm letting her come at her own pace)

- Male

- 22

- I think I'm normal, my biggest insecurity is that I have a little bit of gap teeth in the front but I'm told it's part of my charm (I just don't see it)

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Ok, let's see.

- -How many members of the opposite sex are pursuing you / have interest in you that you know of - 4 that I know of (2 are guys I've met online and have asked for a second date), 1 is a guy at work that has been after me for years and another one is a very cute but, unfortunately, very young (29) neighbour.

-Gender - Female

-Age - 45

-Objective Level of Attractiveness as best you can. - Ah, this is tough. I'd say above average according to others. Then again, most of them haven't seen me first thing in the morning

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- A few, I guess.

- Female

- 31

- Average


Elsenyor, I have a gap, too. I got braces when I was younger and wore a retainer for years. I'll tell you, my gap is back lol. Not as big as it used to be, but I'm pretty sure you could fit a truck in there before. It doesn't bother me anymore, though. I think it does add character!

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Pursuing me? I'd say 1, but I pursued her first. I'm also pursuing another.

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Attractiveness: I'd say a bit above average. I've lost 15 lbs in the last 10 weeks while becoming a bit of a gym rat building size at the same time. I think it's more about my self-confidence now.

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4 that I know of and possibly 7 in total (1 is actively pursuing because the others I have sadly turned them down. 1 is more of a fresh one, not totally sure yet, just expressed wanting to get to know me a little more)



Dunno about that. Others say I am very pretty but I have some extra weight..I think most women look nice sooo..I dress nice, I think that makes me look prettier.

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4 that I know of and possibly 7 in total (1 is actively pursuing because the others I have sadly turned them down. 1 is more of a fresh one, not totally sure yet, just expressed wanting to get to know me a little more)


Geez...You sound busy. I bet you have to fight them off with a stick.

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You always here about how women have a "million options" and that men usually have very few. So I wanted to put that to the test.


State your

-How many members of the opposite sex are pursuing you / have interest in you that you know of.



-Objective Level of Attractiveness as best you can.


What do you mean by pursuing? Willing to have sex with you or willing to be in a committed relationship with you?


I could probably call up 3 or 4 (maybe more if I really want to dig through the past) guys and ask for an exclusive relationship and probably get one. They are either exes, unstable, or really old crushes. They are not actively pursuing but they have in the past and I know the interest is still there. I am currently seeing one guy but we are not exclusive. Maybe someday.






Hopefully without sounding arrogant, I think I'm pretty attractive.

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-How many members of the opposite sex are pursuing you / have interest in you that you know of.


Right now, I have a few women who i was intimate with and still want to continue seeing me, and a dozen or so of women who want to date me (who i am not that interested in). Some want me to be serious with them but i turned them down. There is one girl i met who i smitten over, and she just might lock me down for the foreseeable future.









-Objective Level of Attractiveness as best you can

I am attractive, above average looks, very above average in terms of charm and intelligence (or so i have been told). Height could be a problem for some (5'7'ish, but i have dated women over 5'9''). I am muscular. i do have flaws that are usually overlooked tho. I only date very attractive women, i only get smitten over attractive women with matching personalities.

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How on earth do you define pursuing?!


Would sleep with me if asked - 2 or 3

Would probably jump into a relationship with me if asked - 1

Dating - 0

Flirting with (and single) - 2

My age - 21

My attractiveness - well I have no problem finding guys to have sex with so I'd say I'm pretty hot. But in terms of actual beauty I have no idea.


I've given myself a break from dating but if I was still online dating and actively looking IRL I would probably have 3 or 4 guys "pursuing" me for something.

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Interesting poll, here goes:




-How many members of the opposite sex are pursuing you / have interest in you that you know of. 1 - my current BF. Otherwise who the heck knows, I'm terrible with the whole flirting thing so unless a guy states it to my face I just think he's being nice. And then run like heck the other way, because I love my BF.


-Gender: Female

-Age: Sshhh - 58

-Objective Level of Attractiveness as best you can. Oh so pretty/beautiful to my BF but a 1 according to the mirror first thing in the morning, okay a 7 after I've slapped on enough makeup. I've been told more than once I bear a close resemblance to Chloe Sevigny since my facial features and coloring are similar to hers. So not really conventional looks, but kinda quirky and decidedly more European looking than the typical blonde girl next door type.

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