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My Life- Thoughts and Happenings

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I'm on spring break now. I flew out to see my parents for a few days. Just got back.

The place where they are is pretty good, and their rooms are almost next door to each other. Apparently they had the option of sharing a room, but my dad said no. He made the right choice- it would have been too crowded, and there are times that the occupational therapist is in the room for each of them .


My mom is sleeping a lot- more than my dad. But she seems to be going along with everything for the most part.


My dad is getting good physical care, but he is in the memory ward with my mom and doesn't necessarily need to be there. He understsnds about it all- it is a way to get the physical help he needs. And a way to be with (aND advocate for) my mom.


Of course there is a code to get out of the wing, so he feels like he is on jail.


Other than that, the staff are nice, and the food is pretty good.

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While there, I stayed with my brother and his wife. My SIL lost her job in January, so they are very stressed out about money. My brother is self employed, but he had been spending so much time helping my parents out and not working for pay. So the stress level Is very high for them right now.


I bought a bunch of groceries while I was there, so I wouldn't add to the burden.


My SIL has started back in recovery. She was drinking a lot and smoking pot a lot. Last summer she drank so much that she fell and injured herself, so she couldn't work for a month. Later, over Christmas break, I noticed that she wasn't trying to get to her job on time. So, boom, she lost her job.


So glad she quit drinking- she is severely diabetic.

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It is a gorgeous sunny day out, with Temps in the 50s. Yippee!


I woke up early due to the time zone change, but lazed around for a few hours.


Now I am getting stuff done. Just took my car through the car wash- first time ever. (My truck was too large to get through, so we always washed it by hand).


Went to get my oil changed but they told me I am not due for 2 months yet.


I am soaking some clothes in the laundry , and my clothes from the trip are in the dryer.


Dishwasher is running, kitchen is clean.


Groan, I have to go out and mow the lawn for the first time this year, though. ..

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I hadn't been here this last week Lum. So glad things have worked out for your parents. It will take so much stress off your family. Great news about the SIL, we are in autumn here, but in some ways, it's like a mild spring. The unbearable heat is past and rain has brought a green haze over paddocks which had been dirt for months. Yay, soon it's going to cost me less with the horse feed as they were hand-fed since December.

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It has been a difficult week at work. One of our students lost his life and our school is grieving. The hard part about it us that we went through this very same thing with another student last summer.


Staff meeting today after school was so hard. Not a dry eye in the room. We all held it together for our students all week.


And then one of our staff members told us, sobbing, that her fiance got his dream job out of state, so she will be leaving her job to go with him. She is so good at her job - it will be so difficult to replace her. She is so sad to leave us.

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Gorgeous! I had a client this week who has 2 foster children - ages 4 and 5 - oh and a teenage foster don as well. Apparently, she and her husband are I. Processes of adopting them. They just followed me the who,e time, and wanted to know if I had "kids living with me". Anyway, this lady had 5 little white dogs, 6 cats and 40 birds. 2 of the birds are colourful parrots which live inside outside of their cages (she felt sorry for them because previous owner didn't let them out if cages because one gave her a nasty bite. Anyway, LIVELY lady - different. The children are adorable! They seem very happy and very smart. I would live to have children in my life. My friend Lyn at the farm has grandchildren and they have a wow of a time. Maybe one day - though Im sure it won't be through my son.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had a good weekend. Saturday I got up at 5 am to take my son to his campout - they were driving to another part of the state.


Then I went on my usual walk with my friend C.


Afterward I went to meet a friend to go to a science march.


It was a really nice day, so when I got home I mowed the lawn and cleaned up the driveway. I worked on getting ready to plant some flowers in pots by the entryway- just need to get more plants now.


Church yesterday morning, then I picked up my son from his campout. I was going to go in to work but didn't quite have the energy to go, so I had to go in early this morning to get a task done right away.


So glad I was able to take advantage of the nice weather, because it is currently pouring down rain

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I guess I need to proofread better. The above was about the San Francisco science march.


Yesterday there were marches for our climate. Pictures of the Washington DC one showed that it was huge.


I didn't do the march yesterday but I am glad others did.

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My older son invited himself over for dinner. He is a little depressed, as he will (hopefully) graduate soon. And he has been job hunting since last fall. A few nibbles (up to 5 interviews for one position) but no firm bites. Good experience for him, but it must be unsettling to have the unknown ahead of him. Especially with so many student loans.

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