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I think he has a girlfriend but does he like me a little?


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So after all that you haven't directly asked him? I have a feeling that you WANT to be oblivious about whether he is single or not so that you don't have to feel so guilty and you don't have to see him as the bad guy if he does have a girlfriend. It's really not all that hard to say, "look, I was wondering, are you single or not?"


But if he is not asking you out on dates (because you don't have that expectation), it means that he is taken or not interested. You're really making this too complicated when it doesn't need to be.

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i don't want to directly ask him like im trying to see if he could date me and be obvious..it was actually nice just seeing him to see him..we knew each other during our childhood. It doesn't seem like he is with her though that's for sure, something must have happened recently.


guess i was just wondering from all of this today could he like me or maybe its just too early to tell.

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Doesn't matter whether he likes you or not. What matters is whether he is in a position to date you, and whether he asks you out on dates.


I guess unless you outright ask him how his girlfriend is going you will never know whether he is TRULY single, or whether he is trying to make it seem that way. I still think that you are not wanting to know the truth since you aren't asking him.

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i was just wondering from all of this today could he like me or maybe its just too early to tell.


I think that it is this. However, I don't like his comment about "Next time bring some of your cute friends." I don't think he would say this to you if he was interested in you.

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Agreed with dramallama. It seems to me like you must not want to know the answer, or you'd ask.


In any case, should you continue down this road, please consider the fact that if you develop feelings for him and it turns out that he -does- have a girlfriend, you aren't going to have much room to complain, since you purposely chose to remain in the dark about it.

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i agree, i didn't like that comment either was a little annoyed by that..i actually never liked when people ask to bring friends expecting you to bring the party to them or something lol and then bring up a few times where are they etc


but anyway--maybe its just too early anyway?..we haven't seen each other in so long. i guess if he was interested he woudn't have said that unless he was testing me which i doubt.

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However, I don't like his comment about "Next time bring some of your cute friends." I don't think he would say this to you if he was interested in you.


I agree, only a pig would say something like this. He obviously thinks you're ugly. I'd cut him off and never speak to him again.

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lol gese...u think he thinks im ugly by that? i dont think its hidden meaning like im disgusting lol


the others who mentioned i must not want to know..i dont want to be obvious..i treated the situation like he was a friend..if he has a g/f still then he has one..it won't be the end of the world..i have been through much worse..this is nothing.

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I don't know, of course, whether he has a girlfriend or is interested in you... The only way to find that out for sure would be to ask him!


However, based on what you posted here, I had a few thoughts... It seems like he keeps mentioning that you should bring friends, or he's going to bring a friend-- suggesting that it is a group activity. He has not suggested doing anything alone. This doesn't mean anything necessarily. But it could mean that he has a girlfriend and only hangs out with other girls in group settings. I don't think it means he has a girlfriend, because he asked you to bring cute friends (unless he was asking for his friend). But even if he doesn't have a girlfriend, if he was interested in you, asking you to bring cute friends sure is a weird way of showing it...

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if he was interested in you, asking you to bring cute friends sure is a weird way of showing it...


Playing games and inviting you to ask why he doesn't consider you cute? Sorry, he sounds a little immature. Even if he's single - do you want someone like that?


Also - the ugly thing: that would just be my reaction. I'm pretty volatile

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I see what you're saying, but I also agree with what Kishiko is saying...the fact is, both parties are equally responsible when it comes to cheating.
I agree with this - it is not good to be a part of someone cheating.
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maybe its just too early to tell but i really don't think he is with her..something had to have happened..just seems off. But i guess i will find out eventually.


true..we haven't been able to get a drink ourselves or do anything ourselves..maybe he isn't comfortable with it yet since we haven't really hung out in so long

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Just because someone is uncomfortable doesn't justify being rude or misleading which he has been in his texts. How much of this is the challenge/thrill of trying to figure out whether he finds you attractive and is thinking of ending things with his gf so he can be with you?

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there is no thrill with that..for the past couple of years i always sort of liked him but never really had the chance to hang out with him too often and did my own thing of course and remained friends..chances are they will work things out..not the end of the world to me if they do.

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>>u were fine but next time bring your cute friends..


Wow, just wow.... can't get any clearer than that... i don't think he wants to date you, i think he may be looking for new women to date and hoping you know some and can set him up with them.


he let you know pretty clearly he's not interested in dating you (whether he has a GF or not) by asking you to bring your 'cute friends'. I wouldn't think twice about this guy... just forget about him and certainly don't introduce him to any friends.


if he truly is single and interested, he would ask you out on a one on one date and not ask you to bring him other women for him to scope out.

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btw, i think his comment was pretty jerky... this isn't a great guy, so you're missing nothing there by not dating him!


agreed. his comments don't amuse me very much. sounds like a jerk. you're better off without him.


i would have asked while you were getting drinks, "Where's (girlfriend?)" and just seen his response...

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