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My Life- Thoughts and Happenings

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Washed and changed my sheets, did a few other loads of laundry, vacuumed under my bed.


I probably did too much, but it had to be done.


Next up- folding and putting away that laundry! Then I need to prepare my lesson for Sunday school tomorrow.


I didn't get to yard work, but that will have to wait...

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Oh Blah Lum, I think you have done more than I have. Sometimes I notice a smell in my kitchen. Thought it was the oven when I moved here and the old smell of meat so I scrubbed and scrubbed it. Realised this morning that the smell comes from the vent above the stove. ICK so I have been cleaning that while jiving along with the Bee Gees.


Have to put all my winter clothes away today ! yay!


Getting about the house in my fave harem pants and most comfy slip-on sandals.

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Hopefully you can soak it clean. I usually put the screen through the dishwasher but if you don't have one then soak it in Dawn dish soap and white vinegar.


Love your idea of putting on great music to get through the work! I didn't think of that today. My old boyfriend had a cd with uillean pipe music that was rather peppy that we used to put on whol cleaning. Much like this:



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Well I cleaned out the linen closet - my son left some sheets here when he moved out (he got a larger bed) so things were not fitting in there. So I pulled it all out and put sheets in the donate pile that I think I have had for 25 years! Through two marriages...


I also found on the bottom in the back some crib sheets, lol... Have not used a crib here for a long while!

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Oh that sounds Yum! Where do you get all these amazing recipes?.??


I had a really nice salad for lunch and had the Bircher muesli for breakfast.


It was yumm!


I had a roommate that used to make miso soup with tofu and spinach or broccoli, so she showed me how to make it.


Today I just sautéed everything with olive oil and melted the miso in hot water and added the sautéed to the broth. Then sprinkled in the spices. I tried to put in ingredients that would help me with my cold.


I also get a lot of recipes online. I do have some old cookbooks, but most of the time I don't need them because there is so much available online.


I used to make muesli- I had a bf from Germany and he made it a lot. I should get back to making that again. What do you put in yours???

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Well, this mild cold has moved to my chest such that I feel bubbling when I breath. I am trying to get lots of sleep and eat healthy so that it won't turn into pneumonia.


They texted me to sub in kindergarten again today and I turned them down because of my cough- even though my temperature was only slightly elevated (99).


It was a good thing because once I got up for the day I felt exhausted.


This afternoon I was feeling a lot better after having slept a lot, so I called to make a dentist appointment. They had a sudden opening in 30 minutes and wanted to know if I could get there- I told them about my cough but they said they wear masks and if I had no fever then they were fine with it.


Miraculously I made it through the whole appointment with no problems!


Oh, and I had a great checkup despite the fact that I have not been in for a few years.


I did have to go to a scout ceremony tonight and that is when the coughing came back...


I also scheduled my mammogram for Wednesday and then I have my five year checkup with my oncologist on Thursday. Five years cancer free!


Since I started generic Zoloft last year, I have been able to find energy to organize myself to do these things. And recently I upped my dose of vitamin D3 to 4000, and I really think it has put some pep in my step.


Part of the demise of my marriage was from my lack of energy and slight depression. It didn't help that my ex was a jerk about it, and i believe he had his moments of depression and then cycling to obsessiveness- but I didn't really realize that I was in a depression - because it didn't manifest itself as feeling low or down about life. I celebrated (and still do!) my life, but I simply did not have the energy to follow through on daily tasks.


So glad I finally took the plunge with meds. I don't take much, but it does help.


Younger son just told me he has a slight sore throat. Yikes. Here we go again! Hope it doesn't go to his chest like it did for me! He is running cross country still so he does not want this to mess up the season. Fortunately it is almost done, but he has a few meets to get through.


He really likes it. His last race he ran 6 plus minute mile.

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I am, finally.


Hope all goes well with D's appointment.


I'm sure mine will go well. It is good to get it all taken care of.


I was so glad things went fine with my dental appointment because I had not been there in so long. But they said they were surprised at how well my teeth and gums were doing despite not having been there in a long time. I really like my new dentist and staff.


I think the reason my teeth and gums are healthy is because I have been so conscientious about eating healthy to avoid a cancer recurrence.

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I hope your appointment at the oncologist is great!! That is awesome that you have been cancer free for so long. My mother-in-law had breast cancer I would say 17/18 years ago. And she has not had a breast cancer reoccurrence. She did have another form of cancer though probably five years ago.


I am glad that you've gotten better from your cold!

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I have brownies in the oven for my son's team dinner. He may not be able to go, depending on how he feels. In any case he should not be eating any sugar so he can keep up his immunities.


I did well yesterday - no coughing until late evening when I went to a meeting.


This morning I felt somewhat better. I woke up to rain and I had plans to walk by the river today. I bundled up with rain gear and went anyway, but I didn't push myself.


It rained on us but it wasn't cold rain- but I was pretty wet by the end. I came home and had a nice hot shower, which helped.


Only coughed a little bit, which was encouraging.


This is a week of appointments and meetings. I have to go to a church meeting this evening and another one tomorrow.


Those brownies sure smell good! But I am going to stay away from them. I don't need the sugar either...

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Got to the meeting after getting my son to his team dinner. The brownies were a hit.


After my meeting I went shopping at TJ Maxx just for fun until it was time to pick my son up. Got a new tablecloth and a new set of sheets for my son. I had gotten rid of some worn out sheets this week, so it was good to find some new ones at a reasonable price.


I got a text asking me to sub in kindergarten tomorrow but I have my mamm in the morning and the meeting mid day at church.


I guess they can't find a sub so I will go there for 3 hours in between to help out when I can.


When they set the meeting midday last month, I told them it might interfere with my subbing- and I was right. I will suggest an alternative time for next month.


My poor son has that cold- I can hear him sniffling in his room. Not sure how his run will go tomorrow, with that virus.

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Well, this morning I went over to get my mammogram. One if the machines was down so they were running a bit late.


Once they got me in there, they took the films and had me wait while the doctor looked at them to make sure they were good enough pictures. They ended up calling me back for another 2 films to look at a spot they weren't sure about. But in the end they decided it was all fine. Thank goodness!


Tomorrow I have my five year checkup with my oncologist. I expect him to take me off of the Arimidex since it has been five years.


This morning I subbed in the kindergarten room for three hours. They were making applesauce using a crank peeler/corer so that was fun.


I remembered a few of the students' names so that was helpful.


The school counselor was in there helping out when I got there, so they were really happy I made the effort to come in for a few hours!


Next week I sub with the older students for three days.

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Tomorrow morning I sub in kindergarten again!


But I told them it could be only half a day because I have to go to the oncologist after lunch.


I am finally starting to get to know their names a bit but it will take me a while.


After my appointment my friend C and I will go for a walk in the afternoon.


My son had a cross country meet today and he got his 5k time down under 20 minutes! Every race he does, he decreases his time. So proud of him!

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