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My Life- Thoughts and Happenings

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Yesterday my younger son came over to use my house as a base since his dad lives out in the country. He stayed overnight because he went to his high school football game.


Today was a somewhat miserable day for me because of the coughing and sapped energy. It confirms that I really need to get to the doctor because it had been over two weeks since I got sick!

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I felt a little better so I went to teach Sunday school with the kids. I did get in a coughing fit after I lit some candles so they blew them out for me and I finished the lesson from another part of the room.


Something interesting happened to me this morning. Last night I had such a coughing fit that I got a little scared that I wouldn't be able to breath. I mean, I was near the phone but it was so out of control. I think it was because since I couldn't sleep I decided to clean so I cleaned the bathroom with a vinegar/ Dawn soap combination. I think my body really reacted to the smell!


Anyhow, I did everything I could think of but nothing seemed to help. I took Delsym cough medicine, I did a sinus rinse, I tried different sleeping positions. No help at all. Finally I did another sinus rinse, gargled with salt water, and took an Advil. Finally in the wee hours of the morning I got to sleep.


When I went to bed I tried to do Reiki on myself to see if that would help. And I looked at my Sunday school lesson, which was about prayer. So I also prayed last night, especially that I would be able to go in to teach my lesson.


I really felt so much better this morning! And when I was getting ready for church I heard a hymn in my head. It happens to me every once in a while, but it had been a long while. I was running late, so I didn't have time to look up which hymn it was, but I wondered about it.


So when I had my coughing fit in Sunday school, I stepped out into the hall to catch my breath- and the praise band was practicing for the next service. Guess what! It was the same hymn!!!


This happens every once in a long while. I call them God winks.


Sometimes the hymn's words match what is going on in my life. In this case the words were all about serving God, and I suppose they chose it because next week we turn in our pledge cards for our tithes. So maybe it was a wink to me teaching the kids in Sunday school? I don't know- but I do think it was a wink to say that my prayer had been heard.


I am so ready to get to the doctor tomorrow. I am just going to get up and go there and see when they can fit me in. And if they call me to sub I will have to decline. I really have to get well.

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Younger son should be on his way here for the week!


Oh- when I checked my messages in Saturday, apparently an administrator from my son's school left a message. My son got in trouble. Ack!


Apparently they had gotten a grant for iPads for the students but the district had installed filters and controls on it. Every parent had to go to an information meeting before they handed it out. The students had their own meeting.


My son is very tech savvy, so the first day he came home with it I told him not to mess with the settings at all. He volunteers in the computer center at school like my older son used to do. My older son got a great job after graduating because of the experience. I didn't want my younger son to mess that up.


Well, here we are 2 1/2 months after school starts and my son was reprimanded for installing a "jailbreak" to get past the settings. Well he was busted! They called his dad, so he took care of it but tomorrow I will also return her call.


My son was suspended for half a day on Friday because of it. He is not sure if he will be allowed to volunteer in the computer center now, because he has lost trust of the district employees.


That stinker!


I told him that he not only tarnished his own reputation, but his older brother is employed by the district as an in call IT guy, and the distrust may spill over onto him.


Had to have a conversation again about for every choice you make there are positive consequences or negative consequences.


I just can't believe he chose to do that!


He said that there was one girl that did something to hers, but it was not on purpose and she just hit the wrong buttons or something. So he was the one that the district caught- apparently they were able to monitor it remotely!


Glad they have skilled tech people there- because I would have had no idea!!!

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Hi Lum,

when my son was around 12 years old, I found out that he and a friend had used my computer to look at naked very, ver fat ladies. Not quite the same thing, but I guess that part of it is about the thrill of thinking they are not going to get caught doing something "naughty". I am glad in many ways that I didn't grow up with computer technology and social media. It's a world I'm not sure I would have coped with as a teen.

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Hope if he he recommends antibiotics you will take them Lum. It sounds like you really need them. At least if you get a throat swab, you could get onto effective ones.


Absolutely I will! I am tired of being sick!


My mom is 93 and she had pneumonia before most antibiotics were developed. I think they had sulfa drugs. Can you imagine? They sent her home to sit in the sun each day for a few months.


