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Musings of a boring nerd


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MAN!! Never heard of such a thing!


My sister broke her ankle in such a funny way also! She was cleaning house and came accross on pair of her MANY platform shoes. So she put them on....and kept cleaning....and twisted her ankle on one. She had pins and everything. Drs. thought it was funny that she broke her leg cleaning with platforms on! duh.


And she still continues to wear those dang things.....and she's 50!!! I gave them up for lent.......

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I'm a good boy.

I've been trying to be a bit healthier, eating a little less, moving about when I don't need to (I've heard people call this madness "exercise").


I had two meetups pop up for Sunday mid-day. One group were going to a buffet-style restaurant, the other group were going on a 5.5 mile walk in the Cotswolds.


All-you-can-eat chinese/indian/mexican food...

Or a walk in the country and pub lunch...


Like I said, I'm a good boy, so I put my name down for the walk.

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awww...I'm so jealous. I went to England just because of the 'Cotswolds' !


Then i ended up LOVING the Southwestern part better! lol Devon....and i can't remember the names. OLD.


edit: It's just starting to warm up here. The ice and snow are melting. I might walk a bike path behind work. Maybe a mile or so....lol....5 would KILL ME!



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2 years ago we had an amazing spring. Warmed up i Feb. March the Flowers were coming up. Unfortunately, My dad was in the process of dying. He died April 12...so i didn't get to enjoy it as much as i could have. But then, he was able to get outside...which he loved.


I so love your pics. I have a funny story to tell....which your 'fields' reminded me of.


When my son and i landed in London, we took the train out...immediately. I wanted to get to the country.


I had 3 things i wanted to see in my travels.


1. Sheep in the road.

2. Wild ponies in the road. (getting the pattern here?)

3. Thatched roofs in the cotswolds.


When we were on the train we sat with a bunch of teen boys who were great fun. I was looking out the window, and saw a bunch of sheep, dotted on the hillside! ( i adore how the trees and bushes all look like fences!) I exclaimed all excitedly....'LOOK, THERE'S SHEEP'!!!!


The boys look perplexed and asked....'don't you have sheep in America?'.....lol


Yes. we do.

I stayed a week in Bodin (?) where all the sheep are, and i was so happy. We traveled and saw the cliffs, and the castles, and the wild ponies. It was such beautiful weather the whole time i was there!



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Remember I mentioned looking at POF. Well I'm flitting back and forth between deciding to make an account or not.

Well actually, I did do the first step of creating the account, but I didn't finish filling out the profile. Some of those questions are hard.

"Describe your personality with 1 word from this drop-down list". I identify with about 5 of them. Intellectual, Photographer, Professional, Bookworm, Adventurer...


Need to write about myself too... that's hard.


And at the same time I wonder if I'm ready for this... But hey, as my signature says:

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hahahaha...I just rejoined POF again a few days ago. My drop down of describing myself is 'helpless romantic'. I got on and saw all the same old guys that were on last year. So i haven't been back.


I didn't put on any pics.


I said i have my own home.

I have my own business.

I have my own hair.

I have my own teeth.

And i have a dog.


If you want to know anything more...just ask. I might tell you.....i might not.



How was that for a profile!

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I've been trying to think about what to put in my profile, maybe something like this:


I love the great outdoors: walking, climbing, camping, all that jazz. I'm really into photography and try to take my camera everywhere.

I'm enjoying life right now and I'm looking for somebody to share it with me.


Something like that anyway.

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Yep, that's what my Best Friend who just got back on POF put. Said I am enjoying my life but need someone to share it with. He had 2 meets and he thinks this second one is going to work out.


So I'm dumped. And depressed. There goes my hiking, biking, kayaking, texting, camping, everything buddy!


edit. Funny how all the pics he had on there were ones i took of him while WE were out doing fun things. ugh


Plus...i didn't know he had got back on, until i joined Thursday out of boredom. Wonder when he was going to tell me! HA!

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Also thinking about pictures for my profile. I was thinking about using the one


I took it in 2012 before the camping trip, saying that I'd started getting my equipment together. And, well...


image removed


I kind of look like a serial killer.


