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Musings of a boring nerd


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Hi ENA it's been a while.

It's been about a month since I had anything to talk about. Well, there were a couple of things, but I didn't want to talk about them.


I sat down with a spreadsheet and a mortgage calculator and I realised that I'd overestimated/underestimated stuff. There is no way I can afford to buy any property with the amount of savings I have and my current salary. The amount I'd need to borrow would push the repayments up to about 2/3 of what I take home each month and I can't live on 1/3 and pay bills. The government thing I mentioned a few posts back doesn't really help people like me, it's for people who can afford the repayments but don't have the deposit.


So that's that. No cottage in the country for me.


So I started looking at the rental market and that's just as depressing. I phoned a letting agency about an apartment in the village I was looking at. It seemed pretty good, but unfortunately I was too late (I didn't notice that it had been on the market for a staggering 4 days!) and somebody had reserved it. It seems to be a popular area, places come onto the market and are gone within a couple of days.


So I started looking further afield. I got to the point where I was just looking at anything that seemed reasonable. I gave up on looking for areas that I actually wanted to live in and just looked for anything.

In the end I gave up for a week or two.


On Thursday I noticed a flat on rightmove.co.uk that I thought I'd enquired about a couple of weeks back. It's about the size and price I want and it's in the village I've been looking at. I thought that it must be an old listing that hadn't been taken down, but I didn't recognise the letting agent, so I emailed them.

They replied "It was reserved, but the prospective tenant cancelled a couple of days ago so it's available again. Would you like to arrange a viewing?"

I went to see it yesterday. It's not a bad size, fine for one person. It's not a pretty miner's cottage like the ones a few streets away, just a standard 1980s house, split in two. But it's exactly where I think I want to be and I can afford it.


I've paid the reservation fee, the application form is in the post. Once they check my references I just have to pay another chunk of cash and it's mine. If everything goes well, I could start moving my stuff in on Saturday.

Oh ****.

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I am super excited. But at the same time, super chilled.

It's just happening so effortlessly. No rush, no fuss...


I was talking to my counsellor about it last night. It's a really big decision, but when it came to it, it didn't feel like there was decision to be made at all. It just popped up and I said yes. The only other option would have been to wait for something better to pop up, but I'm pretty certain that I'd be waiting a long time.

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The only other option would have been to wait for something better to pop up, but I'm pretty certain that I'd be waiting a long time.


And your life would have been put on hold AGAIN~~~~~~ YIPPEE You're MOVING!!!!!

I can't tell you how happy I am for you! One very big GIANT step for you.


I always look to see if you have posted, and i was going to give up tonite, and just go to bed...but lo and behold....PETER...with news!


Ya, a cute little miner's cottage would be great, but hey, you're just starting out. When you move up in the world, get a woman, get a bigger house, start a family......lol.....eh.....it all happens in stages!


Again, Congrats Peter! I know how difficult it is for you to make the final MOVE....but Your'e DOING IT!

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It still feels a bit surreal, like it's not really happening.


Got confirmation today, it's all ok. Just got to sign the paperwork and pick up the keys. It's not going to be this weekend though, the landlord has to finish off some work, so it'll be next Wednesday.


The last couple of days has felt a bit weird, because technically they could have rejected my application, but I knew it was pretty unlikely. So I felt like "This is definitely happening", but this other little voice was saying "Something might go wrong, don't get too excited. If they turn you down and you've convinced yourself you're moving out, you'll be seriously disappointed..."


I don't care now, because they haven't rejected me. I will be moving out. I... damn, I need to buy some furniture...

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I... damn, I need to buy some furniture...


Maybe your mom will decide she needs new furniture...now that you're gone! lol and you can have some of hers!


Of course it's cooler to have your own. Just look around for some good used stuff. People (rich) get sick of their stuff all the time, and sell it at resale shops! Decorating is the FUN part!


Call that girl and tell her you need a 'woman's touch' a woman's opinion!

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I'm taking my old wardrobe with me, but that's about all there is. I know of a couple of places that do decent refurbished/second-hand furniture, so that isn't a problem. My parents are broke anyway, so there's no way they can replace anything they've got. Their current TV, oven, washing machine and dishwasher were paid for by me.


My current bedroom doesn't have a lot of furniture, and what's there is is suited to that space. The bed is one of those things that's like a bunk bed without the bottom bunk and my desk is underneath. It's space-efficient but awful. And I can't take the desk, because it isn't a piece of furniture, it's a piece of counter-top that goes wall-to-wall under the bed (basically, it's a giant shelf).

I suppose it does mean that I have a blank canvas to work with.


I'll be seeing "that girl" tomorrow actually. Lots to talk about, haven't seen each other at all for about a month and a half. It's been over 2 months since we had a decent conversation.

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Oh YAY...THAT girl! lol I bet she will be excited for you! I do think it would be fun to take her along for shopping sprees! We girls LIKE to shop! lol


Your parents will really miss your income coming in....but you are now on your own and have to take care of yourself. Fortunately for me, my parents had some money, and Dad bought me my house back that i lost in my divorce.....


The closing went thru and he died 4 days later! Thanks Dad! It's Thanksgiving here today in the states.....time to give thanks. Going to my twin brothers house for Dinner. I made 6 pies!

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I'm starting to get nervous now. Tonight's thing is a photography group event in Bath, we're going to take pictures around the christmas market. There's 30 people signed up for it and I'm in charge. The main organiser can't make it and he needed somebody to take over. At some point I've been promoted to assistant organiser. Not sure how that happened, I'm one of the most disorganised people I know.