I also am a responsible antibiotic consumer. I take them all the way to the end, even when I am feeling better. No need to create a situation where the bacteria can grow back and be resistant to that antibiotic.


I just wait until I am very sure I need them before starting them. I am way beyond the viral stage- unless I caught another virus on top of the other. I leave that up to the professional to decide.


My doc is on vacation but I see a different doc on Wed. Wish it were sooner, but they are having to cover her patients while she is gone.

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Ohhhh boy. I guess he will learn from that experience.


I surely hope so Vic!!!


My ex told me that the district specialists were called in to see what he did because it appeared to be some kind of Chinese program. He doesn't know Chinese, lol, so even my son didn't know what he downloaded. They were concerned about leaving things open so that their system could be hacked.

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I surely hope so Vic!!!


My ex told me that the district specialists were called in to see what he did because it appeared to be some kind of Chinese program. He doesn't know Chinese, lol, so even my son didn't know what he downloaded. They were concerned about leaving things open so that their system could be hacked.


Wow ,he's probably lucky he doesn't have me as a mother. Lol. He might be in his room for the rest of his natural born life.

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Unfortunately it happened last week when he was with his dad. The consequence was that he was suspended for half a day. He did homework during that time, and he is embarrassed about it all.


Now he is at my house and I will make him wrote a letter of apology. He and I had a deeper conversation about how his choices now can come back to effect him later.


He may have lost his chance to help out with the staff computers at school. That kind of experience is invaluable, and may have translated to a job in the future, when he is old enough.


He may have tarnished his brother's reputation simply by association. Our last name is unusual.


He may even have tarnished my name if I ever wanted to apply for a job with the district.


He knows he messed up. He knows that he has tarnished his reputation, and may never be able to repair it. He and I have talked about the importance of living such that your reputation is held high.


I truly hope he has learned from this. We will have more conversations about it.

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Thanks Vic! I just want to get it through his thick skull that his choices can have far reaching consequences! Something that is typically difficult for a teen to grasp due to their brain development.


He was glad I suggested the letter of apology, since they did take away some of his sign-in privileges as a computer tech aid. He knows he needs to try to make amends as best he can- and he also knows that they may never trust him again because if this.

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Well a friend's husband suggested I try Mucinex so I bought some and just took one. Hope I sleep better tonight.


I tried lemon and ginger and honey tea but that made me cough more. No go on that one!


They texted me to sub in kinder again tomorrow and I almost said yes, but my son told me to say no and rest. He is actually worried about me- so sweet! So in the end I declined.


For some reason the new bookkeeper says I qualify for the public employee retirement system. I didn't know subs qualified. I am very very low pay anyway, so it won't amount to much. But hey that is great anyway!

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Today I rested a lot. I got better sleep last night with the Mucinex, but I think it made my heart race a bit.


So looking forward to the doctor visit tomorrow- to get a new prescription for an inhaler and to get antibiotics if she decides that is what I need. Plus I need to check in about my antidepressant prescription which is fine, but the pharmacist said my doc won't renew the prescription until I come in.


My cat enjoyed having me home all day. She kept climbing under the blanket and sleeping there on my lap when I was hanging out on the couch today.

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Wish I could be there to drive you to doc and do some stuff Lum.


Aww... That so thoughtful of you!


My friend C also offered all of the above, but I have that stuff covered. What I really need most is a doctor's expertise! Which I will get this afternoon...


This virus kicks butt!!

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Well of course I didn't cough much while at the doctor's. I waited quietly in the waiting room for about ten minutes. Then the coughing started. They took me in the room then for another long wait. I was the last patient of the day.


My temp was 100 but the doc said my lungs are clear and she was hesitant to give me antibiotics- until I told her that I've had a slight temp for three weeks.


I will pick that up tomorrow morning, along with a new inhaler (my old one was 13 years old).


I am ready to be well!

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Bloody Hell Lum! A 13 year old inhaler isn't going to do anything. btw, have you been taking any anti-inflammatories or other medications? When I first moved to Melbourne, I developed asthma for the first time in my life. I'd had a cold and took soluble aspirin. I just kept getting sicker, thinking I had a chest infection. Was diagnosed with asthma. Nobody told me that you shouldn't take Aspirin or Codeine if you have asthma.

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