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My Life- Thoughts and Happenings

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I hope she is feeling very happy and no longer stressed.


She has had such a difficult time these past few years, I think she "forgot" how to be happy, temporarily. Her house is very simple but beautiful! At first she was unable to enjoy it, but now yesterday she said that it is becoming a place of joy to her, rather than a reminder of all of the heartache.


Time to let go of the past, and move forward into the wonderful present!


She still has about 10 large boxes to unpack- and now she is at the place where she is unpacking the little stuff and lamps and vases. She does not have room for it all, so she has to edit as she goes.


Part of the other issue is that most of this went into storage before she found out about her husband's many affairs and sex-capades- before they split up 4 years ago. So she is uncovering memories and it has set her back in her healing a bit. But- she is handling it like a champ!

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This morning I took my son to help another scout with an Eagle project- planting about eight trees! Today the weather decided to be above eighty degrees, although it was about 42 this morning. So I wore dark jeans.


I was sooooo hot! I really regretted my choice! We dug holes in the hot sun for 4 hours. Some of the soil was very hard and compacted clay soil, and it nearly impossible to dig. So I actually used a pickaxe to break it up. I am so tired and so sore...


But the trees got planted.


My friend J is visiting this weekend again. She is observing Yom Kippur today, so she is at services today. She is also fasting today in observance, and no water either!


We will be having a big dinner after sundown tonight- I already made a huge salad and we have beans and salsa to serve with quinoa and if she wants go make it into a burrito she can. I also have some ripe avocados to use up.


Since we are eating vegetarian tonight, I told my son to eat some leftover turkey sausage this afternoon because he did hard manual labor this morning and did his cross country practice run (about 5 miles) this afternoon. He is wiped out, too. He cleared some leftovers out of the refrigerator since he was so hungry!


This afternoon between services, my friend J walked from the synagogue to my other friend C's house. I drove over to meet them there and we had a nice visit.


Now I need to get up to put in some laundry and get materials ready for my Sunday school class tomorrow.


We are starting the unit on prayer this year again. We usually rotate between curriculum. I have new kids in this class, so they haven't done this one yet.

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You are such a good friend !


C and J are my very best friends ever. I am glad they have met each other.


They totally supported me through my marriage breakup and through my breast cancer. They each have so much wisdom so I can always ask them for advice. Which I do- especially when it comes to parenting or work related dilemmas. It is so good to have such amazing friends.

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C and J are my very best friends ever. I am glad they have met each other.


They totally supported me through my marriage breakup and through my breast cancer. They each have so much wisdom so I can always ask them for advice. Which I do- especially when it comes to parenting or work related dilemmas. It is so good to have such amazing friends.

I am so glad that you all have each other.

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Had a fun weekend with J visiting. She spent a lot of time at the synagogue for services. And then when she was free, then I had church lol... But we found times to visit in between. She left yesterday.


Today they wanted me to sub for one hour while a few teachers went to a math training. I almost packed a lunch but thought why bother. And then when I walked in the door they asked if I could stay all day. Good thing I wore my comfortable shoes! And they have me some Greek yogurt for lunch.

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It was, Silver. And tomorrow I get to sub in the kindergarten class for 1/2 day.


Today I went for a hike through the park and we heard a rustling through the bushes and saw a pheasant. It was so pretty- beautiful colors! I had never seen one close up before.


We also saw a few great blue herons and of course lots of ducks and geese.


It is midnight here and I was drifting off to sleep when I felt something crawling on my arm. When I turned on the light it was a huge honking spider!!!! Ach!!!!!!


Now I am wide awake. Even though I managed to catch it and flush it down the toilet.

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It was, Silver. And tomorrow I get to sub in the kindergarten class for 1/2 day.


Today I went for a hike through the park and we heard a rustling through the bushes and saw a pheasant. It was so pretty- beautiful colors! I had never seen one close up before.


