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Didn't fall asleep until about 5 AM then woke up at 11 AM and I honesty felt better then when I had 12 hours of sleep. My boss happened to text me and asked if I could come in an hour early. Not sure why I said yes but I did, so I went in at 1 instead of 2. Work was okay, not busy, just steady. I even got out an hour early since I went in early so no lost hours.


Let's see...

Breakfast: peanut butter sandwhich with a glass of milk

Dinner: Lean Cuisine and a can of Dr. Pepper

Supper: Checker's (fast food is my witness, hahaha)


God I"m ready for my weekend off. Only work four hours tomorrow and then I'm off. More then anything I'm looking forward to talking to CS for more then an hour at a time via phone....


On a side note as I was pulling in our driveway I saw what I think is one of our outside cats, Lukie, lying in the road. He obviously had been hit by a car. My mom isn't going to go out until the morning (our road is dangerous during the day, let alone at night) and bury him.

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I over ate on Arby's tonight. Uggghhhh. I just HAD to had those 4 extra Mozzerilla sticks.


Made plans with my Uncle and his wife to go visit them Nov 13th for her birthday party. I'll probably have to work the 12th so I may just stay with my best friend the 12th then drive the 45 mins from her house to my uncle's instead of driving two complete hours from my house to my uncle's. Gotta bring a dish and my own beer. I'm thinking the stuff to make Strawberry Daqs.. Mmmmm... been a while since I had those. I also realized it's been almost a year since my ex and I broke up. I can't believe how much has changed in the last year, and all for the better. Best year of my life, easily. I remember when my uncle and his wife threw this party last year I was in the throws of heart ache and drowning myself in Starberry Daqs at the party. This year I'm happily engaged to a wonderful man and going to have actually fun with my physdo family (who love CS as well


I also think I"m losing weight. I had a scrub top that was a L and a tad tight around the stomach. I ended up having to get a XL top. I grabbed the L tonight without realising it and didn't until I had gotten to work then I was like 'wait.. this top isn't tight....' Not sure if I have or not but that thought made my night.

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Pretty sure I'm gonna have to beg for forginess after this. So, I sent CS this link:




I sent it to him thinking oh, he's seen this a million times. Who hasn't, right? Apparently they don't show it in the UK. So my poor unsuspecting fiance opens and views it in the middle of the night and I probably nearly gave him a heart attack. I do love him though.

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This weekend has not been the best. CS has been sick and can barely talk, poor guy, and I have been battling an on and off again headache all weekend. So we have both pretty much been sleeping on opposite schedules the last few days and have only grabbed a few hours to talk. I hate when we don't talk... I hope he gets better soon though, I know he's tired of being sick. I'm not off again until Friday (gah) but at least Tues I work 6-10. Little bit of a break, I suppose.

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Pretty sure I'm gonna have to beg for forginess after this. So, I sent CS this link:




I sent it to him thinking oh, he's seen this a million times. Who hasn't, right? Apparently they don't show it in the UK. So my poor unsuspecting fiance opens and views it in the middle of the night and I probably nearly gave him a heart attack. I do love him though.


roflmao when I first saw the video few years ago I jumped pretty bad. I didn't fall off the chair but close enough haha.


Tyler looks like a tough little fella!

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roflmao when I first saw the video few years ago I jumped pretty bad. I didn't fall off the chair but close enough haha.


Tyler looks like a tough little fella!


Yeah, I viewed it again before sending it and I knew what was coming and it scared me... Karma got me back today though. I was cleaning one of the nurse's bathrooms and they have one of those motion sensored air freshners things. I went to pick it up to clean underneath it and it activiated and sprayed me in the face with a burst of cinnamon. Yeah, I cursed a bit...


He is. I think my sister said he weighs like 12 lbs. 12 oz. at almost 4 months.

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Tyler has been over here all day today. I still had to work from 6-9 (pooy) so mom watched him most of the day but I got some Auntie time in early this morning when he and i both took a nap on the couch. Little bugger is getting big! I"m surprised my sister let him spend the night with us tonight, I'm guessing after almost 3 months she's ready for a break, lol. He's lying on a pillow next to me right now cooing away. I had him smiling and giggling like crazy in my mom's bedroom by rubbing my nose against his and saying 'itty bitty baby'. My mom even got some of it on video. However I think mom has relinguished grandma duty for the night and Aunt OG is in charge for the rest of the night, lol


Work was okay. The girl who works on my days off on Tues. and Fridays showed up (for the third time) getting the schedule mixed up so there were 3 of us there. Naturally she took over the duties I was suppose to do and I was left twiddling my thumbs so I ended up clocking out early. No reason for me to sit around and get in trouble. State finally came, thank God. I have been hearing since May that they were. They should be gone by the weekend.


When I got off work I stopped by Wal Mart to look at their jewelry (since CS and I are getting my temporary e-ring from them). They didn't have the one we had picked out online (drat!) but I saw another one (for cheaper) that I liked. Sods law my phone didn't archive the picture I took of it. Grrrr, maybe I can find it on their website. I also realized I"m not sure if I like the 6 mmm ring. It's just too thick for me, I like the 4mm better but, idk. I also hate my fingers. The promise ring CS bought me is a 7 but the 7 ring i tried on was too small! I think it's the way the ring is made honestly, the size 8 wedding band I tried on to see about thickness fit me better then the 7. Gah.


I'm going to try to work on my story some tonight between watching Tyler and what not but I doubt anything will get done.

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I wish I could sleep normal. Last few days i have been sleeping heavily for 4 hours and then not able to go back to sleep. Needless to say it's been an interesting few days of work. :s Boss asked me to come in an hour early tomorrow and gave me the option to go home at nine or ten. Not sure what I'll do, depends on how I sleep tonight I guess. We have 20 surgeries tomorrow, 20! It's ridiculous...

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I have also realized that increasingly over the last few months I have been using British words more and more. Preparing myself for the move over I suppose. My mom has noticed as well and thinks it's adorable (her exact words mind you). Like just now I was in the kitchen and dropped a spoon and muttered 'oh bugger'. My mom was smiling ear to ear when I raised back up.

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