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Hey there, my first post here.


Long story short - till 16 everything was pretty normal, almost no parents problems or else. Good at school, good with friends, active. Then I met a guy that I was then dating for 3 years, from 17 years old. he was two years older. First real and long relationship, everything was for the first time. We lived together at such a young age. Later he became drug addicted, was abusive with me, I came back, it happened again - I left. He wasn't letting me go for months... such a horror story with threats and harassment but I found my way out - I moved to another county for 2 years.

I am very much over him now - so much time passed, so many nice people were on my way after him. I am 23 now, but i feel like this relationship broke something in me.

While living in another county I met a guy, who was like an older brother for me (he had family) and he died soon from cancer, which was a big shock for me and a first funeral in my life, that was a second big strike for me. After that I decided to go back to my home-country, start it over once again. After I came here I started to have a lot of health problems - I have colds like every month for a week, and some other strange deviations that never happened to me before. I feel very weak physically and mentally, and because of this I can not live a normal active life as I am used to. Is it some kind of burn-out?

I have a bf now. an amazing guy that makes me feel like I am his goddess, and for sure we had some fights, but we always laugh together so much, and sleep hugging each other, I feel protected and loved, but this health trouble is still overpowering. I feel stressed and pretty much like I have neurosis. Since I was 17 my live was a roller-coaster ride, and now when I finally have someone special I feel too weak to fully enjoy my life. I never had so many worries, fears and doubts in my life, I am such a positive person, but last year or so I feel only like I am drowning. Any advice here? Thank you!

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Maybe you are suffering from GAD (Generalised anxiety disorder) - this could stem from not fully grieving your loss / past experiences.


Symptoms include:


a sense of dread

feeling constantly "on edge"

difficulty concentrating



being easily distracted

Your symptoms may cause you to withdraw from social contact

You may also find going to work difficult and stressful and may take time off sick.

These actions can make you worry even more about yourself and increase your lack of self-esteem.


Physical symptoms of anxiety

The physical symptoms of GAD can include:


drowsiness and tiredness

pins and needles

irregular heartbeat (palpitations)

muscle aches and tension

dry mouth

excessive sweating

shortness of breath

stomach ache




excessive thirst

frequent urinating

painful or missed periods

difficulty falling or staying asleep (insomnia)


Have you thought about speaking to your doctor?

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Hey, thank you a lot.

Yes I went to a couple of doctors, where I live now health care is kind of ****ty, despite the fact it is also expencive.

My family doctor just asked me right away if I had any stess in the past couple of months (it was right after I started having this strange symptoms) so I said yes and she sent me to psychiatrist. I never went there, because we have like three of them in my town, and I know that all of them are pretty much incompetent and a waste of time nerves and money, they even give you wrong diagnosis or simply sent you to a crazy people house that is shared with drug addicted and homeless people.

It is becoming better actualy, compared to what I was last year, I was really scared for my life. Still I dont want to take pills but maybe I should.

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