I think I need a more up-to-date picture, one that doesn't look like I'm planning how to kill somebody.

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So... I met somebody interesting last night.

I went to a meetup with a singles-only group. At first I was talking with one group of people, not really feeling it, thinking about leaving. Changed groups instead, joined a guy called Barry and a girl called Susanne who were talking about university, felt better. Barry to go home 5 minutes later, but me and Susanne continued talking.


An hour passed and we were still talking.


Most people had left, the bar was closing, we both had to go to work in the morning and we both wanted to keep talking. We swapped emails and decided to meet up to chat again soon.


My god have we got a lot in common.

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Another week slowly coming to a close. Been a long one.

Arranging the next photography group camping trip. We're going to Exmoor at the end of May.Then there was the great office move on Tuesday, recovering and unpacking on Wednesday. Then the Social Solos evening meetup after work. I think that was the first time I've ever been in a bar until closing time, definitely the first time on a night before work.


Had a couple of emails back and forth with Susanne. She's hosting a home-made pizza and monopoly evening tomorrow and I'm invited! We might be meeting up on Sunday as well.


Got to get my sister a birthday present, it's her 20th on Monday.

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Ya Hoo....Mt. Dew! Just takes time!


I met a guy on Tues. Went to a movie with the meetup group. Actually met him on POF. I liked him just fine. Talked after the movie in his car til midnight.


Ummmm.....then apparently he didn't like me. ugh.


He sent me one SHORT email...to my FIVE! lol

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So I suppose you're waiting for an update.


Well, I went to Susanne's homemade pizza and Monopoly evening (I was disgusted to find that the Monopoly wasn't homemade, just the pizza), met some of her friends, had some very nice pizza. Beat everybody at Monopoly (by about £50). Got viciously attacked by a kitten. Talked about photography.

A really nice evening.


Yesterday was pretty busy, found a nice necklace for Lucy's birthday. Did loads of housework that I'd been putting off for ages. Met up with Susanne again. We went to a tiny cinema and saw ET (somehow she'd never seen it before), I was hoping to get some dinner with her aftwards, but she had a train to catch, so it was a quick: meet up, watch a film, say goodbye, type of evening.

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GREAT UPDATE! She at least sounds like she wants to date you! sigh......


Don't worry about the quick eve.....there will be plenty more!


Congrats on winning Monopoly! sheesh how i always hated that game! Took sooooo damn long! lol


Tell us more about her. What does she look like? Why do you have so much in common? awwww.....sounds like spring is in the air....for some people!


Also congrats on cleaning your house....mine is still in the 'thinking about it' stage....

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I'm with you on monopoly. I think it's long and fairly boring, plus it's nearly entirely determined by the dice rolls. I very tactfully didn't say any of that and just enjoined socialising with the group.


I've just posted a thread in the dating section about this subject. I'm not sure what I'm thinking about her right now.

Looks-wise, she's pretty ordinary. I don't like saying that, it sounds rude, but it's what I think. She's in no way ugly, just not... what I think of as attractive.

The things we have in common:

Both have suffered from social anxiety

Neither of us really go for the usual nightlife that everybody around us are obsessed with.

We're both fairly outdoorsy.

Bits and pieces, you know.


Other than that, she's a bit new-age-ish, sort of a hippie type. Vegetarian, yoga, meditation, all that.


But I'm just not really sure if we're compatible on a level beyond friendship. I think we could be really good friends... but... I don't know...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok Peter...bumping you up here now! Haven't heard anything from you in too long!!!!!!!!


My life sucks. Became intimate with my best friend....cuz he was going to start dating...since i wouldn't kiss him. ugh. So when i did...wowsers!!! Passionate. yikes....best kiss ever.


So sometimes the 'not so attractive' ones have some animal lurking inside themselves! lol


But now he doesn't 'want' me. So now i've lost my best friend and a 'lover'....waaagh. When i become sexually invested...i get more 'needy' especially when i feel them pulling away. He was going on a 4 day trip with a 'new' woman and this group of kayakers. so of course i was insecure. Then he told me he didn't like 'drama'.


Typical man who can't deal with a typical woman.


Life. Why didn't God make us both emotionally the same!!!!

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