I hope I'll get a chance to talk with Jen.


Speaking of photography, here's a couple of pictures from last Saturday's trip:

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Thanks for the gorgeous pics Peter! I never made it to Bath....it seems so weird to hear you discuss something that we only 'read' about in the states!! It was a place that was soooo exotic.....one could only dream of going there! lol


I couldn't believe when they made me 'co-organizer' in my group. I called the guy and asked if he made a mistake! lol.....i did host a couple of trips and they went off without a hitch...but of course i had help! teehee


Don't be nervous......but then again, maybe it's an excited, happy nervous!


I am so proud of you! ((((pats on head)))

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Well last night was a complete disaster.

There was a major accident on the main road to Bath. The 45 minute bus journey took 2 hours. By the time I arrived I couldn't be bothered to take any pictures. It was crowded and I couldn't find any of the group. Eventually 8:00 came around and we met up at the pre-planned meeting place. I said hello and goodbye to Jenny, she had to catch her train.

We went to find a pub, but being friday night, everywhere was too full for us with all our camera gear.


A complete waste of time, effort and money.

Finally got home at 9:45, scrounged up some food and went to bed.

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The rest of the family wanted to see my flat, so I took them round for a guided tour yesterday afternoon.

They'd bought me some early christmas presents: A kettle, some cutlery, some plates and bowls, some pans and some mugs.

Aren't they lovely.


Then we went to the pub around the corner and had some food. It seems like a really nice place, I think I'll be spending some time in there on a regular basis.


I ordered a fridge this morning and I'm picking it up on the way home from work. I'm going to kidnap my dad to help me get it from my car into the kitchen.

I'll also take a tape measure and my camera so I can make proper plans about the rest of the furniture while I'm there.

If I can get a washing machine tomorrow, I'll be mostly done in the kitchen before the weekend.


Then I've got to work out where I'm getting a bed and a sofa from. They're the last of the big items that won't be flat-packed.

Then all the rest is smaller stuff I can get any time.

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Ordered a bed this morning. Should be getting it middle of next week.

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Just look at that thing!

It's like a grown up's bed, but it's mine.


And that isn't the best part. Just when you thought it couldn't get better.



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You guys will let me know if this journal gets too thrilling for you to handle, won't you?

Just to warn you, I might me buying a washing machine tomorrow. If you suffer from any heart problems, you may want to consult your doctor before viewing this thread for the next couple of pages. Who knows what could happen! I MIGHT BUY A COMPUTER DESK OR SOMETHING!

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Dang!Are you sure that bed is comfortable??? In the states we have a mattress and a box spring underneath it! Not an empty storage unit! Nice for storing i guess, but looks uncomfortable as hell!


eh...my kids are sleeping on a mattress on the floor...well the 21 year old is....by choice. ugh


Can't wait to talk couches, chairs and pictures! They are my forte? And colors....are you allowed to paint? Or is it all boring white??????? Snooze.

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The slats are springy, so it should be fine. I've slept on much worse.

Went looking for a sofa and found the exact same bed that I've ordered online from another shop. It looks good. Just realised how crazy it is to buy things online without seeing them with my own eyes.


Bought pillows, duvet, sheets, etc today. Ordered a computer desk from ebay. Found a website that does nice looking sofas for decent prices. Looked at washing machines. Got distracted looking at 3D TVs, remembered that I can't see the point in having a 3D TV, went back to the washing machines.

I told my mum that I'm getting a dishwasher instead of a washing machine, "I can't be bothered to do washing up and I can always bring my dirty clothes round to yours at the weekends."

She gave me A Look.


My plan colour-wise is to have neutral colour furniture and add stronger colour with pictures and maybe painted sections on the walls (I am allowed to paint the walls). There's a not-particularly-nice-but-in-decent-condition greeny-blue carpet, which I can't be bothered to replace, so I'm going to work with it, maybe get a rug. Although for the price/area it's quite a big flat, it's still going to feel claustrophobic if there's too much strong/dark colours.


The hardest task is yet to come. I was looking at websites that print photos onto canvas and started looking through my flickr account for pictures I want on my walls. I've got 249 photos. There are loads that aren't of the wall-hanging calibre, but I've still got more than enough to cover every single wall. It's like having 249 children and being asked to pick your favourites. I CAN'T CHOOSE!

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hahahaha Peter! Just this week i was looking at MY photos that i took while i was out kayaking and walking this fall I was going to have them put on canvas also! But the sizes available, weren't conducive to my prints! ugh. Would chop off the top of the building....or the one i really wanted to have on the wall was a field of hay bales!! lol He lives in an old farm house.


Anyway, i really wanted it aprox. 12x24 or so....but the only configurations were more boxy. ugh. Walmart and Walgreens do that now. Maybe i should look at some other websites. Plus my camera isn't that great, and when i would put it on a huge canvas, the quality wouldn't be good.


Ya know peter, that is what you could do!!! Put your prints on canvas....and then sell them online!!!!

LOL.....i can always tell OTHER people what to do!!


I mean it....get little miss Jenny to go shopping with you!


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Been on google maps comparing the size of the city I currently live in, to the village I'm in the process of moving to. It's so cute.



This is where my family lives.



This is where I'm moving to (same map scale).



I could walk accross the entire village at its widest point in 20 minutes. That's the same distance as it is from my parent's house to the local cinema!

I could fit three copies of my village between my parent's house and the city centre.


It still doesn't quite feel like it's actually happening.



Congrats on getting your own place. Is this your first?


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