We also saw a few great blue herons and of course lots of ducks and geese.


It is midnight here and I was drifting off to sleep when I felt something crawling on my arm. When I turned on the light it was a huge honking spider!!!! Ach!!!!!!


Now I am wide awake. Even though I managed to catch it and flush it down the toilet.


We have a lot of blue herons here! And where am we are just covered in spiders. All kinds of spiders. I am lucky though can spiders don't bother me at all. If we didn't have spiders would be overrun by other insects. Yesterday here I also saw a praying mantis. I tried to pick it up but the little whippersnapper bit me.

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We have a lot of blue herons here! And where am we are just covered in spiders. All kinds of spiders. I am lucky though can spiders don't bother me at all. If we didn't have spiders would be overrun by other insects. Yesterday here I also saw a praying mantis. I tried to pick it up but the little whippersnapper bit me.


Yes I understand that spiders are great for keeping insects at bay- but it is a jolt to wake up with one crawling on you at night! And now I have spider bites on my leg and torso...


I have never seen a praying mantis around here, but I have seen them elsewhere. How fun! Except the bite of course.

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This morning I woke up with a cold, so I didn't go in to do reading help.


I did go for a walk through the park today though. I took my car in for service and them walked a bit to the park, where I met C and her dog. I figured that walking in open air would not expose her to my cold, and a gentle walk in the sunshine would be good.


Got my oil changed and a new fuel filter and they replaced some bulbs that were out, including my brake light. My truck kept dinging to remind me about that, so it was good to get it fixed. Plus it is safer to have those rear brake lights working!


I probably could have replaced the lights myself but in my experience I don't have the right tools nor do I know how to unscrew or get to the bulbs so it was better use of my time to go for a long walk while they did it!


Yesterday I subbed in the kinder classroom for the afternoon. They are so little! In the afternoon some of them started to fall apart until it was rest time. Some actually fell asleep! There were three bathroom accidents- thankfully each student has extra clothes there from home. Oh, and the toilet overflowed... That was exciting for them!


But I had fun reading to them, and helped the teacher while they were at PE. I had recess duty and had two students crying at the same time for different reasons but older students out there helped them to the office for hugs and ice packs.


Phew! My grandmother was a kindergarten teacher! Hats off to those that work with that age! I'm not sure I have the patience!

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Today was testing day for high schools. My son had only a half day because of progress reports.

But he still had cross country practice later in the day. So he called to see if he could hang out at my house for a few hours until practice. He is with his dad this week, and his dad lives 12 miles out in the country.


Of course I said yes, anytime! But he was concerned about getting my cold and disinfected the phone and remote.

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Yes I understand that spiders are great for keeping insects at bay- but it is a jolt to wake up with one crawling on you at night! And now I have spider bites on my leg and torso...


I have never seen a praying mantis around here, but I have seen them elsewhere. How fun! Except the bite of course.


Yeah not many people like spiders and it would be scary to wake up with one on you!

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Oh blech. Colds are so annoying.


My son is here today - his dad had to go to work and since my son has XC practice he decided to hang out here until later this afternoon. There would be no bus to get him to practice or the team dinner since his dad lives out in the country.


I told him to stay far away from me since he does not need my cold!

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I did get myself out of bed to drive my younger son to his team pasta dinner. When I got back, my older son and his roommates pulled up in the driveway. He was stopping by to pick up his dads old crockpot and a package. I invited them in for some ice cream and we chatted for a bit. Of course my house was a mess and I told them that I was sick and to stay away from me. But it was nice to see them, and I think I am sort of a "dorm mom" in a way!

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My nose is a faucet so I am stationed on the couch. The cat has been so happy to have the use of my lap all day. Sorry if this is TMI but Kleenex doesn't cut it, so I am using an old soft tea towel as a handkerchief. Sniffle sniffle...


For dinner I had a salad with lemon and lots of crushed fresh garlic. Hopefully that will help me fight this virus off.

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