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My Life- Thoughts and Happenings

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Also this morning I went walking on trails with my friend C and her dog. It was coolish today so I wore long pants and a long sleeve shirt. Yesterday was the first time all summer and fall that I have worn long sleeves and long pants!


The park was pretty and leaves are beginning to turn. I didn't see the blue herons today but lots of geese and ducks. C's dog was delighted to go off leash for a bit.


Went back to C's place afterward to help her unpack a bit more, but I had to get home after a bit because J was due home in between services.


Tonight J and I cooked some quinoa and she chopped up cucumber, onion, red and green bell pepper, kalamata olives, and mint to go in the quinoa salad. Tomorrow she will add lemon juice and chopped tomatoes. She seasoned the quinoa with cumin and garlic powder with a bit of cayenne for a kick. J will be taking the salad to a potluck tomorrow.


Sometimes I Iike to add chunks of mozzarella to the salad, as well as some olive oil. But she wanted it vegan and she can't metabolize oil very well, so we left those out.

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My out of town company left this morning at 7:30 bright and early as she is in the process of selling her car and needed to be able to show it. She'll me back next week though.


I cleaned up around here and then did a quick trip to the store to get lunch food for my son's scout troop outing- we were providing sandwiches for some visitors. I took that over and had lunch with them, then home again for the rest of the afternoon.


Tonight I had signed up to help with dinner for the church youth group activity so I helped out with that. Got to learn how to use the big dishwasher, lol...


Tomorrow is church and I am all prepared for teaching Sunday school to the kids - it is a great group this year.


Tomorrow afternoon I have a lot of yard work that needs to be done- plus there are spider webs all over the outside of the house so I want to get that clean and clear.

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It was a good day at church today. My kids in Sunday school are very cute.


Came home and didn't get much done this afternoon, but I needed to decompress from a very busy week.


I did some yard work this evening and cut down a lot more of the blackberry vines. I filled up two yard debris bins.


Tomorrow I work with some students to help them with reading.


Tonight my son was supposed to be dropped off but they are 1 1/2 hours late! I texted them and I guess he forgot, so they are on their way...sheesh.

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Yes, I thought about renting some goats to chew down those blackberries, but I don't have a reliable fence that goes all the way around, so they would get out. So I am doing it by hand, and it goes into the yard debris bins to become compost for the city.


I would have some pretty happy and fat goats because of all of the blackberry vines!

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We still have summer weather right now. Today it was 26 C. But then we will cool down.


The cooler weather is coming your way!


But it was still nice out- just earlier it was cool and raining and then the sun came out. Makes for better sleeping weather.


I can still hear the cricket chirping under my window even though its closed!

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Today I worked with some students to help them with reading.


Afterward I went hiking with C and her dog. On the way there I saw a flock of 6 wild turkeys finding stuff to eat on the front lawn of a local business!


The hike we took was through some woods. It had rained yesterday so the scent of the earth was permeating the air, and the leaves are beginning to turn to fall colors. It was beautiful and very peaceful. We saw a few young deer cross our path- the dog was very excited about that!


We decided to turn around when we started seeing red poison oak leaves along the side of the trail though.


I helped C unpack a few more boxes today too, then came home to work on my own place.


It is cooler out and sadly I do not hear my cricket tonight...

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The cooler weather is coming your way!


But it was still nice out- just earlier it was cool and raining and then the sun came out. Makes for better sleeping weather.


I can still hear the cricket chirping under my window even though its closed!

I think in about three days or so it should be starting to cool down. Thankfully. I don't like warm very much.

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It has been a brutally hot summer here. I really enjoyed the bike today because it was cooler. I just don't do well with heat.


Also, Oregon has had so little rain, so we have had so many more wildfires and even fires in town. So glad the rain came yesterday, and it sprinkled today too. Hope it helps the fire situations.

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Today I was called in to sub for 1/2 day. It was in the classroom that I subbed in last week. The students were better behaved and there was more organization this time.


She still had not corrected quite a few papers that should have been done , but overall it was much more organized.


In the end they had me stay all day.

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This morning I went on a hike through the woods with my friend and her dog. It was such a beautiful fall day! The trees are all turning vibrant colors, and the temperature was perfect.


Later I had a fundraiser to do for my sons scout group, so I had to be on my feet for give hours. I am a bit tired now...


I did help my friend unpack more of her boxes. In return, she is going to give me a few pieces of her furniture. Little by little she is getting moved in.

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